Where is Sup Forums on this chart?
Other urls found in this thread:
Have you tried not saving images from reddit you fucking cuck?
why did they remove LiterallyHitler from the chart?
i'm in the process of becoming your next Fuhrer
last one tbqh
But this is OC content
Cuz your not gonna go anywhere
I'm gonna go with Bob Page for me personally
What is the last blue flag?
you forget hitler, the original path 5
and Sup Forums + /fit/ = david duke
update to the version 3
why contain it?
I'm at the crosspaths of the screwge mcduck path and the married father path. I'm on the path to a six figure salary in the next 5 years but also working to make physical gains and hopefully attract a qt.
Well see how it goes.
Anarcho Transhumanism
jesus christ, is this the reddit version?
this, old version is better
>How do you know what´s on reddit?
After you see the power of yourself in transhumanism you realise its all about you.
>kekistani OP is again a faggot
Imagine my shock. Your r/dahnald chart is the worst shitpost i've seen today.
Is the anarcho-primitism route a good choice? I've been reading Kaczynski's manifesto and I'm starting to believe it's time for me to renounce all my worldly goods and live in the woods.
Kekistani is just a meme ideology, we want to make jokes and say "fuck you" to identity politics.It has nothing to do with reddit. I don't even go to reddit or /r_thedonald since reddit is a censored cluster fuck.
I was considering this too, but problem is i'm not Varg, so i probably won't find myself some autistic blonde qt who wants to spend life as my baby making machine in the middle of nowhere.
Than at least make your original meemees instead of spoiling Sup Forums ones, sargoy.
fix the chart then
it is on pic rel
Its not spoiling, it is transforming and improving.
This image is not subverted at all, thanks for sharing fellow kekistani. ;^)
This was funny before now it's overdone and try-hardy in typical Reddit fashion.
Would be #4 if it was /ourjew/, Rothbard, instead of that kike (((Rand))).
Probably because nazi shit is a joke and it doesn't really promote anything besides trailer trashness and other garbage.
Whichever one this is
fuck liberals
I just started to work out.
Your gonna be covered in v3
It already is. Commies, and Nazis get BTFOed
>It's another "Autism, the Image." thread