Tfw too intelligent to be left or right wing

>tfw too intelligent to be left or right wing
Who else /centrist/ here?

holy shit, no one cares about how smart you are ,you pretentious cunt , go get a fucking life

Apathy is death britcuck. People who are neutral are the worst of both sides. Ironically, centrists are the first ones to get in cross fire if the day of the rope ever happened.

Btw, did you pay for your TV license?

>tfw too intelligent to accept centrism as just another arbitrary ideology like right or left and deciding the best is to try solve problems effectively and that's it

I consider myself far right leaning centre left.

Centrist is just a word for coward.


Nazi's and people who don't like Nazi's are just flip sides of the same coin.


>Who else /centrist/ here?
That's called being rightwing these days my man, welcome to the team.

I'm pretty much a nihilist these days.

I mean whatever political view you have is insignificant unless you have the power and/or money to enforce it.

Yeah, this about sums it all up.

>he cares about politics

tfw that was exactly who I was pre-Sup Forums.

>pic related

Is nazism centrist?

You know revolution is a spectators sport,but after one side wins if you open your mouth to protest you may get killed or send to "reeducation",so is sugest picking one if the muslims win and you are an infidel they will killl you anyway.

Socialism is left wing.

You're a moron, gtfo

Radical National Centrist here, the only way to save the worlds.

Fence sitters! I know it is hard but there will be a day where you have to choose on which yard to land. Will you choose Mexico or United States?

Centrist is an omnibus word that, on a board full of edgelords-or-die, is too easy a target, as posts here already show.
The truth is that, in the intersection of both parties there's actually a lot that thoughtful people agree on-- continuity of government and important institutions like law and press, equal treatment of all (though disagree on what that means), strong defense, ability of gov't to create value through infrastructure and trade, etc.
Most nonidealistic people end up, consciously or unconsciously, respecting these things as they understand the value of, in the last president's words, keeping the big ship of state going with small turns as needed
>centrists are the first ones
said no revolution, ever.
>pick one side
or, ya know, pick neither,and then don't be an idiot afterwards


There's literally dozens of us

Flag checks out fellas.
Enjoy drowning in brown.

Second paragraph kinda seems like a blackpill covered by a facade of apathy

>'haha yeah, screw both those candidates, all politicians are liars'
>western civilisation is so fucking screwed, if only you knew how bad things really were