ITT: Characters that are pure sex

ITT: Characters that are pure sex

I really regret reading that one doujin series about them.

I really regret reading that post

Her sister is the sexiest character.
pic unrelated




Ena a shit. She's a bratty know-it-all.

Someone's going to post it and then the mods will magically appear and everyone will pretend they're doing something time?


How FUKOU DA would Touma be if he walked into that room right then?

Four Leaf Lover? Happy Smile? That one where the SCP Foundation appears out of nowhere?



Miura's sexier though

Absolute Sex




>That one where the SCP Foundation appears out of nowhere?
What the actual fuck?

>pure sex



>not liking Pretty Neighbour

>author now draws railgun manga

all is right with the world



I don't know why but she ticks all my boxes.

for a minute there I thought I read
>pure suplex
that sounds like a better thread
