Played like a damn fiddle!

Hahaha Dems calling for all NFL players to kneel during National Anthem in response to Trump calling out players who do so to be fired.
>normies watching NFL now see Dems as the AntiAmerica party

This couldn't be better for Trump. The left's argument is indefensible. Players making millions of $$$ and want to shit on the US at the same time. NFL owners are going to lose millions as Americans reject the sport, ticket purchases and viewership will plummet. To be a Democrat means you hate the nation. This is the perception that is becoming more and more accepted by everyone in the country. Hahahahahahaha

Other urls found in this thread:

Check mate


nothing will wake joe six pack up harder than this
they push whites on every single fucking thing nonstop. it will be hilarious if niggerball is the final straw

I never thought Trump would be able to orchestrate and control the national culture to this degree. Leftists don't know a losing position when they see one. Standing for the National Anthem? How could you be against it and maintain any broad appeal? Demi's might as well come out against puppies.

Such a good point. Joe Sixpack is probably sick of everything else in mainstream culture and now his only pure escape and enjoyment is a leftist shitshow. People who know nothing of politics outside of their Facepage news feed are going to swallow a nice red pill this Sunday.


Trump is obviously not even near as far right as i’d like, but all the nazi flag paid shills comstantly REEEEing about him is so absurd. I’m supposed to hate trump because he’s not hitler incarnate, when my other right wing options were people like jeb, kasich, and the two spics rubio and cruz? Our country isnt even close go being able to elect someone as right wing as we need, but this is a great step in the right direction.

>watching any of the 3 versions of niggerball

hockey and motor racing are the true white mans sports.

fuck football basketball and baseball

I hope those prissy niggers do it

You still have NHL with only few Canadian negroes that are smarter than US niggers.

Jackson was a bro though


I watch and play golf my dude. It's so relaxing to watch and good exercise to play. Getting out in nature. Love it.

What are they kneeling about again?
Do they want more money, or is it just in their DNA to be servants and slaves?


Libs should be acting more patriotic to spite Trump but they can't help themselves. KEK

probably fun to play but not enough action to be fun to watch

>football players kneeling during anthem
talk about privileged.

Goddamn. Trump is a master ruseman.

>Do they want more money, or is it just in their DNA to be servants and slaves?
Both probably plus they hate America

They don't want to stand in respect of the white man's national anthem. At least they are openly recognizing this isn't their country.

Niggerball is now dead in my eyes.

>joe six pack
Is this a movie reference? Shit is hilarious

Tomorrow there will be blood

>leftys cannot stop hating America and whites for one second to avoid making themselves look bad in front of average joe whitey

top kek
Trump just won reelection

Also how the fuck does the president fire athletes

if they don't like it they can GIT OUT

Twitter. duh.

Not enough action? You don't have to wait for a pitch or for the ball to be placed by the refs. They cut from shot to shot of the worlds greatest and most skilled golfers making beautiful and amazing shots. It's nonstop action. And when they aren't showing shots you're looking at beautiful landscapes and examples of the pinnacle of man's control and artistry of nature.

One good thing with having worked around so many jews in NY as Trump has, he has learned how to destroy someone elses brand.

He was saying they should be fired not actually firing them. Basically he called bullshit on the fact they're disrespecting the country and of course Dems think it's the equivalent of the Holocaust.

Did anyone on the Patriots take a knee?
arent they Trumps team

by telling people to boycott NFL games if they pull this shit

the NFL is already losing money. if they start losing even more these players are getting fired if they try kneeling

>trump not conservative
as a matter of fact, trump is arch-conservative. he is engaging in realpolitik, because that's the hand he is dealt.
curious- name a (((true))) conservative. this will be (((enlightening))).

*claps quietly

There are thousands of people who have said the same thing this evening.
Hope they go through with it, it’ll fuck the dems for a generation

The 4th guy from the left is throwing a gang sign.


It will only piss them off because they'll make a big deal about it at the beginning of the game and on ESPN highlights. Nothing pisses sports viewers off more than Joe Buck talking about shit nobody cares about.
When the players walk off the field and the game can't go on, now that will be the time they get pissed enough to revolt. When fantasy leagues get fucked up because the players you paid to draft aren't playing in protest, yeah, angry time.

They think of situations like this as their civil rights march. To them nothing is more important than letting people know how they feel. It's probably the reason social media is such a liberal safe haven.

The dumbfuck leftists are digging their own grave and revealing their hatred of america for everyone to see.

Subban is actually a great guy. Really down to earth, much more intelligent than his NFL negro counterparts. And he donated his 10m signing bonus to a children's hospital

Your flag must be fucking fake if you think any NFL fan gives a fuck about the politics. I'm not going to stop watching, and if you do want to stop watching, maybe it's time to go to the doctor and get your testosterone level checked before you sprout a fucking gash between your legs.

Joe Sixpack is a really old term for average Joe American civilian adult. . As opposed to GI Joe, etc

The US government pays the nfl to show patriotism before games. How long until Trump pulls funding?

no doubt lesean mccoy is leading this niggerness. these niggers need to wake the fuck up and realize niggerkike twitter is a lie and that this is a trap that will break the backs of all commie rats and commi demon cockroaches who are baited.

bad bait
sort yourself out

He said the owners SHOULD fire them. He has no control over the NFL or team management. I suppose if the protests continue to be officially condoned by teams he could have the FEC seek to regulate their broadcasts as political ads. Would be funny but also something I'd expect out of an administration like Obama's.

What I've never understood is why protesting the national anthem has anything to do with the police killing black people. If it was the federal government that actively oppressed people I would understand it, but it's just cops shooting people. Doesn't have anything to do with the federal government nor the national anthem. Or are they just looking for someone to blame other than themselves?

>The left's argument is indefensible.

And it couldn't be aimed at a more hostile and unreceptive audience. Football fans tend to be very patriotic and pro American.

This is like spitting in the face of the entire nation.

Thank you for exhibiting polite and proper conduct.

Shut the fuck up bongtard. American football is almost as popular in UK as it is in the US. You guys sell out Wembley stadium every fucking time we have a game there.

Enjoy the Ravens/Jaguars game tomorrow by the way.. Or kys. Either way is good with me.

I appreciate your love for a sport and nature

>Never met an Eagles fan.

It's just a chance for pampered millionaires to pretend like they care.


Fuck off with your faggy boycotts
The idea is to push these faggot dems/kikes into the light so more and more normies see what they're really about

Calling for a boycott is calling for normies to close their eyes and put their fingers in their ears

Ghengis khan

kek what a bunch of faggots

Golf does make excellent TV, and can get very tense at the end. Also the only nigger drove himself mad with white women, so it's almost all white with a few Japs and a Poo.

>unites the entire NFL against u
>unites NFL fans against u
Muh 3d chess

>patriots showing derision toward our great republic.
will never happen. belichik is /our coach/.

Everyone already knows the NFL is millionaires throwing a ball. No one is gonna side with rich douche bags.

shit like this makes me buy the 87D backgammon meme.

you have a point but if it gets bad enough players will be punished for making the league lose and will stop doing it. showing that they only care about making themselves look good by doing this

>It's nonstop action.

The best team, the best QB, the best head coach and the best owner are all white. They're the face of the NFL. They won't kneel and the rest of the league won't follow.

How naive are you. People literally would die for their NFL teams. Football is basically a religion to some people

Some nigger did. He's with the Packers now.

Brady is /ourQB/ too

I see how my father, uncles, and friends react to this shit....You, my friend, are delusional

Sports are for brain dead normies who are in the way; all cucked spectators for Jew nigger ball. Take all those millions and hire math teachers for poor Appalachian counties, it's wasted on niggers.

With all the taxpayer money the NFL gets he should have the power to fire athletes.

I don't get why cities are so eager to pay for a team's stadium. Every major city in America literally has a monument to niggers that seats 40,000.

Trump is a genius - he behaves in a way that makes the Left feel absolutely sure they can shit on him. And they just run their mouths non-stop.

And yep, the Left encourages all players to take a knee and burn a flag. That'll teach Trump a good lesson!

What is the Vegas odds of Trump 2020? I have money in hand.

No, it represents white supremacy and oppression, We have the right and freedom of speech to speak out against what it represents, that's America. You're not, you're fascists. Fuck off.

not bad. nevertheless, trump would permanently BTFO of khan and bury him twenty leagues under five thousand miles of WALL.

Trump has had a grudge against the NFL since he tried making his own football league

NFL is like a mini project to make whites like blacks. As soon as white people see all this nigger behavior they will turn the other way.

Lmao m80. I play golf and train in BJJ at an MMA gym. My test levels are higher than yours unless you're on synth. Hahaha
>Your flag must be fucking fake if you think any NFL fan gives a fuck about the politic

Hahaha don't take my word for it. How about ESPN?

>pretend like this isn't going to make white nfl players take the knee too

>white libs want to make niggers kneel before them
Seems pretty based.

>I don't think America is uphold its ideals, so rather than pledge to uphold what is America's ideals, let me act ashamed of the concept of America because I am a stupid fucking brain damaged nigger.

One guy did and Kraft traded him. That ended the kneeling.

fuck dems, niggers, sjw culture, and the nfl.

Liberals love social media because it can be controlled by banning, blocks, deleting, filters etc. An anti free speech utopia where only correct thoughts can be expressed.

>tfw I don't have a six-pack

you're so fucked, kike nigger. your imminent wailing and gnashing of teeth will be pure comedy.
indeed he is.

Do you guys think something epic will happen at the NFL games tomorrow?

I like this. Get on your knees you peanut-brained animals.

Why aren't we spreading for people to boycott sponsors and advertisers that support communist sports leagues like the NBA and NFL? Anything Steph curry is used for should be considered an anti American commie band and should be boycotted.

Bush during the Iraq war renamed French fries to freedom fries for a while, and restaurants were dumping French products like wine and imports from France. We should do the same for these communist sympathisers and the brands that endorse them.

When the white QB takes the knee it might be different, but that's far from happening, that will literally be the end of NFL because it would become too political though. So Trump wins either way.

>genuflecting is also a sign of respect
This is how stupid niggers are.

gerund or present participle: genuflecting

lower one's body briefly by bending one knee to the ground, typically in worship or as a sign of respect.
"she genuflected and crossed herself"
show deference or servility.
"politicians had to genuflect to the far left to advance their careers"

It refers to beer not abs

Thanks man. I will say it's the most difficult and frustrating sport I've played. And watching it as someone who plays is soul crushing because the pros have such perfect swings and you know you'll never get there.

are you stupid?

most of those are muslims and commies larping as Nazis

>emotional response
cry more bitch nigga

their communism is the death of them, mao. yours, too. tick tock.

>Millionaire niggers kneeling for the deaths of clearcut criminals.

i was joking with a friend (because im the guy they text for racist narratives i guess) that i should streak naked during one of these negroid-kneeling fests with a banner listing crime stats
like the other user said, this was a safe space for joe six pack to escape to. it was really the final safe space or a guy who is really actually awake but can't fit it into his social contracts. so he just wants to forget about it. and then BOOM his final refuge is infiltrated and ruined.

like subconsciously sports are a wall from politics and reality and whatever else. a passionate sports fan will react to this shit. what else will fill that void? it's really more dangerous than people think to be pushing whites out of fucking football. like this has potential to be the #1 topic in history books discussing the rise of white reactionary politics. and it's fucking football hahaha

>The best team
>all white
which team are you referring to?

This so fucking much. I'm amazed that it caught on so fast I thought for sure kapernick would be laughed laughedoff the planet. Instead he got all these dumb mega rich famous black people riled up bc apparently they have it so bad.