Which One?

Which One?

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It's 1984 now and forever whether you like it or not.



there it is

what does 1776 stand for?


murrican independence. 1488 is the superior choice and i say this as an american. voting is the gayest shit



>just let the government do whatever it wants and it wont be corrupted or act against the peoples interests like every single instance in human history

1776 easily. 1488 is autism.

By today's standards, the Founding Fathers were all virtually Nazis anyway, so why not both?

glad some people get it.

Why do the 88ers unironically seem to think tethering themselves to an objective loser who divided white people is a good idea?

This. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

>love this picture; not sure why

Why is first post always best post?

This. Imagine a white nation with true liberty resurging in this time. It'd be incredible. 1488 is the fallback if violence becomes necessary.

1488. Why is this a question?

>he thinks votes stop that

Are you new? If so, how new?

>free white men of good character
They're the same.

your digits betray you.
>acting against the people's interest
the people literally never know whats good for them. that''s why democracy is exclusively comprised of a cunning few effectively bribing the masses.

We are breaking barriers here, gentlemen

nope, 1776 came with the jewish slave trade


You should be purged for treason.


>This bong thinks it's it's votes and not bullets that prevent that.

race>picking meme candidates. democracy failed white men so it must be discarded.

no, that doesn't even make sense. what would the 17 represent? you're a fucking idiot

Yep, straight treason.

These are not mutually exclusive. The founding fathers were white nationalists. We will need each other.

no, we only let white men vote

Lol 1776 brought us to where we are

both of them have significance in the occult code that the masons use. Freemasons founded america and 1776.

I wonder what they mean by "one nation under God" when they are the ones who were adamant about the separation of Church and state. I wonder which God they're talking about when they say that...


because OP is a faggot

name 3 important countries where democracy haven't ended in a dictatorship or moral degeneration

>I wonder what they mean by "one nation under God"
??????? That shit is from the 50s man. It was an anti-communist thing.


a mistake


1690 KAT 1690

You're going to hang from the hemp rope of AMERICAN liberty you coward national (((socialist))) KIKE faggot.


1776 is republicanist faggotry
88 is dead, because the man in question is dead

well im sure you will enjoy purging white men with your nigger army. we'll see how well that goes.


Exactly what great things has the third reich done for all white people?

I guess it was good for a limited number of germans for very limited amount of time but the lasting results haven't been so good even for the germans.

yea gather all the BASED DACA-americans to get rid of whitey once and for all. soon thye are going to be the majority in texas and then gg to anyone who didn't want to end up like brazil. but hey, at least you'll have the constitution huh


Have you walked into an MGTOW, or.. any thread on Sup Forums discussing women, ever?

1488 and anyone who says anything else is a cuck

No, 2017. Current year.

No, can you fucking imagine? I lean to 1488.

how's it to know your greatest commie experience was financed by capitalists?

a small group of whites made a glorious stand against the hordes of jewish degeneracy and came within a cunthair of winning. the only thing hitler did wrong was actually believing men like churchill and roosevelt served their own nations instead of the jews. without lend-lease, the soviets would have been destroyed.

im sick of this meme, have you actually fuckgin read 1984? Orwell was Wrong

Huxley was right


Articles of Confederation


A mistake, yes, that led Europe to colonize the world trying to find a new road to China.
A mistake that led us ahead of everyone.


>hat great things has the third reich done for all white people?
The space program was entirely NSDAP science, Soviet and US. We'd be on Mars now but for the Jews.

You can fix that easily with White Sharia.

not an argument


There seems to be a direct correlation between the age of the post and the quality of the post

1632. When books and civilization came to America with the Winthrop fleet, hell bent on carving out a piece of land for them and their beliefs.

Someone screencap this, we're making history

sure it does, every "successful" commie experience has been ever financed or sustained by the so called capitalists. Even best korea still standing bc of Chinese help

They had cool uniforms. One might even go so far as to suggest that they were 'Boss'.

Hey everybody a lot of the Founding Fathers especially Jefferson wanted America to be white. So this multiculturalism America is fairly new.


Who was financing Cuba?

Hitler did what he did at the wrong time.

When was the right time?


USSR, which was founded by (((capitalists))))

In 197666 I nailed a G.I. Joe to a crucifix
And I’m sick, sick motherfucker sick

They were also progressives. The literally fought and destroyed the establishment to create the United States. White nationalists are not progressive.

And for the past 25 years?

fucken this fpbp

This number is the September 23rd happening


So your answer to my question of what did Hitler do for a majority of white people is that it was beneficial to a small group of whites? I just don't see all the other ethnic groups of whites who weren't prussian enjoying being under Germany's thumb just because he was exterminating jews -when he wasn't even doing that.

How does advancements in rocket technology solve the problem of Mar's lack of a magnetosphere?

>implying Africans are human
>implying Jews are white

but very true

>USSR falls
>Cuba shows socialism true face
>Brasil has to help them by the last two decades
>obama reopened USA market for Cuba

without (((their))) money La revolucion it's just a bullshit to inflate the ego of some commie prick

I'm not. That's why the first post was the best post.


>Checkmate atheists


>beeing this dumb and ignorant


1488 shitty meme number
1776 who gives a shit about MURICA

1099 is the number


Suicidal Germans, what's new

>who gives a shit about MURICA
Well Germany is certainly not going to survive.

14 is redpilled. 88 is faggotpilled



You will get neither of them. This country is too lazy and stupid. We will collapse.