Ka Lietuviai mano apie naujus alkoholio ribojimus?
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Jā, Lietuvieši tevi var apiet, arī pa jaunam ar alkoholiķa ribām.
Gerti yra isnykimas
keistas tu..
I have to apologize for my retarded neighbour, Sup Forums, he overdosed on potatoes.
Ģērbties ārā ieskrieties
Kaķis tu
Don’t you have some unneeded Wilno, by any chance?
IDI NAXUI!! You polish cunts, fuck out of Vilnius, cykas!
>sedeti dar skauda po taip daug metu
me too
>sedeti dar skauda po taip daug metu
uzskaitau sita :D
Ok, so where can i eat Zipilinai in Amsterdam vicinity?
jobani piderai kiš snapa kur nereik, kažką daro apsimesdami kad tipo dirba, kol tuo tarpu visiška betvarke švietime, medicinoj, administravime ir t.t
Cia mano biski saliskas lomentaras prie tavo minciu: europa dave 50k euru kad isvalyto graffiti, vietoj to kad bybius nuo sienu valytu, isvale gerus piesinius(kaip zmogus kuris piesia graffa, suprantu) krc pavaidino kad kazka padare, pinigus istaske, xujne kazkokia galiu pasakyt.
Why so edgy, I was just asking. Will have to check if you don’t oppress Polish minority in Wilno, though
Tik visiškam alkoholikams jie nepatinka.
Must have been a nice birthday for him.
Eesti auks, tuleviku pandiks!
as tik noriu pasakyti, kad jus visi durniai
can someone translate ?
i don't speak nigger
Now look at all of those subhuman lithshits here, you were better with USSR now you are nothing.
Europai čia pinigų skirt tai tas pats kas į juadą skylę kišt.
Porą procentu lietuvai išleidž o kiti tipo (((dingsta)))
idomu ką 2020 darys kai daugiau euru jiem nebeduos ir viską gažint reikės.
nigga we nearly 100% white
>is a cuck
>posts a gif of a cuck
checks out
o daugiau dėl tų įstatymų tipo galvoj kad alkoholizmą sumažins
Mažuosius verslininkus sunaikins ir daugiau nieko, kai restorane nei vyno nebus galima atsigert (į kuriuos alkašai net neina)
O šeip alkašai vistiek ras kaip prisiprogt, a tai nuo vietine samagončika ar tai pradės adekalonus pigius liuobt.
Make it yourself faggot. It's just dumplings around meat topped with bacon. It aint that hard
Ej nahuj. Jūs, poļu pežas, pisieties prom no Viļņas, kuces!
Sēdēt kad skaudri pa to drauga metru
Jobanie pidari, kiš knupi kur nerej, Kaža dara apsmiedams, kad, tipa, darbā, ko tu tārpu viška vāries, medicīna, administrācija.
Čau mana bišku sāļā lodlampa pie tavas minkas. Eiropa iedeva 50k eiro, kad iesviedu graffiti. Vietām, kad biju sienas valūta, izmetu geju pisējus (kad zīmogus, kurus piepisa grafīts, sapratu) Kad pavairo, kad kazas padara, pīrsingu iztaisa, huju kaza gaida pasūkāt.
Tak visiem alkohols tik nepietiks.
Igaunis auksts, tuļeviku bandīts
Sveiki, a tik noriju pataikt, ka jūs visi dumji.
So why hasnt Latvia or Estonia annexed Lithuania already?
>the state of lithuania
shut up and gib viru valge!
Kill me
Wilno to polskie miasto i żaden czerwony żmudzin tego zmienić nie zmoże
They are commies.
Before USSR even Kowno was polish
Every lithuanian who does not respect Poland is a commie.
tere leedu
You may use Russian to propagand russian finns return back to their languages
But you literally fapping on English
But I guess most of you still can speak Russian
Even Sandra Nurmsalu does.
Lithuanians are like the worst of the worst, like why do you even exist?
>This tread
>this meme language tho
Pisz po polsku moskale
Get fucked, Ivan Mohammadovich. All fucking Russians must fucking hang.
Fuck off Pedro
The new generation hardly cares about Russian and the only reason why the older generation knows it is due to the USSR being what it is and the cultural influence of it, now our cultural influence is largely English and American from video games, movies and internet and Russian is being used less and less. I would say that less than half of Estonian kids know any bit of Russian anymore.
There will surely still be at least 10% russian speaker population for the next 100, 200 years because of how many of them you left over on our border, but eventually they will either die out or leave.
On an unrelated rant, gas the russians, /balt/ war now. Seriously, these "people" are subhuman, they murder the most, they spread AIDS the most and generally they are just disgusting people who refuse to either assimilate or leave and just fuck around killing eachother in tallinn and narva slums
>meme language
>one of the oldest european languages
>using the banana nation flag
Use the real flag nigger.
Tipo uzdraus visa alkoholi 18-19meciams net ir silpna alu?
The name is Timo, you fucking piece of cannon fodder.
Why can't you people fucking edit photos correctly? Why is that image such a pixely piece of shit? Is Photoshop banned in Lithuania or could you just not find a crack on your censored internet?
Why not LOOL
>censored internet
European internet is more free than anything Americlap has and he's a retarded kid who uses Twitch memes on Sup Forums so don't expect anything.