Sex dolls are outlaw already!!!
Sex dolls are outlaw already!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
>former school governor
>child sex dolls
no doubt he did the real thing if he had access and that disgusting proclivity, funny how it takes him ordering a sex doll for him to get prosecuted though, normally the police protects it's child abusers if they are public servants.
>be pedo working at school
>resist temptations for decades and lead a good life
>the age of doll/robo waifus has arrived
>finally, you get to experience tight cunny
>get arrested before even getting to fug the doll
> 72
He probably can't even get an erection or run after kids
Leave him alone ffs
Rory Tingle? Really?
On the one hand, I like seeing people upset about something that literally doesn't matter, but on the other people who buy sex dolls should probably be shamed.
>72 year old with both an ageplay and giantess fetish
Dam nigga bet he's the kind who starts threads daily on /d/
so they would prefer he rape a child
He would get less time if he molested a kid.
and convert to Islam?
Oh God I hate this world, the fucking kikes have ruined it.
>On the one hand, I like seeing people upset about something that literally doesn't matter, but on the other people who buy sex dolls should probably be shamed.
To be honest if people aren't gonna shame sluts and Jews who promote promiscuity/feminism then may as well not shame anything to cut down on the hypocrisy.
This is why the whole, "Do anything you want as long as it's not illegal/hurting other's" line of thinking is a fallacy. You have to be accepting of literally anything in that category otherwise the whole thing falls apart.
Nah. They should give them a free 10/10 escort and if they dont like the escort then it's obvious they are a kiddy fucker.
Everyone has sexual needs, you just cant spawn a women out of the blue everytime you need to nut.
>Analysis of his computer, tablets, external hard drives and pen drives revealed he had also downloaded over 34,000 indecent images of children.
man i'd be less embarrassed for humanity if the guy was caught shagging kids. morals and ethics aside, the mere concept of sex dolls is just cringeworthy
Nothing happened until he ordered the doll
Investigation started only because of the doll
so finally you italians will stop being sexual tourists and traveling the world begging sex from the locals.
*I hope sex dolls become accepted and available, so..
>be in your last days, 72 years old
>no longer have any sexual desires let alone get erections
>wife passed away, family doesnt call you anymore
>you remember the happiest days of your life were when you raised your daughter
>you used to watch her play in the yard together with your wife, you called her your little princess
>so stricken with grief and lonliness that you buy a realistic doll
>customize it so it looks like your daughter
>the day is here, it should arrive soon, have the tea set laid out so you can imagine its the good old days
>package intercepted by the police's mail inspection unit
>they rip open the package, photograph the doll, dox you and leak your information to the media
>you get sentenced to jail for a year, you will probably die there
>picture plastered everywhere online and you get labeled as a pedophile deviant
>police toast to a job well done, while ignoring over 4,000 claims of sexual abuse from Muslim rape gangs
>Thought crimes
The UK is literally some 1984 police state minority report tier shithole
>CHILD sex dolls are banned
not all sex dolls.
to add:
if you are fucking a child sex doll then you must find the body of a child sexually attractive which makes you a danger to real children. so is anyone surprised that this 72 year old covert pedo is jailed.
It's just plastic you bloody wanker
Convert to Islam, the UK won't do anything then
he finds the plastic form of a child sexually attractive... that means that he finds children sexually attractive and that's a problem.
>ordering obscene item
>People should go to jail for doing morally neutral things that I find distasteful
Are those actual pictures or Loli?
>doesn't even say porn, meaning it probably wasn't
so people should go to jail for thought crime?
>he finds the plastic form of a child sexually attractive... that means that he finds children sexually attractive and that's a problem.
oh my god you fuckers are 1984ed already
>ordering obscene items is now illegal
bye furry, bsdm, weebs and other various subcultures
*Asian rape gangs
Bin that noun m8
The 1m tall sex dolls are cheaper in price and shipping. Being jailed for 16 months for fucking a non-biological object should not happen, but hey, it's the UK. You Brits are cucked as shit.
he's not thinking about fucking a child. he is having sex with a physical effigy of a child, what part of this is hard to wrap your pedophelic heads around?
Here is a picture of him.
lol child ones being outlawed is good thing lmao. Child sex dolls are not OK OP
But what if he only interested in plastic.
Like, for example, some anons who only interested in 2d?
>he's not thinking about fucking a child
and he's not fucking a child either
I like this.
so not child
I wonder if he could say the sex doll is actually a 1000 year old vampire and get away with it.
>16 months
are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck is wrong with this place?
Not sure how you think the distinction matters.
If some pedo fag fucks a really small/tight fleshlight and imagines he's fucking a little boy or girl or something, is that somehow "less bad" than a doll? Neither of them are a real actual thing, and the intent is the exact same. So I'm not sure why 1 guy carrying out his perverse fantasies on a smaller piece of plastic is somehow not as bad.
so if i crafted the effigy of a woman, drilled a hole in its head, started skull fucking it then ate it, you wouldn't find it a tad bit unusual behaviour for a mentally sound human to partake in?
>so if i crafted the effigy of a woman, drilled a hole in its head, started skull fucking it then ate it, you wouldn't find it a tad bit unusual behaviour for a mentally sound human to partake in?
how cucked is bongland when a glorified fleshlight will get you thrown into the slammer?
Obviously it's weird. But I don't put people in cages for being weird.
>you wouldn't find it a tad bit unusual behaviour
Unusual behavior shouldn't be illegal if nobody is being harmed, you kike.
but what if he's not only interesting it plastic.... the disadvantages of just giving him the benefit of the doubt outweigh the advantages.
Reminder that the guy had 34.000 CP pics on his computer and he plead guilty, the doll was just lumped in there. If it had been the doll alone it would have been another story
If someone burns a barbie doll, are they basically a murderer? What about a life size barbie doll? Are we going to send people to jail for shredding mannequins?
I'm not saying you have to like these people, but there's a difference between someone being deranged and someone committing a crime. They're deranged sickos, but they're not criminals, as it's a bit silly to jail people for fucking or hurting plastic.
Yeah but unusual behavior isn't illegal.
Funny. Everyone is so wrapped up in this sex doll business. Hell, these sex dolls are more "alive" than 80% of the women you will have sex with in real life.
>34.000 CP pics on his computer
Ok, the 16 months sentence makes sense now.
Says who? Clearly it is, and in many countries world wide. Fucking a corpse is surely unusual and illegal.
does a barbie doll have the exact proportions of a human? a barbie doll is so different physically it wouldn't be considered a human, it is so removed in most peoples eyes.
that actually happens. its called a mental institute or rehab. if anything, this old coot should be committed and reformed to not find children attractive. better to help someone with their problem then shut them away and ignore them.
all of the paedophiles and paedophile sympathisers in this thread is sickening. defending him because "it's just a doll", "he wouldn't really do it in person"... yet he is found to have real CP images and therefore real children have been abused to obtain those images and him viewing and wanting more is causing even more children to enter the circle of abuse.
34.000 CP pics, admitted that some of them involved himself. The fact he pleaded guilty to these charges and that the doll was obscene is easy to challenge because of the context. Had it been a case of a totally clean guy it would have been tougher to defend
Do you also believe in Gay Conversion therapy? lmao
Jesus Christ, Sup Forums spends half it's time bitching about dishonest media and the other half believing every turd they shit out.
Fucker should be locked up until he dies.
you country is going into the toilet you fucking retard. it's plastic. if anything the idea is when they get the toys they wouldn't go molest kids. sitting in prison for 12 months on stupid charges won't make stop having the desires to rape a little kid. if anything they'l just go do it now cause they can't release their stress with the doll
porn has PROVEN fucking PROVEN to help make sure men aren't raping women. if men can jerk off then they won't go rape some lady. if they can't jerk off they're gonna just get so horny they decide to go rape somebody. this is fact and you're just a fucking retard drinkng the dyke feminist kool-aid
so, 0?
I think the key word here is "child"
I agree the doll is fine but (citation needed).
having a doll != having cp
One is wrong - the other isn't. One has victims - the other doesn't. Don't conflate this shit you fucking authoritarian.
dumb ass. nobody is talking about necrophilia the act of having sex with a human corpse. it's a fucking human corpse and not a doll that's the difference moron
>do something
>invent laws on the spot afterwards
>"You're guilty of breaking the law that never existed!"
Britain is saved.
running around naked, screaming and throwing your own shit you pulled out your arsehole is unusual behaviour that would likely end up with you in a mental institution, so while unusual behaviour may not be illegal per se, it still has repercussions
He literally had tons CP.
If you're a pedo, stop looking at porn and sort yourself out.
t. former pedo
stop touching your dick for 2 weeks and suddenly fat ugly women start looking attractive. you can test this shit out yourself. when men can't release their stress they go find illegal ways to do it.
this is like saying if you shoot somebody in video games then you're gonna go become a mass murder so we need to ban video games
"Authorities have seized 123 dolls from 120 individuals since March 2016."
Better start stockpiling boys. Supply and demand.
He had CP, pleaded guilty to creating CP and had the doll.
>t. former pedo
no such thing
no because fucking another dude isnt illegal. no point in that. if someone is fucking a child doll, theres a possibility, a slight one, that he may find children attractive which means he might want to have sexual relationships with children. better to nip a problem at the bud before it grows into a big problem.
pedo dolls is competitor business to the police's bio pedo business. They have to destroy it b4 it ever gets going.
That's the kind of mental gymnastis libs do, are you a fag? You said unusual behavior wasn't illegal, I pointed out that it is.
If he is convicted report homosexual dildoes, fursuits, strapons, BDSM gear, and the complete inventory of all previous Gay Pride Parades immediately, and use his case as a precedent.
Come on, at least one you fags must have legal connections.
this is probably karma for anglos fucking over the world so much they're gonna turn into a shithole and go extinct. couldn't have happened to more deserving people. fucking wankers
Haven't been attracted to kids in almost a decade, but feel free to tell me more about myself if it fits with your conformation bias.
>muhh obscene
puritanists are so fucking unbearable
How is this 1984?
The man sounds like a degenerate anyway, so good riddance.
It's about time we tackle this post modern world of porn addictions, prostitution, degrading reality tv, slut culture, and instagram whores
I'm pretty sure pol's favourite historical leaders would ban the same shit.
Would making your own from scratch be illegal?
And he should go to jail for the CP. The Doll shouldn't go into the equation.
>potato nigger
Checks out.
what goes around comes around. My karma is cleansed.
no you didn't you fucking dumb motherfucker. the guy said if he made a created object and did obscene stuff to it it'd be strange
you said IF YOU FUCK A HUMAN CORPSE IT'S ILLEGAL. whether you're alive or dead people don't have the right to desecrate your corpse you fucking loony.
a doll isn't a human corpse you demented freak. this doll is like arguing people shouldn't play first person shooters cause it'll make them into killers. you're a dumb fuck.
if fucking this doll makes you rape kids then shooting people on the screen makes you a serial murder. OH WAIT! IT DOESN'T! kys
Context matters when it comes to legal issues
Turns out this guy also had actual child pornographic photos in his possession also. Misleading headline.
it just shows you how infantile society is, and how disgusting they are
if the world wants to know, the next Einstein hasnt participated in the current body of world knowledge, its because we dont want to contribute to the cucks success, and would rather die with our knowledge, or give it away to the "enemy"
Ive never heard of plastic needing to go for psychotherapy
The moral status is irrelevant to the question wether Conversion Therapy works or not. If you can't change the orientation of gays, why would it be different for pedos?
>I don't like how your piece of plastic was molded. Therefore it should be banned
Statists will defend this
>school governor
What even is that?
Shame this sick fuck worked with children for so long, though.
You casually forgot to mention the HORRIFIC BETRAYAL.
he would have been nutting inside kids his whole life while paying due cash to the pedo police. Its only when he tried to get 'out' did the pedo gangs get him.
>Rory Tingle
Off this one evidence, it might just be a fictional scare story placed in the media to warn all pedos them not try get 'out' via using pedo dolls. or it might be a false name for a real person
He should argue that the doll is meant to be a midget not a child or that he has a fantasy of being a giant.
lmao, UK literally is more oppressive than Turkey now
You have zero morale high ground to stand on here fag, you're arguing for a pedo to be able to fuck a child doll lol. Your inferiour, probably because of your brown skin, brain has yet to respond to the argument. You said unusual behavior isn't illegal. I pointed out a pretty fucking unusual behavior that is illegal. Masturbating in public is illegal. Some places drinking in public is illegal. So clearly what a place has defined as unusual behavior can be illegal.