We lost
We lost
cant compete with BBC
women are willing to DIE for it
must be amazing
sure we did, shlomo
Christ is soon to be here
and if any of those you hate are righteous, that much the better for them
and if they are not, they will be consumed by fire unto non-existence
Typical American pool party.
You lost, I work hard and live in a non nigger area. They can't afford to live here.
>False Flag
>Not indicative of broader reality
>Fake Post
where was this picture taken btw? Just curious
iT'S A beautiful picture btw.
I see niggers with half-niggers.
Doesn't rustle my jimmies at all.
Is that Argentina?
Do nothing statement.
>mad that coalburners are burning coal
i've never understod you cucks... would you rather have been dating one of these coalburners?
I got a warning from the (((mods))) for rightfully saging a similarly shitty thread. Just letting you know.
>In 10 years I'll be seeing the women with a half black kid and no man strolling around target looking haggard, out of shape, and dressing like they wish they were still 25.
Yeah I sure lost.
Goodriddence. Whitey needs to go. Your women will be missed.
Good good niggers destroying their race and culture.
>trump's been in office less than year
>fighting obstruction every step of the way
Did you really think it was gonna be that easy? I bet you're also buttmad that the wall isn't built yet.
>club skanks
>coal burners
Nothing of value was lost.
this nigger wearing a belt and underwear in a pool
guess he's not planning on swimming
Is this "im going to date a black boy to make daddy angry" thing replacing just dating a regular bad boy with a motorcycle and a tattoo?
Who let the refugees into the pool?
careful, you might trigger one of these rubes into running over a crowd of innocents
Yeah, where I live we don't have all that many immigrants so the thing to do for these fatherless girls is to get involved with biker gangs. Americans are just unfortunate enough to have lots of niggers, so they go after the niggers instead. At least if a girl goes after a biker, she doesn't permanently fuck up her genetic line
Sage and reported.
U guys c-uck yourselves through your own nihilism.
Where are you that you don't have immigrants? We're flooded with them here in Toronto. English is not the first language anymore.
Hoo yeah them whiteboii cumskin crackaz finna get bred out of existence by superior KANG seed. white wimmin belong to US
is this some kind of bbc cuck party or what, wtf
I will leave the exact location unsaid since lots of stupid Americans on this board think that they should immigrate to places that have no immigrants
But yeah, I've never been to Toronto, but I've read that the majority of people in that city weren't even born somewhere in Canada, it's fucked
Picture New York without the interesting architecture, history, or economic power but with worse traffic, filled to the brim with immigrants that hate/don't care about it, and with the majority of those born here thinking it's the best place ever since they've never been anywhere else.
That's Toronto.
speaking from expirience are you? faggot
Yeah, it sucks, our men are getting BLEACHT. There's just too many of you cumskins in this country...