If frogs took her virginity, would you forgive her Sup Forums?

If frogs took her virginity, would you forgive her Sup Forums?

how about if i take your virginity would you forgive me faggot

i-if you promise to be gentle and take the responsibility ?

it was just a joke you fuccboi calm down

please don't get my hopes up and then leave me like an used towel.

you can do that after the intercourse

OP is pretty boring, the topic is good but it's autistic to start off with the same line over and over again, you've been doing it for years like a dull person too.

ur english is good friend

> all the megumin soft vore with frogs

> If
Happened episode 2, user.

I guess I wouldn't mind depending on the frog.

It appears she liked it.

Well she enjoyed being penetrated there more than I could ever do to her

Post more megumin rape

>would you forgive her Sup Forums?

Darkness wouldn't.

Darkness wouldn't forgive herself, first for failing to protect her team and second for missing out on excellent frog action.

>forgiving someone for being raped

It's to forgive them for asking for it, user.

women should cover their bodies completely so they dont cause men temptation. if they get raped its their own fault for being sluts. salam alaikum

Thanks, Ahmed.

No. Pure or go home.

Yes. Impure or go home.

Frogs aren't men so it doesn't count.


and this is why Donald Trump needs to kill the islam.

Calm down Europe.

Make amerika great again! >implying it was ever great. but you're right. Far right.



One of you spergs posted it, I just saved it.

My desired cheat was shapeshifting magic s i am the frogs.

Such a great quality of discussion.

General cancer.