How did he become so rich and successful at such young age??
Did he had some privileges and special connections,big helps from (((his people))) or is he truly a genius?We all spend lot of times on our computers,so why can't we do what he did?What's his secret?
Is (((he))) really super smart or just very overrated?
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He stole ideas from close friends then worked upon the ideas to expand it out as facebook.
Basically a thief and not a thief
Also im 110% convinced he's not human.
>Did he had some privileges and special connections,big helps from (((his people))) or is he truly a genius?
Answer is in the question.
Fun fact, in 2007 zuck the cuck was sued for stealing shit. His company was in California but his still lived with his parents. What a in New york
he can be as smart as everyone but he comes off as the biggest weirdo. He look like an android
We aren't allowed to. Every time there is a white with a promising thing, Jews identify him and either steal or buy his stuff or use their network to suppress him. That's a fact. Jews have a web out everywhere and they are very active to make sure they maintain control of absolutely everything.
He had a huge amount of funding from the very beginning. Facebook was never a "startup", it was designed from the ground up to make money and was structured by people with a lot of business experience.
Ofc he is not smart.
Did you see it's wife?
He's actually pretty fucking smart.
>Basically a thief
Basically stole that quote too.
He jewed his best friend
He sees the goyim as "dumb fucks"(2010)
Hes a yellow fever betajew
Early facebook funding came from CIA front company. He's an intelligence asset, a front man for the fucking spooks.
This is how he sees color
Oh shit that's actually pretty messed up
I just don't understand how he does it when everything looks black and white and you can only see the blue
The beast system all seeing eye that triggers, desensitizes, records, spyes, suggested, subliminally, makes mothers ignore their children, censored no freedom of speech, pushes certain agendas and product pushing it knows,what you like creating division network, and caused divorces.
Did i leave some out?
It only sees blue android
Make similar app dont spy and crap but no cover page this app will play your song in back ground. Idk facebook/instagram have merged junkies will never switch
Bump. Someone post the video of that sweaty kike sweating his nervous ass off as the inside secret society part of his hoodie gets shown. Oh wait, here:
Another bump.
he has the same eyes as the Aurora CO "shooter"
this is the clearest screenshot I could get. what the fuck?
His uncle (((Roy))) was the largest shareholder of Goldman Sachs when the members took it public . He was vice chairman of Goldmans. Check out Zuckerberg Water Institute in (((the homeland)))
CIA shill Sean Parker met Zuck and introduced him to Don Graham - mockingbird Washington Post owner. Became zuck's "mentor"
Sacrifices goats at his barbecues
He's a dumb ass who just got lucky but he does surround himself with smarter people and that's all you really need to do. smart people are dumb this way. They let themselves be used by dumb asses.
Yeah people need to do more looking into the CIA contracts with alphabet inc (Google/YouTube) Facebook, CNN, Amazon, 23&Me, the NSA and AT&T, etc. It's scary shit. The government in league with these big corporations trying to control everything is bad news, especially when you mix in these secret societies and shit.
He Jewed his chad business friends
>Hey Mark, we have this great idea. We've planned it out and have some contacts in the business to help us out. Would you like to join?
>Of course goys
Mark said before ignoring them, never talking to them again and stealing their idea and business plan.
He Jewed his best friend
>Hey Ed, I'm making this website. Would you like to help, I need someone who knows about business and economics along with having some investment money
>This seems risky Mark but of course, you're my friend.
His friend said before getting stabbed in the back.
This eventually put the Jew Mark into court and made him lose a significant share of his money and stock holds in the company.
Here he is completely breaking apart when he was asked about privacy.
He's a race mixer.
He's a loser who can't dress correctly.
He's evil and scary.
The video was very good, explaining how forced his 'alpha' persona is. Dude's a complete sociopath who probably think he has bettered the world. OG facebook was pretty great I do admit though.
He got lucky
These look the same.
facebook is the most unoriginal idea in history. its like myspace but worse. no reason besides CIA backing it got popular.
Rich parents, privileged life, clever opportunist, amoral thief, and smart enough to make it work.
No, he's not a genius, but he's still intelligent enough to know what the steal and how to make it work. In short, your average Jew.
everything looks rotten. how poetic.
He's smart, just like tens of thousands of other people in the world. It's just a cosmic lottery. He wasn't the first to design a social networking site, nor was he the first to steal code from others. Amid the hundreds of other social networking sites churned out around the same time, his just took off.
It's the same reason Youtube took off, the Iphone is popular, and Tesla has such high stock value. People don't care about who is the first or the best, it's herd mentality. All Facebook was needed was a little investor momentum and nobody looked twice at any of the other similar sites.
Didn't he steal the idea from those 6'5" chad brothers?
hes a plant, fb wasnt his idea..
>watching the Social Network post Sup Forums
>Zuckerstein steals a billion dollar idea idea of a couple of Aryan twins
>avoids them on campus like the rat he is
>fucks off his best friend for some moron he just met who promises him $$$
>gets same friend who was with him since day 1 thrown out of the company he busted ass for while Zuckerkike was slacking off in California
>"Fucking hell Sup Forums was right again."
This. He was a relatively smart kid interested in computers in the right place at the right time. Don't overthink it.
>What's his secret?
Being a Jew.
Smiling politely to win over people's trust while in reality despising them.
He tried to bankrupt with lawsuits the Hawaiians who didn't want to sell him their land for his mansion/survival bunker expansion.
Facebook was a giant and profitable accident. There's a great read if anyone is interested titled 'Accidental Billionaires."
Don't feel bad for Eduardo guys he still manged to come out of it with more money than god
he's the most overrated in the top 20s billionaires, which means that he's still much smarter than the average joe but not as smart as the likes of, let's say, elon musk or whatever
he correctly identified a very valuable market idea and took action while his friends were putzing around, not taking action on it.
his friends didn't realize a business idea is only good if you act on it, and quickly, before someone else does.
he coded the whole thing himself.
Will you burgerbros be voting for him in 2020?
I dont think "A thief" is a quote coined by anyone alive recently or really known.
I didnt steal anything and if anything i said resembles a quote you saw in a movie or tv show, guess what; not everything said in the world be a unique idea anymore.
>no reddit
>Voting for a cyberkike
Le shig
He was talking about the quote in the OP, you sperg.
The teacher is a guaranteed numale
You must be retarded
fuck this kike yellow fever faggot.
He stole ideas.
And now he steals user's data.
he is a Rothchild. His "humble" beginnings story was a fabrication. Remember THEY control all the media and everything you THINK is truth. Now THEY control Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft and pretty well all the major media. And Holloywood. In other words-they OWN your mind. Zombies.We. Are.
He comes off like a robot trying to be a Human.
>Early facebook funding came from CIA front company. He's an intelligence asset, a front man for the fucking spooks.
This. Facebook was getting cash injections every year from front companies and CIA connected businessmen.
>June-July 2004
>The fledgling social network receives $500,000 from Peter Thiel, president of Clarium Capital. Then current social champ Friendster is rumored to make a $10 million bid for the company, but Zuckerberg rejects it.
All you need to know.
>Also im 110% convinced he's not human.
Of course he's not a human. He's a Jew.
He's a fuck tonne smarter than anyone on Sup Forums
I would suggest you stop gathering data on the meaning of my symbol, Humans. Now.
Your color blind zucc
Droid that only sees blue he is color blind
He is the great deciever that will sit in 3rd temple. The Jews found their messiah with his all spying eye