>this will show them! Haha, normies BTFO!
This will show them! Haha, normies BTFO!
Other urls found in this thread:
>this will show them! Haha, normies BTFO!
i'd like to see you blast so many collective booties at one time
that was a master stroke as far as trolling goes
>muh white race!
Christ you guys are pathetic
Except it wasn't meant to be a troll. It was supposed to be a catalyst for a delusional race war.
That's called Jewish Trolling user. The Jews do it all the time.
>a bunch of queers carrying luciferian torches
Bet the local Mason lodge was busy that night.
Thread full of kikes. I watched the Charlottesville torch rally live and it was fucking beautiful. I was in awe. I am glad that dumb roastie died as well.
t. University educated straight 6'3" male white nationalist that makes over 100k/y USD and can DL 3x your body weight
please dont fall for dick spencer's retardation
loving your race is fine but that guy is 100% a CIA plant
This dude reached autistic levels I didn't even know were possible.
My company and society think X, but I think Y. I should really send out my social and political manifesto on my company's time and equipment, I'm sure they will love that.
oy vey but if you ask the other chan he's 100% legit alt-right mastermind for years!
its like he was designed to be a caricature of a Jew. his nose is so disgustingly large it makes me want to vomit.
If you are dumb enough to fall for Spencer you don't belong here
>americucks do it once
>they are being called out, condemned and they are scared to do it again
>greeks do it all the time
>golden dawn is in the parliament, and will stay there next elections.
get your shit together usa. Trump is good, but you need to make rallies like this accepted and mainstreamed.
video example
Have rallies ever redpilled anyone? They only serve a masturbatory purpose to galvanize existing supporters and show numbers and strength. It doesn't attract new supporters.
I think they should just stick to pushing their ideas on the internet. The truth is on their side and the internet is a better place to disseminate unmolested truths.
Fucking this. Do people really not feel exactly the same? Sad.
but that shown them
talk shit, get hit
ANTIFA troll thread.
Lol what?
Why do supposed non-Nazis get so assmad when these Nazis are called Nazis?
>white straight, Christian male
What is it about this combination which enrages the left?
I think you underestimate how much damage has been done to the white self hating mind by a mere protest. Kikes and Good Goys usually send white males like this to die for Empire. That's what triggered them so much about the whole thing. They know they can lose the propaganda war fast if they get too explicit about their hatred of young white men. Armed white men are the only people who keep the Kikes in power. If this many have slipped through the cracks, how many more have. (This interpretation doesn't even consider the PsyOp possibility.) Even if a PsyOp, it ended up exposing the weakness of Antifa as well as the brutality of Antifa.
The Jews and Good Goys will be gunning hard against Free Speech in response to Cville. Did you know that there is an Arianna Grande concert tomorrow at 4pm or so for UVA students? UVA is in Cville. Dave Matthews organized the whole thing.
They're going to continue doubling down on it anyway. I went to the NYC orbit the other week and the zombies are 100% caught in the trance and unable to apply thought to the situation or explain why they are emotionally invested in the programming.
He was a FBI plant last thread. This board needs to die. Anonymity is fucking pathetic.
Are you referring to the picture or the march in general? The march was a huge success (the actual rally, not so much).
The people in your picture are fine and look like decent, middle-class Americans.
Um, no it wasn't.
Yea your right user. He was just trying to get some media jew bux.
Spencer can be an idiot, but he's not CIA or controlled opposition.
Stop giving the guy so much hate.
Why is that pathetic? Because you're a nigger?
Spencer was obviously selected and propped up to be the face of the vast "alt right" conspiracy (quoting Hillary Clinton).
If they were going to select someone, they would have chosen a dumb, fat, ugly skinhead. Spencer is none of those things.
I agree he can be incompetent at times, but I don't see any major reason to oppose him/things he's done wrong.
What a bunch of cringey fags.
>Muh white civilization
>Muh white genocide
>Muh blacks are mean
>Muh gonna genocide all races
Sensitive dicklet detected
You've fallen for the trap of focusing on the figurehead Spencer. They pick figureheads so that you pay attention to the person rather than the operation.
You'll find the same thing if you read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky.
Spencer has never referred to himself as "the leader". He's actually done the opposite, giving his personal opinion rather than speaking on behalf of the entire Alt-Right.
this. its extremely easy to spot fake posters.
That's irrelevant. Once again, you're focusing on the playing piece rather than the game, just as intended.
You can educate me on how the "alt right" actually has existed for a while and how Spencer is a known figure in certain circles. Still doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if he's a SECRET CIA DOUBLE AGENT ONE MAN SLEEPER CELL or not. All that matters is that he has the qualities and the ability to mobilize enough of a divide and conquer operation to make people literally take to the streets to further the AGITPROP agenda.
You say this all the time. Where is your proof he's doing this?
He's just doing what he does. It doesn't take anything more than that.
The thing to watch out for is how people such as yourself even care who he is and go to defend him or show up at stupid pointless rallies like antifa does.