You might as well be fucking a man, or better yet, a man who looks like a female.
Birth Control makes sex with women meaningless
Try reading a book about logic.
Having children is meaningless
Sex without the purpose of procreation is no better than fapping: there's action, but there's no result.
>Sex without the purpose of procreation is no better than fapping: there's action, but there's no result.
Exactly. All theses "muh recreational sex"posters are pure degeneracy.
>Birth Control makes sex with women meaningless.
Women are meaningless.
christcucks get out
>inb4 fedora
show me scientifically any evidence of """"""god""""" Ill wait
>or better yet, a man who looks like a female
obviously you have never had any pussy
It's not even about religion, dumbass.
It's about what is sex for, about what happens when you have normal sex.
>christcucks get
>show me scientifically any evidence of God
Keep chasing the event (sex), in hopes of achieving the emotion (happiness)...protip: is the other way around
>You might as well be fucking a man, or better yet, a man who looks like a female.
you say that like it's a bad thing
i gots dat sexual emergency doe
>getting sex advice from a leaf
You wouldn't do this IRL, just walk away slowly
moving goalposts, ignored.
Well first I don't need to chase sex, because I am not some keyboard warrior like you who thinks skimming wikipedia articles makes himself attractive.
Also I am engaged and together we have a better life than you ever will (another step in life you will never get to), so your other point falls flat.
Looks like I triggered some imaginary friend worshippers though. Shouldn't you two tards be studying your scripture for tomorrow or something? LOL.
>moving goalposts, ignored.
No goal posts misunderstood where they were in the first place.
ummm you never had a fine piece of pussy have you?
Squirting is a result
oy vey
Friendly reminder that birth control is all part of a capitalist plan to reduce the working class' power by decreasing their numbers and diverting their political interests into the mindless search for new pussy to plow
I'm going to assume your pic is related. in which case kill yourself
Birth control was the biggest mistake of the modern world. Now women are more independent and they've been consatnly fucking up ever since. Whining about equal pay without accounting for levels of education and hours spent. Whining about rights when they have literally every right a man has. They even get 12 months paid maternity leave which that gladly takes advantage of if they ever decide to have offspring (which by the way is ridiciolustly selfish considering the productivity of the workplace goes down with one less at work every day, the process of finding a subtitute that only wants to work for a year).
Women are awful.
>ummm you never had a fine piece of pussy have you?
Degenerate slut pictured. This is a Christian board.
Or a sexbot. Yay!
>Birth control was the biggest mistake of the modern world. Now women are more independent and they've been consatnly fucking up ever since. Whining about equal pay without accounting for levels of education and hours spent.
Or assuming that same education makes them deserve equal pay...when productivity and competence determines pay.
>Women are awful.
That flag... who ARE you...
>Friendly reminder that birth control is all part of a capitalist plan to reduce the working class' power by decreasing their numbers and diverting their political interests into the mindless search for new pussy
This guy gets it. If pollacks read only one book, this is it.
>all part of a capitalist plan to reduce the working class' power by decreasing their numbers
A lower population benefits the working class. The less people the less workers. The less workers there are puts the salary bargaining right into the lap of the worker. Simple supply and demand value. Why do you think they want to flood countries with migrants. It depresses wages.
Trying to derive satisfaction by demoralizing children of God before God throws you in the lake of fire for an eternity of torture for your unforgivable crimes is pointless.
Birth control (and the inevitable sexual liberation) essentially changes the political debate from "Why do we live in a society where a family can't afford to support its children" to "If a family can't support its children, well, it's their fault for not using birth control".
You can't have it both ways user; you can't demand better living standards for the masses while implicitly endorsing birth control "because if you can't afford your kids, you fucked up"
I mean its honestly fascinating watching proglibs struggle to understand why the Right bitches about "welfare queens", while simultaneously arguing for birth control which must inevitably lead to the eugenic argument that a person should only have as many kids as they can afford (ceteris paribus)
You sound like you need a dick up your ass.
so is sex with women on contraceptives
This Kiwi gets it.
This guy is a rural/suburban retard who uses Lolbertarian logic.
I think he's right in a way, but the problem is that in most Western nations immigration policy has essentially become untouchable, with most mainstream parties acting like its some force of nature outside political control.
Plus most of the "Old Left" have essentially abandoned immigration restrictions because DASS RAYCISS (and if you can't compete with Pablo/Xiang/Kumar, well that's your fucking fault for not using your white privilege responsibly)
>This guy is a rural/suburban retard who uses Lolbertarian logic.
You know it's true. Hence the resort to categorizing instead of a valid counter argument.
But no Western country has both, i.e. birth control and low immigration; in fact, the reduction in birth-rates due to birth control is used to justify mass immigration "because it's the only way for the economy to grow; we wouldn't need so many if people kept having three kids each, but since people don't well we need to get more people in here".
Well it is a complex subject and salary negotiations is part of it. You also forgot about debt collateral which we all are. As well, the more fresh blood (be it migrant or birth rates) in a country is counted as debt collateral and the governments can borrow more and more from the central banks.
The less workers, the more migrants the goverment has to bring to your country ;)
Make more credit ratings goy! My investments won't grow themselves!
He's right and wrong...high wage for less population is a result of capital per worker...mite population also means more jobs, thus increasing demand. He's the type of libertarian who only knows because he's told...not because he understands.
>You know it's true. Hence the resort to categorizing instead of a valid counter argument.
You are using 17th century economic arguments...I don't need to explain, for others to see, that your arguments are nonsense.
how do you guys reconcile your need for sex when women who you would never marry throw themselves at you?
is it degenerate to have sex and pursue women you have no intention of making children with because they arent good enough?
Here is copy pasta exposing sex and virtue...and the prerequisites for healthy sexuality.
Sex-Bots can replace MODERN women,but not
what a woman CAN AND SHOULD be.
A rational man seeks a rational woman, as
rationality promotes life- the life of his
children resting upon a rational mother.
>women are irrational
Men have only recently began to think...women are capable, but require instruction.
>most women are irreconcilably irrational
Women want to be told what to do so badly that they'll listen to anyone.
Let them know what kind of man you are so that they know what kind of woman to be.
>divorce rape
Probability is low for men who are stoic in presence of animosity.
Sex-Bots can replace a slut, but sluts well never please a rational man- he seeks a mind.
Take this example:
>Competition for tech talent puts a high price on graduates with computer science degrees.
>As scores of college graduates hit the job market this spring, their employment prospects are more promising than those of last year’s graduating class. In particular, computer science graduates are a hot commodity.
>There are currently over 500,000 open computing jobs, in every sector, from manufacturing to banking, from agriculture to healthcare, but only 50,000 computer science graduates a year
>With supply/demand conditions in their favor, many of today’s computer science graduates are entering the workforce with high starting salaries and multiple offers of employment.
Now imagine an even lower population which also means even less people who would be interested in a computer science degree. Of course if there were 1 million graduates for those 500,000 jobs, well that's pretty obvious. They wouldn't be in the position of getting a top notch salary.
>Now imagine an even lower population which also means even less people who would be interested in a computer science degree.
Also less demand LOCALLY, with work depending upon local capital serving foreign demand. Hence local capital, and the need for it being local, being important.
This is the origin of your argument.
Birth control and condoms should be banned and all subhumans along with any whites deemed unfit to be a mother or father should be sterilized.
Birth control has all sorts of strange effects on the female mind and the mere existence of it alongside condoms promotes degeneracy and reduces the birth rate. Sex is not a hedonistic activity but for the purpose of reproduction.
This type of leaf makes me proud to be a leaf.
Right back at you, fellow Leaf.
And not sure where you are from, but Alberta began sterilizing in the 1930s. They were ahead of their time.
Winnipeg here. All subhuman indians should've been sterilized long ago because they are literal parisites. They contribute nothing to society and just live off welfare, passing out drunk in the middle of streets or committing crime. That's why Winnipeg is considered the crime capital of Canada.
I'm considering moving to Saskatchewan or Alberta eventually because it's a shithole most places here.
hahaha what a virgin thread
SK here, it's but bad yet...MB lowest IQ of canada. AB had new provincial party, in early stages, with perform to separate.
It's funny how every cuck from Toronto or Vancouver hates Alberta and SK because they think theres so many evil conservatives over here when it's actually them that are ruining this country. I lived in Vancouver for a few years but that city is basically gone already, more chinese than there are Whites and half of the signs dont even have any english on them.
I can't wait until the day of the rope when we can reclaim all of our country.
Agree with both, never have sex again anons.
There was a screencap of a guy talking about how he became asexual by choice on an asexuality forum and it was a hilarious read, but I can't seem to find it.
having children is reincarnating youself with a suitable mate.
if for you having a children is meaningless,then you and your life are meaningless.
This. Not having children is basically like suicide.
The white race will die out unless we get the birth rate back up above 2.1 everywhere and remove all the non-whites from our nations.
>It's funny how every cuck from Toronto or Vancouver hates Alberta and SK because they think theres so many evil conservatives over here when it's actually them that are ruining this country.
It's comical how they are biting the hand that
>I can't wait until the day of the rope when we can reclaim all of our country.
Eastern Canada is done...Western canada will survive...East won't.
>hahaha what a virgin thread
Virgin by choice is better than slut by Jamal...but I guess they anal does not count.
Ontario will be completely done for in just a few more years. But Quebec and the Maritimes will still be fine for a while.
But I'm not ready for a child yet.
>But I'm not ready for a child yet.
Implying any woman would fuck you.
>Ontario will be completely done for in just a few more years. But Quebec and the Maritimes will still be fine for a while.
How will the Maritimes survive financially?...transfer payments are just the tip of the iceberg for what they receive.
I would rather not end up killing babies over some abstraction like that.
More than you you limped dicked leaf faggot
>More than you you limped dicked leaf faggot
Be more triggered.
This is why everyone hates Canadians
I feel sorry for your future wife if you ever get married
Fuck your religion. This is an Atheist board.