>Trump wants to bomb this
Trump wants to bomb this
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I would glass them too desu
So do I.
Let him you low test weeb seriously man up grow some balls stop being so pathetic anime is beyond autistic the last time I watched anime was beyblade as a kid
>>Trump wants to bomb this
Bomb?.... what the fuck... i though he was gona nuke them...nuke them or impeach him!
Good lol
>what is a nuke
Is everyone on Sup Forums gay or something
>Rothchild Zionism wants to bomb this.
wtf i love communism now
Yeah they have awesome parades.
No, my Yellow Fever just prefers my Asians more Finnish.
Drumpf is a retard in office
Hillary wouldnt even think about saying something bad about NK
Shit happens, sorry ladies
>Not liking gooks makes you gay
Thanks for your input Mr. Shekelstein
kill all commies
no mercy
God damn... I'd love to give her the worst 2 minutes of sex she ever had and then cry uncontrollably for a half hour after.
They were probably all molested by the Rocket man himself, in one of his many underground dungeons. I bet they are all tainted and not really worth saving.
Can't blame him, they're seriously disgusting. The faster the better.
Of all the Asians NOKOs are the shit tier, they are genetic mongrels further debased by decades of forced cannibalism thanks to their Dear Leader's insane Stalinist dogma. Reducing them to cinders would be a blessing for all involved
>Trump wants to bomb this
Me too, and I hate Trump.
wtf i hate trump now
I was trying to talk to a Finn today on the Pori repeater station (via EchoLink). He seemed so excited to hear from a Yankee but his English was shit and my Finnish was even shittier. We couldn't understand each other.
Feels bad, man.
I swear I'll baguette you to ashes if you make a move filthy fatties, nork qts are the last treasure of mankind.
Fuck off, Abdul Pierre al bin Paristani.
top kek
Make it viral pls.
I want to pork the nork
north koreans are the cleanest people you will meet in your life (im not talking about their political agendas)
hey man sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do
They look like they fart 24/7.
god damn norks, so disgusting.
Fuck, that was supposed to be a democrat meme flag.
It is a Democrat flag.
according to the people escaped from korea. qt girls like that are already been raped by their superiors countless of times. and no body can do anything.
lol little dick people cucking you with your waifu
No, he doesn't. He's getting backed into a corner, though.
>Kim DOES want to bomb this
Does anyone wanna redpill me on exactly what the Nork leaderships does to their people? Rape, starvation, etc... I've heard all the stories but because they're so isolated I haven't read a lot of hard facts. Like, are there any good documentaries to watch?
People who left NK don't like NK by definition, don't expect them to say something nice.
>al bin
lel, people will believe absolutely anything no matter how grotesque without even the hint of a proof, won't they?
Kinda like your defences against Hitler.
And Stalin.
>>Trump wants to bomb this
I think we should make space in our asylum centers for these kind of refugees - with ruthless slaughter of african and muslim immigrants if necessary.
>I think we should make space
Fuck off, Finland is full.
>this is a 10/10 in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Nice, where's her nigger boyfriend?
South Korean genes will carry on
Well, that kid will get free radiation for his cancer when we bomb the fuck out of them.
With radioactive mutations.
at least you know they're too poor to afford plastic surgery and confuse you to their true genetics.
>grannies swarming to get some of that Kim Dong-un
Why do Finns all look like fucking Mongoloid Eskimos?
israel wants wants some jew bank in n korea even if they dont make any money. trump wants to impress his jew son in law
who will stand against the tyranny of (((evil men)))
Do not bash the heritage of the Korpi.
Central Asian migrations
>Average Finnish girl
I'm moving
left is a QT, would defect with
Save me
Looks like she's in pain.
Congratulations on your brilliant ability to be minimally observant.
A fucking medal awaits you.
>A fucking medal awaits you.
what happened to this qt?
kek also that's pretty hot desu
Finally, mom will be proud of me.
Looks like she's wearing shoes about 5 sizes too small.
prob got fucked by Kimmy with a 12" unicorn horn dildo
Your mother will never be proud of you.
Once we bomb them, imagine all these qt korean immigrants you'll be able to fuck during the following years.
They look like disgusting subhumans. Being attracted to gooks is every bit as mentally ill as being a faggot. All asian loving white men need to be gassed.
Hairy Zipperhead Bush is gross.