ITT: webms and pics that makes you hope for the annihilation of mankind
Other urls found in this thread:
what ever happened to that nigger
She is facing charges for attempted murder.
The racist baby had it coming
The entire planet, western society in particular, is hopelessly, extremely degenerate and it must undergo either a massive purge and cleansing, or total destruction.
Sup Forums knows this but they are also struggling between wanting it to all end and wanting to save it.
I have no .webms since it's pointless to try to portray all the degeneracy that exists in 1 or even 300 .webm files.
What's your definition of degeneracy
USA is the womb of world degeneracy
Reported for being a fucking leaf
reported for homophobia
reported for racism
reported for transphobia
thats racist
day of the rake comes sooner every day
you need to see a therapist
wtf McDonalds makes delivers
Around blacks, never relax
Adam and Eve
leaf shaming
fine i'll take the bait, what do you expect the mods to do? this doesn't beak any site rules and will get you banned.
the other day i saw a webm of a gay guy scooping out shit from a portapotty, I stopped watching there as don't want to know what he did with it but that ranks up there.
In areas, yes. I've heard that in Italy they'll even deliver with wine.
>the state or property of being degenerate
>"the ills of society, from sexual degeneracy to political corruption"
>synonyms: corruption, decadence, moral decay, dissipation, dissolution, profligacy, vice, immorality, sin, sinfulness, ungodliness; debauchery; formalturpitude
>what do you expect the mods to do?
make a donation to blm
/r9k/ finally decide to lose virginity to a prostitute
not happening, mods do it for free.
hiro is a jew so that is not happening
I don't even know if you are a legit SJW or your just shit posting
Is there a wine that pairs with Mickey D's? I mean, other than Night Train?
Let it all end in a ball of fire, please do it.
shitposting most likely, some college study on Sup Forums showed that aussies are lacking
>that file name
WTF of my life. I glad that level of degeneracy doesn't exist in my city.
only way to get back at whitey
Shit man, I'm guessing those ordering McD's aren't sommeliers. Probably just some cheap plonk.
>a dry white to compliment my fillet o fish, please
Fucking this.
Did he just drew a black face ? Dat racist you know
This kid will kill himself at 15 years old and the (((media)) will still somehow be like "Whaat went wrong?".
scenes from San Francisco parades thread
How? i only posted a video.
This movie was good desu
>he dindu nuffin, he was going to church
Damn son
Reported for being a Canadian
that muthafucka dead
what kind of pompous alcohol gives a shit about your drinking your stupid grape poison with meat/cheese/bread.
you forgot the
>*smacks lips*
Man, the US is a terrible place to live.
Your children have no clean water, your police brutalizes even the white nurses, while being in the wrong and you don't take care of the basic needs of your sick and homeless.
All pol bullshit aside. Thats geniunely scary.
we should kill all niggers. if digitz YOU MUST BEGIN NOW.
>a fucking leaf
Thats what i hate with these kind of homos.
There are children protesting for your rights to be gay and you can't show them basic decency and be considerade of their age?
Fucking degenerates.
Top thread theme.
Thread theme: youtube.com
Take the Blackpill, Sup Forums
It's just a joke, my heart medication made me do it
Do i even want to know who she is?
is that a shoop?
What, fucking amyl nitrate?
>b-b-but think of the children :(
It is.
The state of their cultural infection.
Superficial, hedonistic, amoral, vacuous hollow
*rubs hands greedily*
how can any german vote for her?
this blows my mind...
pic related
>will soon begin hormone treatment
no wonder brad pitt went nuts, his bio son, his pride, his love, to get his penis snipped...
That's just the tip of the iceberg.
>getting sued over spilling coffee on someone
>police can (and they do) literally rob you of your belongings via civil forfeiture
>lending bail money means the lender is allowed to hunt you down like a dog and kill you (and anyone who they deem a danger to them) in the process across state borders with complete impunity
>people can declare bankruptcy on any other debts except student loans
>in some States, people can pay to stay in private quarters while in prison
That place is a legit 3rd world shithole.
Technically brilliance and social blindness.
this video gave me cancer
Stop this, I don't want to remember.
Story behind this?
That's gonna require some therapy surely
Shiloh is biologically female
>tfw she wanted that EU flag
i stand corrected, you are right
>this entire thread
That's just your average Roma woman
>The flag that represents the country feeding Turks is offensive to the Turks being fed by Germany.
Merkel should hang.