Trump is now trying to uninvite the 2017 NBA Champion Warriors, after they declined to show up. Now he is getting BTFO by NBA players.
NBA players are literally faggots throwing ball now. Lebron Faggot. Stephen Faggot. CPFag.
Tfw Trump will never go full dictator and put these people in prison.
fuck niggers
>watching corrupt ape hoop games
Apehoopers mad as fuck. How will they ever recover?
>Sports in 2017.
>TV in 2017.
Really lads?
>With everyone going on why are you focused on kneeling and going to the White House?
Really gets you thinking
>j-j-j-j-jokes on you i didn't want to come anyway
Drumpf is throwing a tantrum because he's insecure about his tiny hands and the fact that a basketball has a more evenly orange tan than he does.
>ratings tanked
>only going to get worse after this
i laugh at you
Black user here.
You know the drill.
> President
> NBA Players
Like I give a fuck about what an NBA Player says or thinks....
What are you talking about? NBA rating have been going up with the rise of the Warriors team. Still far from the levels they had in the 1990s with Micheal Jordan.
Uncle Tom
It's so funny that people pretend to act so outraged by Trump simply because it's the mainstream position to take, but when you ask then why they don't have any real answers for you.
Once again President Trump goes on the offense in the culture war. Taking it to the leftists trying to bring down America. We must stand with him lads!
I love basketball and the NBA and the one thing Curry and Lebron need to do is just shut the fuck up and just hit the damn jump shot. Being a celebrity doesn't entitle you a political platform to constantly bitch on.
The league today is filled with pussies and spoiled children who cry nonstop when they don't have their way.
>drive to the hoop
>get lightly grazed by someone
>purposely fumble and flop like a WWE superstar
>get up like nothing happened, run over to the ref, cry and scream you didn't get your way.
Lebron and Curry are masters at this. Not a surprise they are bitching about it on Twitter. At least Jesse Owns had the balls to shake Hitler's hand.
sheeeit lebron, yu tell him gud
They just lost all the Republican viewers, those ratings about to tank lol. Sports companies don't yet realize the only people who watch their crap are oldschool freedom loving bbq eating Americans. The majority are trump voters.
Regardless there is a valid point here. What the fuck is trump doing
america is a joke. can we just have the fucking civil war now? i wanna kill some trash.
you do realize nba players are niggers right?
Turning their culture was on is head.
Caring what nigger ball players think. Top kek
>kobe bryant literally a rapist
>sends out 3 tweets
>triggers millions of niggers
how the FUCK does he do it guys
Nobody watches basketball.
i mean seriously. he just keeps making it harder and harder for his more pragmatic supporters to stand with him
You have any idea how many players in the NFL and NBA are rapists and violent criminals? They get away with rape in college so they can earn the schools money and go on to earn the leagues money.
Not sure many rednecks watch the NBA anyways
Forces them to stand with kneeling players.
sports are for normie breeders
why do these people hate their own country?
you don't have to be a redneck to get sick of watching political drama from millionaires when you've had a long week of work and want to relax to sports
>Ape hoop
Nobody watching that shit
Trump fans, are you ashamed of the way he acts around people and social media? If he were just a nobody would you invite him to go to a party with you?
They are fucking niggers.
Silent majority agrees with him but doesnt post about it on shitter
Everyone in the NBA could be killed tomorrow, and there would be no apparent change in the country.
They're all completely useless.
Does any white American honestly care what niggers who make millions of dollars think after they give us 2016 the most niggerdom of nigger years for jew kike movie theaters. Black lives matter protests on our highways. Killings of white men for being white. After these niggers make money to not stand for our country because they act like niggers and force cops to patrol these shitty nigger infested dstreets full of crime because they're niggers committing murders and rapes. It's time we deal with this now. These are our streets not fucking black lives matter protesting my godamn country while they get affirmative action and pick of jobs because they have low iq sat retarded illiterate fuxking monkeys. So much as look at me wrong niggers and I'll end your fucking chimp out via reduced welfare benifits so ur nigger ass can't watch basketball ND football without getting a job. That alone will force them to stand. Niggers know one way. That's the way of the rope. I'm a white dude that's had countless nigger friends. But you niggers now are losing whitey like never before. I will openly support the killings of niggers if it lowers crime, rape, and welfare benifits for these fucking apes. I'm a white American and I will never in my life relax around niggers. Infact I'm going to carry more ammunition. Happy September 23rd niggers this is only going to get worse for rich niggers and the poor niggers who blindly worship rich niggers who have nothing in common with poor niggers.
>watching nigger felon ball
Top kek
from an outside perspective, the only people who hate him are anti-americans
Yes I would, dude would be a great wingman.
"My friend here has a yuuuge cock, the biggest! You'll love it, be-lieeve me"
awww you made a thread
hahahhaahhaa Trump getting BTFO'd hard! hes literally finished!
All niggers must hang.
>basketball americans
this is literally why niggers will never achieve anything, there "main figures" are all from entertainment industry, theres literally no respectable business men niggers, and thats why niggers will always be whites man dog.
>all they do is bark, but no bite
Fuck yall racist though check it
If you h8 lebron than name a better white player bitch.
Not in history books of nba
>The tradition of niggerball players making pilgrimage to the white house for the president to shower them with praise is coming to an end under Trump
>watching sports unironically
>not just for memes and lels
Drumpf btfo
Half of America aren't rednecks
where are his priorities at?
>muh normal size hands
oh never mind i forgot this is the same fag
there a source on these?
Lebron is impotent from all the steroids his taking
you can just look at the 2016 voting demographics. Even with the hispanic shift closer to center it only showed in one state (Florida).
How can people be anti-American for not liking the President? Were all of the Obama haters anti-American too? It wouldn't make sense to call all President haters anti-American.
They all are BLACK. Why did the NBA win the diversity awards again?
Yeah, 2016 election. Do your own work honky.
Jesse Owens said Hitler treated him great, if these fucks visited the white house they'd probably leave thinking he was a class act, funny that an old white woman is the hill they want to die on...old white women have got these niggas picking their cotton for em lmao
obama wasn't american. he was kenyan.
>none of them tweet @ trump
gee i wonder why
Antifa totally wrecked that guy.
This is the main reason for the white genocide.
LOL NBA and NFL going to go out of business because their main customers that actually pay to see them are conservatives. MFW niggers are too stupid to understand they are putting themselves out of a job if these organizations go under. No more easy career niggers playing ball means only the rap industry will all they have to make it out of their ghettos alive without other niggers killing them. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The Warriors are the worst team in the NBA
Mainly because they play dirty and their fans are crazy.
where is this? Mexico?
>the absolute state of left wing humour
Why does Trump care about this type shit? Why send out a tweet about what niggers are and aren't going to white house?
God all of them are niggers. America you need to just purge that filth from your country.
You don't get it nigger.
Fix your country first before you can opinionate on international items.
Ever notice that niggers only make it out of the ghetto if they become famous, so they all try to be famous?
It's like you think you're going to win the lottery, so you collect cans for lottery tickets instead of working.
>A POTUS whos name inspires division
Seems like they already forgot about Obama the divider in chief. We're reaping the fruits of his divisiveness now
obama was kind of anti-american, in a sense. trump is one of the most pro-american presidents ever and people hate on him when he preaches american values, like respecting the flag
You people still exist? You have to be an American to be President. Conspiracy theory much.
Niggerball LEL
Larry bird
>the entire elite of the country is vocally anti-president
oh boy. can't wait for that re-election.
obama was anti-american
Asian Americans are fucking disgusting.
>hard working, tax paying Americans give a shit what overpaid monkey thinks...
> all Presidents
Not just those two. People hated Nixon, Lincoln and so on.
Not at all. In a world where politicians never say anything of substance and then rob you blind, having a president who says what he thinks is great. If people want to get buttblasted about what they think he said they can go right ahead.
Jonas valanciunas is trash
Lebron doesn't hold any records except "youngest player to [insert stat]."
Is that why Merkel is getting another term?