They're going to die eventually, but it would be a shit, unsatisfying death at this point in the story. Just wait for them to be killed in more exciting circumstances.
Hunter x Hunter
Owen Williams
Evan Hughes
>Her incompetence cost the life of two of the spiders
And, nothing of value was lost.
Elijah Wood
I don't think he gives a fuck, to be honest.
Lucas Watson
Why the fuck is machi patching him up despite him trying to kill chrollo?
Levi Lee
Isaac Powell
Pitou wasn't a woman, she was a goddess
Austin Adams
goddess of busted faces
Jordan Thompson
Gyro will try once he finds out.
Juan Kelly
He fucking killed Shalnark who was a founding member, Chrollo should be pissed over him at least
Matthew White
Pika is the only one on the boat who will be connected to:
keeping him detained
>Beyonds team
Stop them from freeing Beyond
best buds
Is a bodyguard