What happened Sweden?
What happened Sweden?
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Peter the Great.
They never recovered.
Why didn't protestant Jesus help Sweden destroy slavic subhuman pagans?
unironically capitalism.
Gå och lägg dig sossesvin
What happened was pm Olof Palmes 1975 immigration directive to push for non-white mass migration into Sweden, and ofc it was all promoted by (((them))).
a free market economy has by definition an open border.
>After the sudden death of King Charles XII in Norway it fell on Lieutenant General Carl Gustaf Armfeldt to lead the remaining 5800 soldiers back to Sweden. When they tried to cross the mountain Öjfjället the army was caught by a blizzard. In this disaster, known as the "Carolean Death March" (Karolinernas dödsmarsch), 3700 men froze to death.
Just light a fire? Are Swedes dumb?
Han har rätt dock. Välståndet från kapitalism är vad som har tillåtit den svenske, och mer generellt den europeiske, mannen att bli svag. Sossar är i praktiken nyliberaler med extra fokus på gibs.
Why? You wanna trade humans? KEK
Russian Church under Peter the Great was pretty close to becoming protestant. The man told the clergy that he just doesn't give a fuck about the patriarch, it was ruled by a bunch of appointed bureaucrats until 1917.
Socialism. Sweden was the most prosperous country in Europe before Socialism. They can thank Olof Palme.
wtf I love the good protestant Tsar Peter now?!
Are you actually retarded?
Hello, goy.
Kina och Japan har ett bättre välstånd än oss och dem har inte blivit syltryggar. Det som gjort oss svaga är bidragssystemen och pappa staten.
They thought they could compete with the russians and were horribly mistaken
>What happened?
peasants were given the right to vote after the nobility decided it was a dumb idea to incorporate lesser races into greater sweden via wars and instead settled for isolationist meritocracy like switzerland, the peasants voting for socialism and niggerdom being the problem
Rus'land is Swedish land.
theyre alpha kings lead their men into battle and died childless, same as every other once great nation. Hes that guys actual uniform
Victory really does defeat you.
Sure thing, but will you be happy of it? Will Russia be part of Sweden or will you end up being part of Russia like our agressive neighbours used to end?
How come you ignored the rest of the free market stuff. Open boarders a d massive entitlements means free loaders.
Och anledningen till att staten kunnat underhålla dessa bidragssystemen är på grund av hur rikt Sverige blev till följd av fri handel medans resten av Europa var upptagna med att döda varandra. Med ankomsten av de nya """svenskarna""" skall nog Sverige få smaka lite på de konflikter som vi allt för länge har undvikit, och vi blir då förhoppningsvis av med de morala och sociala problem vårat samhälle nu lider av.
A long period of peace and prosperity, making Swedes take their guards down followed by Jewish infiltration together with this guy:
Verkar som att jag är spirituell sandmänniska.
The POS in my previous post expanded Swedish government making it a way to employ women, turning them into man-hanting feminists. With to many women having way to much power their tiny female brains couldn't handle, Sweden started it's descend into the abyss.
If Sweden is ever to recover we need to to put women in place as one of the first priorities.
>american education as usual
Do you really a small fucking fire would help in a winter storm when you also barely have any good winter clothes? fucking retard amerimutts
Social Democracy isnt socialism thought you amerimutt. And Sweden was still social democratic before Palme retarded amerimutt
>not taking winter clothes with you in winter
Jesus Christ, Sweden.
Do you think if Sweden took part in any world wars it would be better today?
ok I got baited.
That afternoon the storm broke out, a violent northwest wind that swirled up the light snow. With poor visibility and biting cold, they were forced to camp on the north side of Öjfjället at Essandsjön. They tried to light up fire and burn firewoods and sledges, which only gave short heat. An estimated 200 people froze this first night.
The next day the storm continued, and the backbreak became completely chaotic. The majority of the troops reached the border and camped at Enan. They hit holes in the ice at Enan to see what direction the water was flowing - that way was the rescue. The huge maneuver continued, the horses dropped and all the equipment had to be left on the mountain. The storm continued on the third day, January 3, at the same time, the first troops with Armfeldt headed to Handöl, which at that time consisted of only three farms. The majority of the survivors arrived at Handöl on 4 and 5 January. Around 3000 people were killed in the fjord. On the further journey down to Duved, where accommodation was arranged for the soldiers, an additional 700 people were still living. Of the survivors about 2100 soldiers, about 600 were invalidated for the rest of their lives.
The Karolin monument from 1892, a memorial of the dumped Carolines located about five kilometers west of Duved.
Norwegian farmers could provide equipment such as rifles and wagons during the spring. In fact, predators like wolves and foxes could chill in horse and human meat and therefore there were more of these predators than usual in the following years.
Swedes wouldn't have been fully so out of touch with reality if family histories were filled with stories about member lost to brutal warfare in a bad world.
>In fact, predators like wolves and foxes could chill in horse and human meat and therefore there were more of these predators than usual in the following years.
That's pretty grim.
The Temperance movement came with Swedish emigrants returning from Clapistan.
I can't think of any other one country that was captured by the absolutists.
Wrong word, I meant teetotalers.
World War 2 happened.
>sell iron to Germany
>immdietally after help jews
>"we're nootroool"