hey rabbi whattaya doin'?
The spaztika
I love how this anti semite artist forgot how to draw a swastika half way through, almost like it was his first time or something
new swastika proposal: +
I bet it was done by liberals to label nazis as the bad guys, I can assure you that nazis know how to draw a fucking swastika properly
>the spaztika
When will Jews finally learn to correctly draw the swastika in their false flags? For a people with six trillions murdered by the Nazis you'd think they'd know how to draw the swastika+
top kek
haha what the fuck makes them do this shit. Man I really dislike the goyim we had to interact with today, lets pretend white people are nazi's and see if we can get them shoad.
this made me laugh more than it should
Why can't anyone draw a proper swastika? It's just down-right-down, right-down-right. Or draw an X and give it arms in every different direction. It's not hard ffs.
>that chicken at the end
The left has zero creativity and it shows in their fail swastikas hahaha, the only thing they do is try to shame creative people
It took me weeks to figure out that this is the number 45
so i think that jews see the swastika as some kind of satanic symbol and thus cannot bring themselves to write it, else they visit the wrath og god on themselves. thats why where ever we see these things (fake nazi hate crimes) the swastika's are always spazzed out and not actually real swastikas
Found the perp.
hale hortler
so tiresome
This is glorious. Everything from start to finish.