Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Untermenschen Edition

15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english
>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Ignore the shills

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal



Weidel leaves ZDF Debate
Storch vs Bushido
Nigel Farage speech
press conference about islam
Hart aber Fair

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

To prevent election fraud the AfD needs as many Wahlbeobachter as possible.
Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm. You don't need to do anything else.


we need a höcke version of this trump gif

Reminder we are aiming for 20%

>5 years ago the Piratencucks thought they would be the new force in the Bundestag


1st for announcement of multi billion euro Greek bailout after elections!


Spätaussiedler will vote for AfD!

This triggers me. If he realizes that what he proposes would be harmful to the Jews, why is he trying to do it to his own people? Why does he not realize it is harmful to us as well?

fuck merkel and fuck german people



>Björn Höcke was born in Lünen, Westphalia. His grandparents were expelled ethnic Germans
>tfw he got back



Not trying to be a smart cunt. But everywhere I go around Germany has people like this around the train stations.

Is this some sort of movement? Like in the UK they used to have the "New Age Travelers"?


We need a comparable meme... a cockeyed Eagle wouldn't look as aesthetically pleasing though.


Has this cunt been re-elected yet?

Dude, catholicism was shit. Lutheranism allowed Europe to be less stone-agey than Rome wanted us to be

Just ususal leftist Bums/Antifa/punks whatever they call themselves. Basicly drug addicted/alcoholic parasites.

>Auschwitz-Komitee is on fully ANUDDAH SHOAH mode
>meanwhile, Jews in Germany hate open borders and possibly vote AfD

>But everywhere I go around Germany has people like this around the train stations.

12 years of Merkel don't go by without serious effects on the country.

This is one of them.



No, they're just called "Penner", idiot homeless scum.

We call them Zecken. Unemployed beggar Punks. They don't do much except drinking,begging, smelling and being loud aroud train stations.

Remember: 17%.

>G*rman empire
>was founded later than Nicaragua and Argentina



I'd like to sincerely thank you for always and reliably opening new Kraut-Pol threads. Every single one was entertaining. I'm now even thinking of doing "Wahlbeobachtung" tomorrow.

But it's my impression that they are everywhere? Like I must have seen thousands in my trip around Germany. Do they not work?

Sorry, for ignorance. Just these guys all seemed Germans, but were the complete opposite end of the stereotype.

really makes you think... were there jews who voted for the NSDAP ?

She can join my army!

Putin supports the AfD and so should you Ivan

Cheers, for giving me a name.

They are fucking everywhere. Not intimidating or anything, but definitely unpleasant.


>I'm now even thinking of doing Wahlbeobachtung"tomorrow.

Do it! We need as many Wahlbeobachter as possible.

That image was proven to be fake.

There were people with Jewish blood IN the NSDAP.

>I'm now even thinking of doing "Wahlbeobachtung" tomorrow.

Do it, faggot!

If it's not us, who will it be? Do it, I'll do as well.

meant for

Germany has a real homeless problem. They exist because they are tolerated. Now more and more bums from other countries from all over europe come here to live on our streets because they can drink and beg here which is prohibited in their homelands.

Report Fake News
>any news against Merkel is Fake News
>report it now

>import more and more people who hate our society, our culture, our history
>who are intolerant to women, minorities, different sexualities, jews
>society keeps getting worse and worse
open borders are a scam, I always feel disgust when I remember all those Bahnhofsklatscher.

so why do you guys vote AFD ? arent you concerned you are voting neo-nazis and other right wing extremists into our bundestag ?

does AFD have enough Wahlbeobachter? My city is not liberal but there are leftist student infested cities in my Wahlbezirk. I'm worried that they will manipulate the vote.

He supports SPD

vote for Europakanzler Schulz


Less taxes and less migrants


Vote near the deadline and stay for the counting.

For sure. I was on a platform in Koln HBf. and I was the only European I saw out of approx. 100 people.

The migration challenge is no meme.

>has anything to do with the SPD

russian education


FDP Christian "2 euro" Lindner is living the 'Kontrollverlust'

> arent you concerned you are voting neo-nazis and other right wing extremists into our bundestag ?

Why would I be?


How is this news against Merkel?
It was proven to be fake by several users and you can look it up as well.
This image was mostly a smear campaign against the AfD and not against Merkl you idiot.

>why do you guys vote AFD
>you are voting neo-nazis and other right wing extremists into our bundestag

You just answered your own question.



Freue mich schon auf die Schlagzeilen... AfD unter 8%... man wird sich ewig über euch OSSI-SCHUCHTELN lustig machen, auch wenn die AfD schon längst wieder tot ist, wie die Piraten :)

so you honestly think having nazis in the bundestag is a good thing ? you dont even deny that they are nazis ?

>does AFD have enough Wahlbeobachter?

There can't be enough of them.

When we hear messages about "overcrowed voting booths all over Germany" tomorrow we know we got enough Wahlbeobachter.

>jews are now in favor of right wing nationalism
Wew lad this world has gone mad.

Am I missing the 'paid content' indication?

We want a lawful state back, law and order





how can you be so cucked lmao.

>1980s ....



Go back to /r/de



Bernd Höcke is a kek




I was in the past, in the Kinder- und Jugendrat and i want to go back into Politics.
Is there a Youthparty that is worth joining?
If so, do you have experience with the kind of People, who are in it?

Untermenschen more like Übermenschen

Calm down user, we are on the same side. I used your "fake news" reference to post a meme of my own about fake news. Was not intending to trigger anyone

The AfD relies on YOU to do this. Every Wahllokal in Germany needs one, ideally. The AfD themselves doesn't have the manpower to somehow send some "official" Wahlbeobachter to the tens of thousands of polling stations.

Vote AfD, for the German doggos!

Wir werden wieder eine Mauer bauen und euch Ossi-Ronnys aus dem Land schmeißen!

>"Es muss doch auch mal erlaubt sein über die Wiedereingliederung legitimer Gebiete des Deutschen Reiches sprechen zu dürfen"

Junge Alternative is good. There seem to be few Sup Forums memsters in it but the facebook page isn't 1488 at the least.

Anyone seen this Ayy?

>0 shitskin
>0 shitskin
>2 shitskins
>1 shitskin

look I dont know anything about politics apart from the stuff I see on the heute show. yesterday I talked to my gf and she honestly said she was gonna vote AFD because she doesnt want to pay for "disgusting refugees". I mean I wont break up with her over it but it was unexpected, she is a cute short blonde girl. I wouldve never expected this.

I mean dont AFD voters care about the people dying because we dont let them in ? Sure we should defeat ISIS and make them go back afterwards but in the meantime why cant they be here ?

The Jewish parasite is just mad that he now has to share gibs with another parasite in their host nation and should both parasites meet, the Jew loses. What we need is surgical removal of both, they are parasites after all.

Hi Vladimir, up to your old tricks again? Stop meddling in our election!

Though, Buzzfeed should screenshot this post and break the story of how Russian hackers try to influence the elections for the SPD.


Ich hoffe mit der AfD wird Pommern und Co. bis 2040 wieder Deutsch


not sure if trolling or not but 95 % of these so called "refugees" are coming from north africa. They are economic migrants and nothing more. They all need to go back and the AfD is the only party that wants to enforce the law of our country which Merkel broke