Why do guys like Love Live! so much? I've yet to meet a male anime watcher that doesn't _fap to it

Why do guys like Love Live! so much? I've yet to meet a male anime watcher that doesn't _fap to it.

Other urls found in this thread:


- Fantastic music
- Charming and lovable characters full of life and vigor
- Lovely artwork
- A labor of love full of heart, spirit, and style
- Great comedy

Cute characters who make cute faces to use as reaction images and catchy songs.

Around 50% of LL fans are female, so the real question you should be asking here is "Why does everyone seem to like Love Live! so much?"

The answer to that question is obvious: Rin.

cute girls doing cute things in this case idol things

Rin a shit.

Wow. Rude much?

Love Live looks like shit, would not fap. None of the girls are attractive.

Kay, that's one less degenerate fapping to mai waifu.

Because my wife is in it.

I just followed the mass hype, but the fap and Nico keep me going until the end of S2.. .

>That pic
Hoo boy
Are you ready LLfags

I like the girls and some of the songs.

That Nico Nico thing was the biggest fanservice to NND users isn't?

Holy shit.

That's better than the original. Also Nico is shit.

i watch it to worship and sacrifice to nico, and fap to all the other girls

angering waifufags by fapping to their wives is a just bonus

I didn't like it until I started playing that shitty mobage.

Now I kinda like the songs and most of the girls, please kill me.


That turns out alright in the end because Nico is the most fapped raibu by nips anyways.

Pretty much happened to me. Didn't care about Love Live but I thought Nozomi and Nico seemed cute. I played the game and I didn't care for the songs they gave you until I saw the B-side and played Soldier Game.

>implying i don't offer up my semen to nico more than anyone else

You sure im@s doesn't do this better?


Honestly that's not as bad as I'd expect it to be.

imas is shit

>I've yet to meet a male anime watcher that doesn't _fap to it.

Erica is a blessing

Why did that sound so threatening?

Hello, outlier. I guess you're dickless?

I have only ever fapped to Mimorin.

>Always think Hanayo is shit and worst girl
>End up seeing the light and realise she's top 3

Why is Hanayo so cute?

Who are your other top 2? I want to check if you're insane or not.

Nico #1
Nozomi #2
Hanayo #3

It's an entry-level moe show for "Im so ANIME notice me sempai!!! xDD" posers. The show itself isn't completely terrible, but the fanbase absolutely does not belong here.

I figured you might say Nozomi but I didn't expect Nico. I guess you pass. If it were Eli or Kotori then you'd just be a high-testfag.

wow, sorry we intruded on your MATURE anime for ADULTS such as yourself and hipster moe which you will only watch if it bombed so badly they cancelled it mid-season

I swear Love Live really only got popular because SEGA pumped so fucking much money into it until it became successful.

Don't agree with me? I don't know what Akihabara looks like today but if you were there around summer last year then you know what I'm talking about.

I like both ends of the spectrum, I simultaneously want to lick Nico's flat chest and rest my head in between Nozomi's big tits.

Because waifus, music, and comedy

What is SEGA's involvement? I thought it was a partnership between Dengeki G's, Lantis, and Sunrise.

Where's Nico?

>Do two 11+1 BiBi only scouts yesterday
>Just get 3 SR's from them

How the shit do I get more UR's, this game is clearly fixed.

Thank you for proving my point for me.

You need to offer 100% of your semen to your best girl and make sure that your team is full of your best girl and only then will she bless you with a UR

>They dubbed this scene in my local language

>fapped to mimorin
I know how you feel

It's not a Nico without the twintails

>Rin kissing a boy
What the hell, they're supossed to be all lesbians