luluco tomorrow
cept she's dead and shit
luluco tomorrow
cept she's dead and shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>she's dead for real and is never revived
>she remains in the OP and the show is still named after her for the remaining three episodes
It's Trigger, I could see it happen. I could see the next three episodes just being the rest of the crew dragging her corpse around.
>Nova-kun becomes the new main character
>he indifferently stares at a wall for the rest of the show
Either way I don't mind.
She's dead, and she is going to hell, where Mecha Cop and Ninja Slayer beat her so badly she dies and goes to life.
He did nothing wrong.
It's true though, luluco fell in love with somebody with literally zero personality just for his looks.
Not like he'd care if he was wrong, though.
Been away for some time.
How big was the shitstorm when >lifefibers happened?
there wasn't like 50 threads on Sup Forums but people were pretty excited
Can't wait for more JUSTICE tomorrow
4 or 5 threads though
Nova is a good boy. He only pretended to kill Luluco. It's a sting operation to defeat the Blackholeian.
He's going to die this episode, isn't he?
It made me watch kill la kill again and get impatient for Imaishi's rumored new show.
post yfw this plays next episode
>W-who are you?
>I am.. the purgatorial flame of this rotting shit-hole...
She said "not to be continued." there'll be no new episode tomorrow or ever after.
Its Space Patrol Midori now
We back?
From the dead, unlike Luluco.
Space Pirate Lalaco is tomorrow, though
It's over user, no more Luluco
What do we know about the next Trigger original? Is Imaishi going to direct it?
Luluco is nice but I'm really starting to miss KLK and the crazy rollarcoaster ride they've given us. I know expecting another one of these shows so soon is a mistake, but another Trigger original can't be bad asKiznaiver
Only Trigger can save anime and also kill it in the same season.
Rumor is he is doing another show that "TTGL fans will love."
I wonder if she will abandon wanting to be normal and go full EDGE
Mom's back.
Mom of the year
>leaves her husband and daughter to become a space pirate
>abuses her daughter
>mom of the year
Stop posting Lalaco.
She's gonna break Luluco out of her death bed and she will become Space Pirate Lalaco and Luluco.
Luluco had to go through the fire and flames to understand that men ain't worth shit
the dad seems like a nice guy though
>It's true though
no it fucking isn't
Hello tumblr
So it's an Imiashi project, yeah?
That's great
They can't top Ragyo.
>Mom shows up to save the day
>Blumenkranz ensues
Blumenkranz plays when Luluco falls to Lalaco's EDGE
>luluco keeps crying ITAI
>suddenly, she feels refreshed
>Kacchon is standing there with a tube of super glue and her repaired heart in his hands
>"You can keep this."
>he leaps off into space in a burst of fabulous color
>blue girl
>not best girl
>blue girl
>name is green
she's GREEN
that's light blue
if you're blind maybe
I hope Luluco loses it and rapes Nova
How so? What reason did luluco have for loving nova?
She clearly appears more blue than green. I'm not him, I am also capable of analyzing colors and not just believing something is green simply because I'm told it is.
Nova is in the wrong for leading her on there is nothing wrong with falling in love with him for his looks.
So you're saying you don't accept the objective reality and instead delude yourself into thinking what you want to?
Tell me how the fuck Nova led her on.
She fell in love with him on her own.
I didnt care all that much about luluco until that last episode. Now Im really anxious for the next one as they decide whether this show is shit or gold. To me Novas been the whole mystery of this show. If he is literally just an emotionless puppet then this show is shit. But I like the theme of first love being hollow so here's my prediction, luluco recovers with help from her mom, becomes a pirate or some independent rebellious shit, an episode of nova angst from being treated like a nothing, luluco learns about Novas true feelings, feels bad for him, defeats the blackholes, nova is thankful and their love turns from hollow to genuine.
>just caught up today
>LWA planet
>Machspeed planet
I never conceived she was blue until people in these threads erroneously said she was, the lowest hanging fruit.
No, I'm saying I don't accept the popular opinion on Midori's color. What is it with Sup Forums and loving to use absolute terms like "literally" and "objectively", even when they're not correct?
Don't take it too seriously.
>Justice gets up
>does nothing
I really hope him and IC merge.
Cause it ain't a popular opinion, it's a fact.
It was a draw.
Whether or not falling in love with Nova for his looks is wrong the post was saying luluco falling for nova only for his looks is bullshit. I don't see any other reason for lulucos love.
>you are very precious to me
And I'm not even talking about the fact that they even gave her color code numbers and tell that she's green.
Just to drive the point further home:
The show, in English, calls her green.
I expect nova and the black hole man rape Luluco dead body
everyone sees colors a bit differently, there is no real "objective" color of something, just a general consensus. midori looks like greenish blue to me, but I'm sure others may see her as mostly green.
may god bring inferno cop back to our lives.
And those numbers, when put into a chart, appear more blue than green. Eat shit.
I covered this earlier.
>not just believing something is green simply because I'm told it is
I know she's officially referred to as green. They're all wrong.
Didn't he get blown up by her attack
>The color green, when reduced to a number, is blue
>using objective measurements to prove a subjective perception
Yeah, a draw. It seemed pretty even to me.
>appear (to me) more blue than green
get your eyes checked dude
What did he see?
We're not talking about perception here though.
You can see green as red for all I care but it's still green.
I honestly have no clue.
Luluco will be the MC of the next trigger anime.
She'll become a literally heartless space pirate who escaped from hell with the help of a flaming skull.
>eyes have equal numbers of L, M, and S cones
>human perception works on a linear scale
pick none
Do human eyes perceive left and right differently too? Because that's a hell of a lot closer to green than blue.
it's green
Macaroons vanishing before his eyes.
It's greenish blue.
If anything, it's bluish green.
croquettes disappearing
It's just over the border to green, but even a slightly miscalibrated display could make it look more blue.
On my laptop it looks quite blue, while on my phone it looks like a rich, sea foam green.
>It's a blue vs green thread
I'll never understand It's obviously green.
This is like saying that there is a fundamental difference between rolling a 3 with 1 on the red die and 2 on the white, and rolling a 3 with 2 on the red die and 1 on the white.
By which I mean you've perfectly captured the pedantry of this entire discussion.
There's a difference between green with some blue and blue with some green.
>This is like saying that there is a fundamental difference between rolling a 3 with 1 on the red die and 2 on the white, and rolling a 3 with 2 on the red die and 1 on the white.
...But there is.
She fell in love with him way before that, dude.
It was all on her own, he didn't instigate it.
Not really.
He's 1/3 of a brain in a box, that kind of limits his potential to carry out proper assholery.
>No, stay wonderful
Still loved him before that
no before that happened, he seemed like a good guy who worked hard and loved his child