Football is dead

Football is dead.

Make way for PROTESTBALL!!!

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please god, don't let baseball turn into this shit.

niggers in the nfl think they are anything more than modern gladiators.

haha they bite the hand that feeds.

>have told me

at 35 now.

pol shook af

What would happen if they were all fired without fanfare.

This is a big reason why the NFL is haemorrhaging viewers , people don't want to tune in and be told by people far better off than they are that they're assholes.

Maybe muricans will finally have some worthwhile sports now.

how to get niggers to protest NASCAR so we can get F1 installed as our national motorsport?
need russian spy help plz

Whites/Asians/Cubans will not pull this shit. Few baseball players are black Americans. Black Americans are the whiniest most entitled people on the planet.

Good luck doing that in front of half empty stands.

kek the nigger pets of the Jews is impacting on the kikes profits. Pretty funny

I really hope so. baseball is the only sport that I enjoy watching. I feel like they wouldn't put up with that shit

Come home white man, hockey and nascar is here for you

I used to be a footballer like you, until...

Fucking do it. Please do it.
>not lusting for the death of sportsball

Who cares I stopped watching the nigger felon league years ago

sports fans/tailgaters are all sub-80 iq, 300 lb, inbred, rednecks.

fuck them and the niggers they're fans of.

hopefully virtual reality will take hold soon, so i dont have to see this trash in public anymore.

Ratings just dropped 10 more points!

>ratings and profits decline
>niggers get pay cuts to play a kids game

niggers are so dumb they are shooting themselves in the foot

Do it faggets. It's like they intentionally want to destroy the sport and make people stop watching it. Let's laugh as their ratings continue to plummet.

Trump is playing them for fools, and the proof is in how much their ratings continue to fall

thank god there's like 4 black people in hockey. I'd hate to see this shit before a game.

Found the weakling

I hope they're booed off the field and the fans throw trash and spit on them

This is fantastic, I genuinely hope ALL blacks join.

If you watch nigger smash instead of the Aryan man's sport (Hockey) you deserve it.

nobody watches baseball so it wouldnt matter

> retarded nigger ventures out of Sup Forums

>NFL digging its own grave

love it

Handegg should just be outright banned for safety violations. It's nothing but a violent, savage sport only nignogs play.
Baseball was always the better of the two anyways.

There's no downside to it. Everyone will hate the players and football takes a massive hit.

Watching football is the most cucked thing you can possibly do.

Every white guy I know that watches football wants a nigger to fuck their wife.

>going to the Saints Panthers game tomorrow

ruh roh

you mean handegg


wait, are they doing this just before the game or during it? are people just gonna be turning over the possession after the 4th down?

I hope they start twerking on the flag and chimp out some more

This is false though unless northerners are some how poorer and dumber than people from south Louisiana

baseball players just want to tell you about mexican jesus

More people watch baseball than any other sport in america. College football being a close second.

Baseball is for Jews, right?

>yfw new CBA in a few years prohibits any type of on-field protest

If the ratings and shit continue to go down, it's going to happen.

>NFL tickets fall to 5 dollars each
>they still won't sell out
>games will be blacked out nationwide due to league rules
>broadcast and sports networks implode
>high end shoe brands come down in price because no famous athletes to endorse them

This cant be real. But we should still spread it


Hope it dies totally. People worship this shitty fucking sport way too much.

lol. it's just while the anthem is playing. who fucking cares. i wouldn't give these chimps any news coverage--it would make it a total non-issue.

nobody outside usa gives a fuck about football

also, football and soccer are two of the biggest scams on earth

Good and you can add me to the dozens of people who are deciding to stop watching or spending money on NFL merch.

When does the next contract negotiations occur with the player's association? This is going to come up. The reason you don't see this in basketball where it would definitely be rampant, for instance, is because there are rules set in place against any of it during the games (so when Lebron wore his BLM shirt in pre-practice it was fine, but when practice time officially began and in the interviews after, he wasn't allowed to display it. (this was just an extention of the players losing a LOT of flex after the ron artest fight happened).

A great way of de-niggerization of sports. Everyone with a spect of patriotism will be sick of these niggers, the leftists and the jews that hold the leash
>wtf i love leftist now?

baseball is far more entertaining to me than football. I think it's mostly because I played baseball and understand the plays happening and the situations. But football is just a mess of shit, just tossing it to whoever is open then watch them chase eachother around.

I've never heard anything like that before.

I hope apeball players keep protesting more and more and keep trying to peddle their petty politics in a sport where most of the fanbase is white working class males.

I'm sure it'll turn out well for them.

They want it to be a big news issue, so it'll get covered. Especially when Trump threatens, that just emboldens them further.

I'd rather the touring car championships get bigger, F1 is trash anymore

what do those niggers want exactly?

explain this in more detail. how does the NBA have a better hold on their players? What what the ron artest fight?

>be American black
>have the highest standards of living of any black person in the planet
>whites create countless programs that put you and your kind over them (affirmative action, diversity hires, diversity visas etc)
>68% of interracial murders have black perpetrators and white victims
>90% of blacks getting murdered are killed by other blacks
>even though there's mass incarceration rates amongst your kind this is because your people commit several times more crimes than any other ethnic group combined.
>the media and corporations cater to you massively, if they do anything considered remotely offensive by one of your people they can get massive lawsuits, they just listen yo your every need
>the presence of your kind in the country is a literal tax drain, but whitey doesn't cares and still pays for your existence

>somehow after all that still complain to whitey because you want more

And what do they hope will come of this?
Maybe we should remove all police presence from Black communities?

they already did this during the first 2 weeks and basically nobody cared.

I like how this white man is commanding over the blacks.

Someone post that image of him topless.

Benefits of white institutions without white people

>modern gladiators
not even close to a gladiator because they don't have skills useful for real battle

>talcum x


You have to wonder what they're trying to achieve. I mean, are they going to stop when police officers stop shooting violent criminals?

football players are an excuse for gay men to get aroused with muscular males, hiding their homosexuality

That's what trump wants. He knows that will upset them even more. Trump hates the NFL anyways because of the football league that he owned or some shit back in the day. Maybe the NFL will get devalued, and Trump will buy it and make trillions off of it

So a boycott of any advertisers that don't pull out of the broadcasts?

>NFLPA isn't the worst union in all pro sports

It's up in 2020. The TV contracts come up in 2020.

Fuck off, they will still play ball. Are you seriously so ass hurt that you consider a sport dead over standing still and raising a fist?

Ron Artest fought a fan in 2004, which led to a lot of rule changes to reign in what the players were allowed to get away with. The main point was that they didn't want their image to go down under the pretenses that they had a bunch of apes out on the field that were going to thug it up if they could. Things like standing and lining up respectfully were always in the rules and were enforced, they just did what they could to reign in any other aggrandizing behavior while they had the opportunity.

Americans are fucking children

dude i turned on the watch a football game the other day and i saw nothing but mens asses in tights

thats all it is

I'm gonna watch still because my favorite team's name is racist and nobody on it takes a knee.

Literally everything, it's impossible to satisfy them.
Even if every single white send all their money and belongings to every black making all of them millionaires they would still complain.
Seriously there's nothing that can satisfy them.

Just tell them to fuck off

found the retarded, disgusting, trash.

again, fuck you and your kind. this type of wal-mart shopping, obese, middle aged, alcoholic white person needs to be exterminated before anyone else, if we want true purity.

*TV contracts are 2022

It's getting to the point where everything is political. You can't escape from it anymore and people in the middle who just want to relax and escape from it all are starting to lose avenues for that. If you want people to take up arms just make them uncomfortable and bored. That's all it takes.

the only thing this will do is annoy fans. its funny how they probably think they're changing the world.

>hurr I watch big strong men play game
>it mean I big man too
>weakling man no watch big strong man

We should really push this protest message further. Let's shut down niggerball and bankrupt the filthy Jews running it.

These men are so brave willing to raise a fist for 2 minutes! Must be difficult being a black millionaire. I'm sure they can relate to the people there pretending to care about.

We delivered them in Africa beautiful nations with the rule of law, shelter, running farms etc. They complained about whitey, killed/raped the farmers, looted/destroyed the building and now continue to blame their problems on whitey.

Blacks are incapable of taking responsibility.

Professional sports....fucking disgusting
Over grown manbabies getting paid way WAY to much New gold for playing a children's game.
>muh skills, you can't do it!!!!
Next you will tell me growing a nu-beard is a skill. And that vidya gaymes are a skill. Skill is yet another wjird watered down by the leftist commie scum. Just like John mccancer and the words hero. How is he a hero for getting captured and enduring torture. That's not heroic. Participating is not heroic.
Manbaby sports cucks habe no skills and are worthless shit sacks in real life.
If you watch sports you are a nu-male

I guess Trump had something to do with it.

I recently read an article written by a baseball mom about how right wing baseball is.

All those kids leagues are full of conservative parents, and baseball teaches individual performance, the opposite of lefty politics

Look at the blacks commenting this video , sad


one of the niggers that just got hired tweeted that Trump didn't have any business talking about football

I'm sure Synder doesn't want this to be an issue because it will just increase the calls to change the name

owners shitting themselves and preparing for the worst financial season of their lives inc

cool, thanks for the info. Yeah, I don't want baseball to follow the NFL, I want them to stay classy.

Well we just kicked the NFL out of San Diego and the NFL is losing viewers nationwide.
You might as well put nails in the coffin.

So the SJWs are taking football away now, huh?

when you hate america but love americabux

haha yeah dude how dare people have non-degenerate fun as a community together?

KYS nigger

Free shit, like always. They already get paid millions to play a fucking game and it still isn't enough.

Can they just stop paying the anthem at the start of games? What is even the point? Especially if they are just going to disrespect it.

Does anyone here actually think that niggers are really talking to the white guy who pretended to be a nigger so he could try to take over the NAACP?

Unironically, the one area where the leafs aren't cucked yet burgers are JUSTed.

I hope they ban all sport so whites can focus on the real tribalism / battle going on. Sports are a distraction.

pretty sure Hitler would disagree with you. He loved sports

Why are they changing cvcks to keks?
When did this happen?