Can you believe this stupidity?
The Left Copies Everything
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I am not ready to see Sonic and Pepe go at each other's throats in some cataclysmic memegeddon.
Just wait till they find out about Sonic hatred for the jew.
It truly has become autism vs shitposting. And the future of America is at stake. How the fuck did this happen ?
>One guy with sonic ears
fucking faggots have no idea how it works
that's why they failed at making anti-pepe, the epep. It's not enough to announce something is a symbol
>leans towards violent behavior
>has done things that should put it in jail
>full tranny
>real and gay
>fanfic fags
Antifa = Chris Chan confirmed
Yeah it's really sad. They don't understand anything sadly.
Sonic roasts motherfuckers in Sonic Boom they're barking up the wrong tree.
Impossible, Chris Chan hates faggots and non-whites.
Just when I thought the left couldn't anymore retarded.
Stealing jokes is what you do when you lost all your funniest people because their sense of humor was too politically incorrect for the unhinged feminists who control your movement.
pussy hats worked though. at least for a weekend
The left cant mem-
I cuckled
Isn't sonic about raging autism?
Why is politics becoming so autistic wtf is going on
hugboxes make it tough to reject ideas that aren't good, so the left has to force memes instead of putting them through the trial by fire
Ok, time to create Waffen SSonic
2 can play
Super Aryan Goku is now ours
Memes to reality again.
We're reaching peak cultural marxism.
>top 10 anime crossovers
my body is ready
It's become especially autistic in the past 18 months.
Autists realized politics is the ultimate open word RPG that cam be exploited with frogs, shitposts and smug anime girls. Real life is the Wow killer they've been waiting for.
I support this!
>This needs a HEIL speech bubble.
Millennial media headlines format is real
Sonic the Hedgehog is also the symbol of Autism. Which I guess it's a synonym with Marxists.
What are they thinking? The tide of autism behind frogposting is nothing compared to the continent-sized horde of the Sonic fandom.
a pls make this a thing.
I hate sonic, that fringe-faggot game nobody plays. The few fans that cuck-game has will not be happy.
Im talking a previously uncontacted tribe of turbo-autists currently using their strenght to create more fan-made shitty sonic games.
The rod and ring will strike
Super saiyans (S.S.) turns into a blonde hair and blue eyes superior warrior. Biggest Nazi dog whistle in pop culture.
Makes sense because sonic attracts even worse degenerates than MLP
>For a weekend
They clearly didn't work. Someone was giving those fucking things out and after 3 days, normal people calling them retarded faggots got them to stop.
Not to mention Pepe wasn't a symbol to begin with, he was assigned by the left to the right. Which fucked up hard because Pepe was a seminormie/fullnormie meme. They took something iconic to memeculture and made it the weapon of their own demise
Beat me to it.
I just found this on twitter
but good find, this is top sperg rushing
>Sonic literally saves his animal friends from an obese kike trying to destroy all diverse species of animals by creating a one robot specie of obedient slaves
It's so easy to counter-meme it hurts.
Look at his fucking nose.
>friendly reminder that Sonic Heroes' manual mentions that he's a feminist
Only until they got attacked by other leftists for only using pink ones.
What the fuck is with this dabbing shit all over the place. Hillary did it, Paul ryan did it, and I keep seeing pictures of random normies doing it. I know it's a nog ball thing, but I don't understand it and it pisses me off.
It's like planking but without the effort and even more retarded. God damn it's fucking stupid.
>not Robotnik
I'll never not be triggered
We're fighting the beta version of Drax's people. They're literal about everything 24/7. Jokes are just factual statements to them now. Hence the reason normies don't wanna party with them. We have a similar issue with members of the Alt-Right (i.e. those who truly want a race war to happen), but even they take a break to shitpost once in a while.
Came here to post pretty much this.
I thought Sonic's arms were blue.
Fire that sunovabitch.
Aspies get the bullet too.
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
meme power is real ladies and gentlemen
only life authors these gems
have a wee look what's round Christina Channels neck
>explaining leftism with capeshit fiction?
Why not just use Harry Potter next time?
Now ANTIFA can publicly show their autism.
Sonic is just a redesigned Felix The Cat. We should try making Felix a hate symbol
all we gotta do is spam our old sanic memes again for a while and they'll be forced to abandon the "tainted" "white supremacist hedgehog"
Antifaschistische fuck off
My sides will leave orbit permanently if this really does become a thing.
Truth. I can't stop laughing right now.
gayest most autistic thing
>not posting the original
It's millennials. They're the first generation in a long time to grow up with no books. They only play games and watch movies. They have gargantuan delusions of grandeur with absolutely nothing of substance to back it up. They demand everything, offer nothing.
That's terrifying.
>Zionic the Hedgehog
I can't think of any op that would be more successful or damaging for the left than memeing CWC into the public eye as the LGBT posterboy.
>no jews
>no non-whites
>disabled (moderate autism) so nobody can bad mouth him
>moderate autism
Checking those pointy A-cups
To be fair, he's not screeching and rocking in a corner. "Moderate" is more accurate than "high functioning". I split the difference.
The don't understand that memes need to evolve naturally on their own. Forced memes never sink in.
wew lad
True, I often forget the end of that spectrum is a soulless fleshbag in the corner wetting itself, so by that metric moderate is a good descriptor I suppose.
Oh God, can we please meme them to start wearing Sonic outfits to protests?
Wut? Please share.
It's a shame. I was hoping it to evovle into full cat girl trend somehow. But then again, 2d would still be superior than 3d in that case
>pic related
moar like this
One more fucking time...
That fucking cat.
Sonic gains more shitty friends.
Hitler literally says that in the DBZ movie where hell opens up and he comes back to earth
I'll tell you later.
>Turning a black cartoon feline into an Alt-Right meme
Man where the fuck are Antoine and Rotor and Sally Acorn and Bunnie? The fuck's been going on since the 90's?
Epep was actually just a meme created on here, there was no Tumblr made for him but yet nu-Sup Forums doesn't realize.
Use Betty boop if you want rustles. I don't get the following but nobody cares about felix. Betty would be better as far as obscure old cartoons.
blaze the cat is cute
Time for black crime
They did the same with Donald Duck, just go on deviantART and repost sonic smut everywhere. OP- pick targets, we create accounts and spam them with true sonic lover.
Gatta go fast