I think Trump should move towards striping UC Berkeley of Federal funding.
I think Trump should move towards striping UC Berkeley of Federal funding.
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All public universities with Marxist [demographic] studies departments should be defunded.
You don't have to allow free speech if you call it hate speech.
I agree, but one step at a time. UC Berkeley has the target pointed at them at the moment.
They can be the first lamb to the slaughter. I suck at social media, so I do not know good hashtags. #NoFederalFunding was the bast I got. But that doesn't hit the point.
How to into Awooovement?
Yeah, it'd be as effective as the 0.5% of funding stopped to sanctuary cities. The elites want this to happen so nothing he says will do or change anything. ICE "suspended" Trump's EO about regular reports on sanctuary cities because of "errors", ICE being under DHS which at the time was run by junta member Kelly.
If the elites and junta running the country ignore him on something that simple, if samctuary city funding is only cut by 0.5%, then do you think Berkley would get seriously defunded? Do you think anything would happen to the city of Berkely and its radical Marxist, BAMN supporting mayor?
>2 FEB
get out
Fucking dumbass, of course that quote was from months ago. This is how long we have been dealing with this bullshit.
Berkeley is one of the most influential and top contributors to the computer science field. Good luck trump
Why don't you guys just have another civil war?
Issue an ultimatum to UC Berkeley: ban BAMN or the white house will cut federal funding to UC Berkeley by 10%.
If UC Berkeley really wants BAMN that much, the whole world deserves to know.
because nobody has time for civil war, it will be either genocide or constitutional convention
Milo is a liar, he said tons of people who never agreed to come there would be speaking there. His lies is why the free speech week is not happening.
That said, Berkeley probably would be defunded.
It's a non-option. Too many tenured faculty are members of BAMN. They are inseperatable.
The most we had was to make them bend to our will on slight movements (i.e. The Berkeley Patriot Newspaper, helping foot the bill for Kike Shapiro).
We are heavily outgunned and I feel that we are abandoned. I dislike Milo, I love Bannon. They got Broetbart, which has a much larger signal strength than we do. I only hope they use their established media pressence to smash the overton window right, but I think they are trying to take it on the chin to save face.
This is some blackpill shit atm.
>Milo is a liar, he said tons of people who never agreed to come there would be speaking there. His lies is why the free speech week is not happening.
Is it his lies? Or is it the fact that terrorists acted based on his lies?
do you mind posting the list of faculty, tenured or not, who are members of BAMN?
These are bad people.
Missed one car in the captcha, missed gets.
Just classify bamn as a terrorist organization. Label all the members terrorists or gang members.
so like... all of them?
He straight up said people who had never agreed to come there would be there. Bannon and Coulter were never going to come.
So? What does that have to do with canceling it?
Do I think UC Berkeley will be COMPLETELY defunded? No. -0.5% is unnacceptable though.
Our advantage is that it appears to be easier to hit a collage campus with a financial loss than an entire city. And at this juncture loss of funding is the only weapon we got.
Immigration is too hot of a platform to stand on, but Free Speech is a perfect foothold to start.
RIP Milo 2014-2017
May your teef live beyond you.
F for the dearly departed. May he rise to attention whore heaven.
I think the main reason they cancelled it is because they are worried about chimp outs. I don't see how it is the universities fault that a bunch of left wing terrorists that don't even go to the school come there to start shit.
School District: Berkeley Riot Organizers Tried To ‘Brainwash’ Students Into Left-Wing Activism
BAMN are known to be bad people.
The media who covers such developments has told you they are bad people. The media are actually telling you the truth this time.
BAMN is bad people.
> do you mind posting the list of faculty, tenured or not, who are members of BAMN?
No. I do not mind. It will take some time as I am phone posting. If this thread dies, I will make others. We will have Free Speech week one way or another.
He doesn't have the balls
It appears that the whole free speech week was a meme from the start
I've seen this cunt on campus on a regular basis handing out BAMN propaganda.
The situation with BAMN is so bad that I am tempted to run for mayor of Berkeley on the platform that is essentially, "I will force BAMN members to wear yellow six pointed stars that say jude until UC Berkeley bans BAMN"
Seriously. I am considering going full Hitler on BAMN. These are actually bad people, the kind of people you want identified. You have to remember: in Germany 1930s, jews were seriously bad people. Jews today aren't like the jews of the 20th century. Basically different people.
We have bad people today, they just aren't jews.
They are an actual cult, and that is not being hyperbolic
Will Milo be assassinated by Antifa and return as our fag savior?
He might actually be useful, and not a fucking loser.
My thoughts are,
Why are both The Atlantic and NPR covering this at the same time? Why are they covering a non-event?
I expect the Chronicle of Higher Education to carry such news...and they are doing so...what's all the national attention about?
is this all because of Trump's stale tweet?
I think Trump should use his energy to fix taxpayers problems
>Hello darkness my old friend...
DESU, I am not sure. This whole fiasco hit me with a right "hook".
I don't give a shit about Milo, I don't give a shit about Ben Shapiro, but I do give a shit about financially damaging UC Berkeley in at least some capicity for their aquiecence to opposing free speech.
So far, my first angle can through (((David Horowit))).
I am an open anti-semite, but the enemy of my enemy etc. I have reached out to he ADL. BAMN has a pronounced pro-Palestinian stand point.
With enough anti-Isreal rhetoric, it seems that Antifa has a a vector of exploitation in the way we might be able to spin that THEY are the "real" anti-semites.
As someone who is anonymous, i can pretend to be a Jew if it serves our interests. This is an economic war, after all.
not trump university!
What should be the standard for "allowing free speech" at a university? Does the university have to provide literally anyone who asks with an auditorium to speak in? Because I don't think any university does that, I don't think they ever have, and I don't think they should.
Sounds like a good plan no need to fund libtard factories
Can't imagine why a university wouldn't want this at their school.
>angry about free speech being stifled
>wants football players fired for their speech
BAMN are bad people, look at this. BAMN is a cult, and they practice cult indoctrination. They are bad people.
> Tired of debating my decision with them, I refused. That night, Yvette and other BAMN members took turns sleeping by my bed to "make sure he doesn't go anywhere." They confiscated my house keys to restrict my movement.
>The day before my flight back to Detroit, I was packing my clothes when BAMN members came in and told me that I could not pack my clothes in that luggage because that was luggage that they had provided me with. At this point, I still had illusions in BAMNso I called Shanta Driver, thinking that Yvette was just being unreasonable and overly pushy and that Shanta would work everything out. I told her what was happening and asked her to speak with Yvette and the other BAMN members and request that they let me leave. Much to my astonishment, Shanta refused.
just type "BAMN" into any search engine. It's a post on facebook.
Thanks Mohammed
In the U.S., there are criteria for what designates whom is allowed or not allowed to speak on campus,
We meet each an every one of those bullet points, with the exception that we are not able to afford adequate security to protect those in attendance from physical harm.
We attend UC Berkeley. We have an established student union. We have as much of a right to speak as our opposition. The only determining factor is we do not have enough sociopolicital power to ,aintain our rights.
Hence, why we are now taking the fight "asymmetrically".
When is Milo scheduled to speak?
privatize security and bring the speech.
remove the $$ from Berkely
feds not only source of $$
suffocate the institution
Noon tomorrow i think
Very clever
On the one hand it would be a dick move and set a precident but at the same time the place is fucking waging war on America so maybe its worth it just as a tactical measure. We give these places our trust and the responsibility of watching over kids and their education and instead they act like cult enclaves not only fucking off with the money but actively trying to destroy American values for fun i guess. They come out so retarded that we use them as practice. Fancy pants college kids, not low budget. Yea fuck it I would refund them and try to rework the rules to where funding is directly linked to merit and student conduct. Probably a shit ton of other things too
here is the amount of black noble prize winners in the hard sciences 0, enough said
Hey guys, why don't we host this at Trump University!
and what is your point exactly?
We DID have private security. We had Erik Prince (formerly Blackwater) send in 16 former SEALs to run overwatch.
That was easier to obtain than when Ben Shapiro spoke and we wrestled for a month to coerce Alameda Sherrifs' riot control to intervine after Mayor Arreguin issued a pre-emptive stand-down order.
It took months just to authorize police to be able to use pepper spray. It took hours to authorize live-fire ammunition.
This is has been the ultimate Libertarian redpill for us.