Political Traditionalism: Real movement?

Or is pic related accurate? What do you think Sup Forums? I'm not sure what to believe anymore.

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No it's not a real movement because proponents of Lauren Southern's version of traditionalism tend to conveniently ignore possible solutions to the current climate of globalism and multiculturalism. These people are mere critics, nothing more. They dare to wade into actual conversation regarding possible ways to save the west. They will also denounce any other group (such as the Alt-Right) that are actually future-oriented.

TLDR: Attention whores with little to offer in terms of originality.

No, Pettibone is as flat as an airport runway.

So they are just doing it for shekels? I have suspected that in the past but some of the people in it seem genuine. I really can't tell though...

I have a crush on Brittany's sister, although she says she is in a relationship.

I am just wondering if I am falling for a meme, and if the ironybros on twitter are right, or if it might be a real thing.

I have never heard either of them denounce the alt-right either...

Obviously not that part haha, I just mean the message of the image... not the proportions of the photo...

Think they are all just in it for shekels?

I'm pretty sure Lauren Southern did denounce them at some point.

They may indeed be genuine, but that doesn't make their talking points any better. They won't touch anything that's actually controversial. Furthermore, if anyone of these "trad" types ever gets out of line, the rest will attack like vipers. Remember what happened to Rage After Storm?

So yeah be careful with people who are not willing to commit to a hardline ideology and offer critique rather than solution.

gold, thats exactly how i see them


what dis?

Wow, a degenerate alt-righter. Imagine that.

>So they are just doing it for shekels?

No, they are doing it for attention, money is a bonus (and a way to get more attention).




I kind of have an e-crush on Brittany's sister Nicole... Is that weird? Am I just being idealistic?

I know what you mean though, but they weren't even mad at her it was the "skpetics" that got mad at RaS
yea it's not real but it is funny haha

Chastity belt over diaper makes no sense, shoop;Fake and gay.

No it's not accurate, it's claiming they are not looking to marry anyone even though there is zero evidence of that.

She is obviously disgusted by such degeneracy. Why are you intentionally misrepresenting her?

Attention matters more than money to them? What about Brittany's sister, she seems to not care that much about attention... barely appears in the videos, etc.

Idk maybe I am just being a beta idealist by thinking they are actually trad and good women IRL ?


Finnbro why are you always here to defend Lauren? Do you have some type of thing that tracks these threads?

I am into the sister of Brittany, Nicole... but I hear she is in a relationship too...

You think this whole trad movement is a real thing? I would love to get a girl like this, but lots of people say they are extremely hard to find and barely exist IRL.

>we are waiting for the perfect man to marry because we are going to be married forever so it has to be perfect
You women aren't perfect. Don't get me wrong, Southern is a hell of a good catch, excellent sexual market value, so she should be picky. But let's not pretend you have infinite value, eh? And don't forget... depreciation is a bitch.

So, I am in Quebec and I ran into Lauren Southern about a year ago at YYZ. I am a poo-in-loo Sikh, so full disclosure. If you are reading this Lauren, "Hello and I am sorry but you really do looked like you are 24. That was not an insult. Not my fault."

Anyway, Lauren is actually pretty much like any other girl. When I ran into her I told her immediately that I agree with very little of what she says, but have seen a lot of her material. She seemed cool so we talked about an hour as our flight was delayed from YYZ (Toronto) to YVR (Vancouver). We talked about how Richard Spencer considers her one of his flock and she showed me their private messages and how "White Genocide" is fucking retarded, though "The Great Replacement" is pretty much the same thing she is pushing now.

Anyway, if there's one thing I learned from talking to Lauren is that she is a different person in real life. She is nice and agreeable and NOT the person you see on camera. I hope this does not offend you Lauren, but I see you are milking these guys, which, good for you, go ahead.

Anyway, Lauren is just the same as any other girl. Not a feminist or a traditionalist. She's just like any other girl, except she knows you guys jerk off to her so she is making bank off your every spank.

Poo-Loo out.


>Finnbro why are you always here to defend Lauren?
I don't like liars.
>You think this whole trad movement is a real thing?
I wouldn't call it a "movement" but obviously there are good women out there.

In a good way.

IDK what this means, are these girls really trad or do you think they are just doing this for attention/money? Lots of people think they are probably very promiscuous and just want to latch on to the MAGA/trad movement for shekels...

How come you two are in every thread like this doing the same shit? One is always whiteknigthing and the other is always poorly trolling?

Could you potentially be the same person?


>Used-up sluts who discover that the cock carousel is slowing down suddenly become tradcons

Really toasts my bagels.

we are paid by LS

The nazibot shill is a fucking kike. That's why he hides his flag. Don't compare me to him.

Interesting... So basically she is just doing it for money/attention, I guess there is nothing wrong with that. Wait you are saying Spencer believes that "White Genocide" is retarded and talked about it with Lauren in private messages?

Yeah you are right she is pretty much pushing the same thing now with the identitarian and great replacement stuff.

Would you assume she is quite promiscuous and doesn't really care about being "trad" at all? I'm just wondering if the movement has any validity or if it just a marketing campaign to get shekels from thirsty young men online.

It seems like you are not talking about the broader movement, just her specifically, but thank you for giving an honest opinion.

Except you have zero evidence they used to be sluts. Both of them come from conservative families with which they have good relationships with. Pettibone's dad used to be in the same political party with David Duke.

Is that her sis?

Do you think there are a lot of real tradcon/tradcatholic girls out there or is it a very small type of thing?

How do you know that they used to be sluts?

Seriously wondering just don't know what to think.

How do you find every single thread about her?


Yes that is her younger sister.

I refresh the catalog
Not an argument.

You mean the reform party? Trump used to be part of that party when he ran for President in 2000, he dropped out pretty quickly though, I don't think it was a real attempt.

Was David Duke really a part of that?

>Do you think there are a lot of real tradcon/tradcatholic girls out there or is it a very small type of thing?

Perhaps in a small town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Every woman I know who is currently a "tradcon" was sluttier than you can imagine. They became "tradcon" in order to attract a man when they knew their partying days were over.

Traditionalist or a cuck, either way you'll be a wage slave to pussy. Opting out is the better option.

you forgot "donate to my various online begging bowls"


Hey guys I really like Brittany Pettibone and I am thinking of confessing my love for her she is my dream woman.

all it will cost me is $100 to skype with her should I do it?


Trump left because it was getting too racist.

>Donald Trump stated: "So the Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep.

I don't know if I like her anymore, this went too far, like wtf Lauren doesn't normally do stuff like that.

Lauren is not jewish and that poll ended with "No" winning even though it was set up by shills



It would be gay to not have that crush

>per month

I'm more like talking about catholic trad girls, they seem to have good families and not be sluts as often, but I can't really tell for sure

Yeah, I want to live somewhere like a smaller city or something more rural even.

Do you know a lot of "tradcon" women who were complete sluts? Can you give an example of how they worked they tricked people into thinking they were "trad" at some point?

go back to plebbit mgtow

i didn't make the meme but yea it is close enough anyway


instead of attacking those two why don't you focus on the real problem you stupid fucking worthless piece of shit

Lol wow that is ridiculous...

Pat Buchanan? That guy is awesome haha, I can see why Trump left though because back then everyone thought he was still an NYC Democrat.

On who? I know what you mean though mate...

HAHAHA No dumbass she is alt-right herself.
She isn't open about it because she's afraid of what might happen to her.
Eli Mosley pretty much redpilled her on the JQ. He made her read Culture of Critique and then that month she left Rebel Media.

A LOT of people you think aren't redpilled are, indeed redpilled you guys.

>be 47 year old virgin posting on pol
>criticize 20 year olds for not being married with 4+ children
You guys are a bunch of faggots

I don't even know who that is but thanks for the contribution.

Yeah, I didn't criticize anyone or make he meme though, I'm just asking people whether they think the movement is real or not. I hope it is because I am 22 and want a tradcath qt wife to live in the country with

That tweet is not real, it was photoshopped

I want Lauren's hummus caked knickers so much! I just wan't that fresh scent of sardines hitting the back of my throat, ohh Lauren ..I.. ohh Lauren I just want to touch it.

>Eli Mosley pretty much redpilled her on the JQ. He made her read Culture of Critique


It is not photoshopped, it is just not her. If you reverse image search it is some fetish tumblr account and some other girl

Finnbro how do you know so much about all this stuff? May I ask you other questions outside of Sup Forums? I'll give you my protonmail if you want.

I ment the tweet was photoshopped together. She never tweeted this.

>Wait you are saying Spencer believes that "White Genocide" is retarded and talked about it with Lauren in private messages?
No, no. I confronted her about Faith Goldie's video against White Genocide and told her Rebel is stupid for touching that issue and she agreed with me. The thing with Richard Spencer was seperate. This was in December 2016 and Spencer suddenly became popular because of his rally in DC and someone punching him in the face, and she was just being topical and showing me their private exchanges. I am sure Spencer still believes it.

>Would you assume she is quite promiscuous and doesn't really care about being "trad" at all?
Like I said, she seemed like any other girl. Not celibate but not a slut either. Let's just say she's probably not a virgin.

>It seems like you are not talking about the broader movement, just her specifically, but thank you for giving an honest opinion.
Yeah, just her. Like, I don't doubt she believes in some of the stuff she says, but she knows what side her bread is buttered on and will do like any other girl. The fact that she is a celebrity should be the first clue as to what her lifestyle is. I honestly do not mean to offend her, but she purposely plays you guys and you all are more than willing to be played.

Lauren specifically does not disavow the alt-right and Pettibone is friendly with plenty of alt-right people, having them on her channel and stuff. Pic related is her having dinner with a guy who is co-hosting Fash the Nation this week. And she is dating an ethnonationalist. You are full of shit.

Know about what stuff? I'm not interested in becoming penpals, sorry friend.


White genocide is a real thing you retarded shitskin, even if the term "genocide" is needlessly inflammatory.

Lauren probably got more redpilled since she talked to you. Maybe talking to a moronic poo-in-loo actually made her more racist, so thanks for that.


I don't really see how I am getting played just asking questions, I don't even watch a lot of her videos, and I don't donate to anyone online...

I am just wondering if there are more trad girls than I thought that exist and if there will be a future movement of younger men and women towards traditionalism.

I appreciate your honest answers though.

Not really about that I just wanted to ask something, something that I don't want to ask on Sup Forums...

If you don't want to then don't worry, if you are interested it is a one time type of thing...


Is there anything she can't do?


I wouldn't say anything in private that I don't say openly on Sup Forums

But, she said she was a virgin and wanted to remain pure until she gets married.

Eli Mosley is the new leader of IE.

No source but I'm IE so I pick up little snippets of info like that.


I'm one of Lauren's supporters, and I'm convinced that she is a genuinely nice person. I'm not saying I know her personally, or I know much more than anyone else, but there were moments in some of her livestreams, that showed me, she really cares.



I like Lauren. Shes identitarian but not batshit insane like Sup Forums. She actually respects different cultures and even has a mexican bf.
She talks great too.

It was about a website blog/community type thing I was thinking about starting... It might take a while though... I'll just send out the Finn signal and make a thread about Lauren if I ever need to contact you again.

Who's the middle

She has a funny surname hehe. Who's next on the scene, Beatrice Thistlebottom.

Hey quick lying to the poor burger jean-pierre.

Some of her livestreams? Any links to them? What did she say in them?


Highly doubt any of them are
Oh alright, I don't know very much about that group honestly.

Lol are you are annoying as fuck but that room does look like a porn set hahahah

The pettibone sisters are qt as fuck but lets be real honest here folks, they are all 7s and 8s, that is stacy material. Unless you are a white Chad, you have zero chance.

This is kind of a problem I have with the "trad" movement. You have to be Chad or Stacy. I just want an average trad gf

Sorry I don't want to leak anything, she asked everyone, to keep it private.
What I can say is she is a very nice person, and she answerd one of my questions, when I was a little depressed, her answer really helped me.

>Not being a Chad

It's even less organized and more decentralized than MGTOW, which is saying something.

That is her younger sister.
Honestly I don't find the surname that strange, it sounds quite nice actually.

>don't know very much about our group
If you are a high agency white guy with some free time, you should think about joining!

Its a great group, we are tight nit, very active, full of amazing people, and if you ever need anything youve got about 800 members there to lend you a hand.

This is the type of movement that changes the course of history.

Desu should I try to get Nicole or is it a lost cause? I'm half Chad but I'm not really that tall... Honestly I don't think Brittany's boyfriend Martin Sellner is Chad at all though...

One of the 5 Bone girls

>7 and 8s
>Chad Material

Are you an idiot? Chad gets the 9s and 10s.

Google is retarded

I wish I could become a political commentator like Lauren, problem is there aren't any autistic girls to look up to me, it's only obese men from Sup Forums