Happening :)
Happening :)
Maybe if Trump would relax his mouth a bit we wouldnt have this fucking problem.
This is going to be a good night user
What's the correct action to take? I mean that's a pretty solid threat, but I would imagine the US would wait for clear signs like movement of military vehicles or preparations, rather than a preemptive strike off this alone.
What do you guys think?
Hmm i think Obama tried that plan. Didn't work. The problem is still here.
You fucking dimwit. Do you really think ignoring North Korea while they continue to build and test nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles and stockpile conventional, bio and chemical weapons has been a winning approach?
The headline is disingenious, Trump didn't badmouth Kim, he THREATENED TO DESTROY MEMBER STATE OF THE UN
inevitable is a pretty stronk word
Because that is helpful
WWF tier scripted drama
all this shit about NK make me so kek
i can not stop
I dont understand, sure they could take out one or two US cities, but in return they would be removed from the map
whats the fuckin point
It's helpful if it pisses of Kim enough to make the first move.
There clearly isn't any common ground between the two nations, calling him a rocketman on a suicide mission isn't entirely inaccurate either.
Why are you so upset? It's up to North Korea to have peace not the US. They're the aggressor, not Trump. This is just posturing. How about all the slander Trump has recieved from his own citizens, do you think THAT is helpful?
Jump off a bridge and be sure to have it recorded
We don't have to move it an inch, we're going to turn it into a sheet of glass right where it is.
yeah but its a strangelove kind of laugh
>whats the fuckin point
Saving face. They're stupid gooks doing stupid gooky shit.
For happeningfags (everyone here) it absolutely is
Realistically it's not helpful at all
I'm not upset. That is unironically my favorite Trump quote of all time. I can separate my bias however, and clearly see it's not helpful rhetoric. You're in the fucking UK, why did that just set you off?
has anyone who speaks korean actually seen this guy say these things on video?
Top kek
>Because that is helpful
Why do you say it isn't helpful?
How did it hurt anything?
>Nothing will happen on the 23rd says increasingly nervous normie
S-stay safe, best ally...
No idea. I guess I'm just tired of liberalism being everywhere. Everyone here has a low opinion of Trump not because they've researched him and looked up his policies or seen his rallies but just sucked up whatever opinion our liberal cucked media spews out with. It's amazing how many opinions people have without realising they're not even their own or even admit that they know fuck all about a subject. Probably that
Meh, N Korea is a paper tiger
Well thats it, then. Lil kim wants to be suicided by US military.
Live cam time.
No biggie, just Tweek's house.
Anybody else remember this from Team America??
>Maybe if Trump would relax his mouth a bit we wouldnt have this fucking problem.
Been trying that for over 20 years, giving north korea anything only emboldens them more. Their words are escalating with their technology, do you not see this?
Trump inherited the mess, none of the previous three presidents addressed it enough and it's serious now that american cities are in danger. Trump's words don't change the fact that NK is trying to create ICBMs to reach america, he wants a non-nuclear end to the problem. If he says nothing, NK gets ICBMs, if he says something he might change that. Silence is the same as acceptance. Trump's comments are attempts to stop the nuclear program and the NK foreign minister understands this perfectly which is why he said NK wouldn't change their resolve.
The correct action to have taken would have been to ignore them publicly, and worked back channels using China to slow their progress on ICBM and nuclear technologies. Pressuring them internationally to prevent NK working slaves from sending back money to Lil Kim can also help in slowing their progress. Hell, even send over Dennis Rodman as an unofficial US ambassador; Kim loves him.
Making them the bad guy, putting them on a public stage, all entices them to continue. Lil Kim has nothing to lose and everything to gain regardless of how it turns out. Go into a full blown war, and watch the death toll climb easily into a million. And nation rebuilding North Koreans that are still stuck in the 1960s era, good luck with that. SK doesn't want to unify just for that very reason. China also is not going to sit idly either while US bases are being placed right on its border.
The chances of NK having the ability to strike the US with a nuclear tipped ICBM are about as good as Nigeria getting a kang on the moon before the sun expands into a red giant.
IP Security cams from seoul. Tons of 'em. If people start going apeshit...we'll see it here.
man those coral reefs in pacific ocean are sure going to take a beating
>North Koreans using an inch
See that's a real president, unlike Mr apology bitch ass Obama
Never happening. Every fucking year this fat chink says he's going to nuke us. And every single year he just watches his dads James Bond movies and drinks whiskey. Another slow news week in the states with as usual.
We're starving insulting the whole country and Kim is being bad-mouthed. now either put up or shut up
I've had a dream to one day see an open-air hydrogen bomb test with my own eyes.
Don't let your dreams be memes.
yes the american military. the guys who blew themselves up trying to attack japan durring peace rime under obama more than 1 time. the guys who killed themselves by going to a lower depth than their new (((aluminum))) subs could handle and their leadership ordered that they do it .
the guys who deported illegals to the philipines to conduct ethnic cleansing under obama only to loose to civilians even with a navy seal escort. the guys who are now shemen drilling their groin wound with a dilido daily who cant even take on syria and have to pay cia backed forces to try to fight asad
How is this not all the justification Trump needs to attack? It's like a man holding a gun to your head saying he WILL shoot you sooner or later
No, sorry, the world's top empire doesn't cow to the threats of some 3rd rate commie gooks. There is no point in having the biggest guns if you let everyone else walk all over you.
Trump's national anthem
oh say can you see the nukes flying at me
>NK-USA events unfolding since July 2017 happens every year
Literally what you fucking retarded ape, reading your shit gave me cancer.
You're a total idiot, but it's okay you're American, it's to be expected, let me explain something to you silly little brained one. North Korea doesn't give a shit about civilian casualties, in fact, in their eyes, all Americans are enemies. America on the other hand, has innocent lives to take into account, they may be commie gooks but many of them are innocent regardless, so you can't just drop a bomb all will nilly and expect the problem to go away my child, it'll be seen as a mass killing of Innocents, even when the bombs we're dropped on japan, the U.S gave a lot of notice for civilians to evacuate. So essentially, Trump needs to figure out how to get to Kim without triggering a little ICBM en route to the west coast, and without unnecessary civilian casualties. Can your simple mind comprehend that?
Live Webcams bitches.
>Projecting your autism this hard
Stopped reading there. Enjoy Trudeau.
A nuclear detonation on a big city is the only thing that can save this shitty ''''''''''''doomsday'''''''''''''
come on and just do it please
We're going to put sanctions on them, they're going to go broke, and then they'll have to start selling off their nukes and missile technology for cash.
fuck off we literally failed at this for 20 years,
NK = last country without Rothschild's influence. ...so NK will of course get destroyed or they agree with elites.
Kek, I looked at your flag and didn't even read your whole post sperg. Your country is a fucking joke. Learn to post without all that seething tard rage seeping into it. fucking faggot
Can you blame him? The guy still has emu cum dripping out of his ears. Just point and laugh at him like all the real nations do. youtube.com
Checked and keked
>west coast will be nuked to ashes with their pacific subs
>would literally solve half our Mexican problem
>Maybe if Trump would relax his mouth a bit we would have decades more of nonsense that goes nowhere.
I wish a nigga would
Yes. They had no reason to start real conflicts. Trump has been provoking them to actually, for the first time ever, do something instead of talking shit. I don't think that's wise.
as a young man on the west coast of the us, i dont wanna die : (
i hope nothing comes of this.
What's not wise is allowing them to amass countless weapons while still having what was called concentration camps in WW2, which we went to war for.
look at him and laugh
>hurr, North Korea doesn't give a shit about civilian casualties
>being this much of a brain dead absolutist thinker
Kys leaf
They didn't really have a reason to start the Korean war either but look how that ended up.
What is FTFY?
>"We will seriously bomb the US this time", says increasingly nervous man for tenth time this year.
I really wonder... Would the DPRK give a single fuck about the US if the latter didn't intervene much or at all?
>The chances of NK having the ability to strike the US with a nuclear tipped ICBM are about as good as Nigeria getting a kang on the moon before the sun expands into a red giant.
They have displayed quite convincing looking prop for deliverable thermo nuclear warhead. Their newest missile is border line on being ICBM. Range they have fired it have been test firing it has been lot shorted, but they have used pretty bizarre extremely high trajectory. North western part of continental US is probably within their reach. They will have work ahead for ICBM proof re-entry vehicle.
They will make some noise and empty boasting for internal propaganda reasons.
coward. literally kys.
Rocket Man, shooting off his mouth out there alone.
US Marines cried when the Iraqi military took their iPods from them.
I actually hope they dont. They dont deserve ((((Democracy))))
If Rocket Man tries anything, NK will be fucking annhilated.
Fixed that for you
In all seriousness, what would happen if the US bombed Pyongyang first? As a wild card
oh look, North Korea's weekly threat to destroy America. I'm sure it's for real this time
>5 previous presidents do nothing about NKorea
>Trump takes office.
>wants to solve problem.
>China declares if US strikes first they will step in but if N.korea strikes first they will let the happenings happen
> Trump starts trolling N.Korea into reakless action
> ...
> Trump has green light to erase N.Korea off map
> N&S Korea united
>US now has ally on Chinese boarder watching them.
Whats amazing isn't just that he keeps winning but he does it in the most entertaining fashion ever.
buttmad chicoms everywhere
watch him sit around and let guam or sk get nuked. truly 4d chess. the only proof we have now is in the actions and it's all been sanctions and bullshit.
China's main interest is not having the US right on its border. So we would be at war with China.
There is only one bird you should fear.
a re-entry vehicle is litterally a cast iron cone. It could be made in 1850. Its the far easiest thing about ICBM technology.
lurk more newfag
datsun needs a blue helmet kek
Don't encourage the newfaggotry of this faggot
well if north korea can have nukes we want them too.
We'll not nuke anyone, we promise, as long as no one fucks with us.
you know if this wasn't just more retarded sabre rattling that NK would've launched them first and not have made a press release, right?
Your Fatherland asked does Mongoloid
We have the most advanced anti-ICBM defenses in the world, all of them are top-secret and can pop nukes overhead as they're being launched.
Best course of action would be to ignore North Korea since all they do is make threats, their ICBMs are outdated they made them using sandstone and papyrus, and we have every single strategic advantage.
You're a newfag if you don't know NK makes threats like this literally every single month and have since the fucking Vietnamese war.
No ones gunna be laughing whe north korea finally attacks us
Because someone cant control his ego
More like people will be laughing their hardest that it actually happened