
> Loud Bangs.
> Sky going bright red.
> Police now patrolling streets.
> Sirens are now going off.

WTF is going on? No way this is fireworks as they don't sound like them and no one in my apartment saw fireworks either. Definitely not lightning either. Any insight on what it might be???

>>> UPDATE: while processing the video my whole apartment block is ringing doorbells asking questions, and a bunch of people are now on the street.

Other urls found in this thread:


>video is unavailable
gj faggot

Stop lying t. Stadi

I can fucking read your accent guinessnigger

this tickles my almonds

did they finally go kill the muslim invaders?

well done? i'm not sure if that was supposed to be an insult or not...
attempted edginess, using the nazi flag. i'm gonna guess... leaf?

> 2013
> Happening


Russian-Ukrainian Slav living in Germanistan

Something with a lot of explosive shit in it caught fire and now said explosive shit is exploding

spying on merkel?


OP must be using Internet Explorer.

And voting for AfD tomorrow

Its confirmed guise, fuuuuuuuugggggggggg


That was my first warning
The next one will be even more intense to the point where the last one will be felt and heard everywhere by everyone.

My bad bois, fixed now.

cyka blyat

Religion of peace throwing bombs in fucking Oulu? Near the north pole? How did the snow gooks fall so low vittu satana perkele

More confirmation


It's Halti, my man.

i cant read spurdo

It's fireworks faggot, stop being a drama queen you homo

I'm from Turku exact same shit, sounds like tank shots, but no sirens.

Sounds like trumpets

Looks like explosions. Is there a chemical plant there?

Or maybe the beginning of Ragnarok?

source, pic, vid. gimme something

>>> EDIT: Started 23:03 EEST and Finished 23:15 EEST.

She's hawt!

Not that I know of. But they have a paper manufacturing plant here.

finland is as of today part of soviet union 2.0

Vaginas will protect you

I can't since i'm Norway eating potatoes and fish atm

RIP in piece suomibro

looks nuclear

I feel so protected


Here she is fucking up in the garden of eden

Wanted to listen to Koorpiklani - Vodka.

Korpiklaani - Tequila played instead.


nothing in your local newspapers?

I hope everything is ok over there

Maybe the army's just having an exercise. You can hear them pretty damn well even in city depending on where you live.

Too black to be a nordic beauty with an H&K



>exact same shit, sounds like tank shots
Tank shells lead to secondary explosions / impact sounds, none of which are heard on vid. Obvious fireworks are obvious.

Nothing's happening. Shit thread.

It's the fucking Finnish military doing a drill. Never heard bombs go off before? Fucking idiots I swear. The 9/23 is a fucking conspiracy alright? I'm getting sleepy. Look I don't need any of this I worked fucking 12 hours today. I'm taking a nap. Just go to sleep and mods would you kindly delete this fucking thread

Aren't you guys running some war games with Sweden now days?

>nothing on ylilauta
there's so many anons from Oulu that the board would already be full of happening threads

op? kim get you?

Would they not inform the public if they had a millitary drill?

covert drill

these numbers will confirm that this is the FIRST OF MANY HAPPENINGS TONIGHT

Wow fireworks so scary.

I'm from Oulu. Delete this thread.

Is Oulu enriched? How much?

Weird you seem to have a vested interest in malicious disinformation

His name was Oulu!


deebly concern.


Where is Oulu in Sweden?

Post a photo of the centre, that vid shows blocks of buildings with no electricity while ordinace goes off in the background. A text claim is not a valid rebuttal, the medium has to be the same. Post a picture of the city right now or fuck off


Sorry it's just fireworks Sup Forums. I'm use to it so I know how it sounds like I live by a favela and they release tons of them 5 am for som reason.

Actually the Swedish side near Oulu is also heavily Finnish speaking.

sounds like fire works to me

then why are police going around asking people?

>he believed OP

>all the same red color
>Flashing light like explosive discharge

probably just the gates of hell opening

user... what have you done

>hell is right under Finland
This explains some stuff


i just called up my friend satan


>yfw sep 23rd is real

It is in news here in Finlan, they don’t know what is going on. The army is there for some reason: is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000000267292.html?nomobile=4

Can you atleast translate/summarize the links you stupid prick?

I Jewgle translated it and I am even more confused.
Are you rusing us finnboi?

translate you mongol

The piers have destroyed the Aake Kalliala pier, says Iltalehti. The quay of a man in Mikkeli, near the man, has been destroyed and there has been some time to clean the beach.

Kalalla, Kalliala, has not suffered because of the devastation.

- A bit of piisam has a stone house in Saimaa. And let it be, but my dock is not to be discarded;

Piisam is a common rodent in Finnish waters."



I did too
made no sense

Who else /comfy/?


tried to translate to norsk and made no sense at all... dafug?

Its just the pyrotechnics at the Children of Bodom concert. Its nothing


You don't have to hear fireworks for there to be fireworks.

"Bang only" fireworks are huge in these parts, and I hear these noises almost every night.

the ayys WOULD go to fucking Finalnd

fugg :DD

See fireworks*

>Checks date

I live here. I saw the fireworks. They seemed to be coming from somewhere in Tuira

Stay safe, Pekko.

It's a meme from ylilauta.

Oh fug Pekka grab the keys to de shelter :DD


I havent heard a mother fucking thing and I live only like 200 km from Oulu