you know who other can be masculine?
do you want to be associeted with niggers?
i don't think so
white men should stop to go to gym
already the fact that we should force our pyshics to get fit is wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
>Checks flag
Of course its fucking discount mexico
herb for vapid and poorly-worded
That boy looks like a faggot.
Mmm I sure do love my tap water and soy.
Mexican beaner , quad faggot DIE
if your definition of masculinity is nigger culture then you're a pathetic cuck
You're a disgrace.
I hope you fucking die.
Another day, another retard that thinks "masculine" means "violent".
Wasted digits.
The most masculine thing to do is to raise a family and provide for it.
Maybe you should stop pretending to be Italian first?
Stop breathing air.
You know who else breathes air?
Yea of course mexico, you don't want us 100% pure blooded Europeans of high pedigree to get stronger because you're such an eternal manlet that no amount of gym could ever cure you.
Don't listen to Beanbergs lies. Get fit, get good.
quads checked!
Still, 2/10 troll harder newfag.
>violence is a feminine trait
>violence is a trait based on a gender
>violence is a trait at all
literal niggers
never had a girlfriend?
oh look, its a potato nigger
Go play some VR trash you fruit
>you know who other can be masculine?
>do you want to be associeted with niggers?
You cunts will go through any means of mental gymnastics to find a reason to justify the narrative, won't you?
What kind of autism is this
Being masculine doesn't necessarily entail being violent. That doesn't make it a feminine trait either you dunce.
That being said OP is also a retard, lifting doesn't make you a violent nigger. Being a violent nigger does whether you lift or not .
To be fair, it's not distinctively male or female.
Men, like for everything else, just do violence better.
Black guys have dicks, therefore, chop yours off
>white men should stop to go to gym
>already the fact that we should force our pyshics to get fit is wrong
Well you see the human body is created specifically for endurance, meaning we are forced to build up our physical endurance as that's what our ancestors had to do increase their likelyhood to survive, we literally aren't built to sit on our asses like we are doing in today's society and the increase in heart dieases, stress and the fact that you can literally die from inactivity proves this. You don't have to hit the gym. Run, Swim, Climb, do calisthenics, whatever that taxes your endurance and makes you more healthy. But hitting the gym is important only if you value strength, or muscular hypertrophy which can also be good since in nature the bigger you are, the more intimidating you are, meaning less hostile mammals would wanna fuck with you. I took the bait and now I'm done with my drunken rant.
>if you have the same genetalia as your enemy, they win.
He's Italian not Mexican, Pekka. Italians are also manlet but he's not a beaner manlet.
They can't call you whiteboi if you're a eunech.
Fuck off numexico
i'd rather be a nigger, than a faggot
The only people who hate masculinity, are those who cannot achieve it.
nah, its ugly & appeals to no one
Except most women of course.
dont worry, being white is already feminine, just look at that pic.
Good shitpost have a (You)
Whatever you say, manlet.
adam was black and eve was white
Your dad was a faggot and your mum a goat
>discount mexico
hehhed a little
Reminder that if you don't speak Italian you're a barbarian.
You little pussy mc faggins queer boy weak taking cock behind your lifted genitalia scum!nI don't work out, but I would never promote not doing it and your digits will turn back on you. Get dangerously skinny faggot.
>I don't work out
Well then you need to start.
It isn't good to be too masculine, really beautiful guys are not purely masculine. They have the best of both worlds, like soft tender skin, beautiful eyes, less body hair and cute faces.
Training the body is for those who aren't cute enough. Besides, it is best to be a cute boy, because then you get to hang out with other cute boys and the girls will naturally follow.
dykes actually have much higher rates of domestic violence than non-lesbian couples, yes
you albino cant handle the truth, unlike your redpilled albino bro
Go LARP somewhere else
How much more of a badass would DaVinci have been if he lifted?
Thought so.
Eat more pasta, Bruno. Your country is dying.
>women in a world where masculinity is idolized.
Anyone can achieve masculinity, you don't even need a full head of hair. Being cute is much more challenging and rewarding. The true heroes of the world are cute boys. Like Link in breath of the wild. That is what a good boy looks like, are you a good boy?
I hate Italians, freakin faggots
the fuck happened to you, you guys used to enjoy watching people fight to the death
This made me leak.
I'm a pretty HANDSOME BOY and I look both feminine and masculine, too bad I inherited the body hair of my southern European bloodline.
Alright lets not go Sup Forumstear on here.
I would like to know the sauce myself.
Too much muscle. Big women like that just look ugly to me
Borrowing from Jack Donovan, Masculinity requires:
>Mastery, i.e. useful skills
Blacks very rarely have this
Posturing is not courage. Recklessness is not courage. Courage is braving danger when you understand the risks.
In regards to masculinity, Honor is a concern for one's status within his honor group, which is usually comprised of other men. Some will have this.
But if all four aren't met, you can't be a real man.
>He thinks that's big
How scrawny are you?
t. literal barbarian
I obviously meant bigger than most women.
You know who else drinks water?!
So says the Englishman
>dosnt want a strong women by his side.
>stop improving yourself goy.
No fuck you.
As long as you have massive groups of young white males who attempt to discover their masculinity by acting and dressing like white niggers, or by simply going to the gym, with no clearly indentifiable white culture beyond materialism and consumerism, you're going to have a bad time.
Niggers are actually more feminine than masculine. They argue like bitches, get in fights like bitches, and kill like bitches. It's only because they're biologically male that they go to jail over it. They don't have fathers, so they emulate their mothers and the cycle continues.
Boys need to be more feminine, girls need to be more masculine.
Boys need to have softer skin, less wrinkles, thicker hair, wider hips, cuter faces, prettier eyes, softer lips, less bodyhair.
Girls need to be fit, with visible muscles, strong arms, six-pack and a nice comfy penis that just flaps around and looks fun.
Why are feminine boys the best?
yes very true. add to that their obsession with shoes and brand name clothing. they even like to match the coulor of their shoes to their shirts and ballcacaps so they have a cute little outfit put together!
>Big women like that just look ugly to me
Women that are in shape have an easier time and are less likely to have complications while giving birth
2D is still superior.
Thanks for the sensible chuckle.