Black clover thread?
Will DESPAIR get shat on today?
Will Yami keep being a dipshit?
Black clover thread?
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Yes yes and yes.
Black Cliche is pretty cool tho
That villain makes me cringe, holy
Yeah, this manga is a bit fun outside of the overwhelming clichés.
I don't like how everyone simply aknowledges the MC so fast, he hasn't fought for his titoe and yet get's all the attention. I mean not even a training or discovery for new powers
I like him only because he's fucking stupidly one-dimensional.
In his defense he literally has the ultimate counter to every magic. And he gets called a faggot street rat a lot.
Hoping that Asta isn't the one to take out beast guy.
Hoping Yami finds a way in so him and beast guy can go all out 1v1.
Also waiting for best villain to reappear.
I'm at least glad that, outside of the very first villain, he's required assistance to beat his opponents, getting his shit pushed in at the same time.
I would hate him a lot more if he was wrecking shit single-handedly with ease.
Spoilers soon, right?
I'm not gonna argue that he's well written, although I do like his powers and his overall design.
I would be more critical of him chanting "DESPAIR" if it wasn't for the fact that I think he's supposed to be some kind of religious fanatic.
Their ideoligy seems to basically be white privilege when you boil down to it.
what the fuck is up with this surge of black clover threads? did it actually become interesting all of a sudden?
Nobody has been fighting proper alone.
Except sorcery emperor I think
Just one or three autists forcing their shitty manga in Sup Forums.
it's been pretty good for a while now.
The overall quality improves quite a bit around chapter 23.
Has the mc at least got some better looking clothes? i couldn't stand looking at him with what he was always wearing for the first 10 chapters.
Nope DESPAIR is too overpowered to lose
Asta is going to hell this week along side Hisoka and All Might
why do people like this shit?
Aster is literally the reincarnation of Adolf fucking Hitler
>not liking hilter
get out tumblr
Seems like it's a pretty DESPERATE fight for Asta.
spoilers where?
Won't it be like 3 days until english scans are out?
How does this work?
One retarded faggot is posting them