I fucking hate this country

I fucking hate this country

People look up to sports all players as role models

Other urls found in this thread:


>worshipping murdering and raping nigger athletes
>being a good and loyal American citizens
Pick one, and only one.

And kids look to video game streamers and pop stars for political commentary and guidance. We are fucked.

>having an opinion I don't like is the worst thing in the history of sports.

You might as well show your pussy to us instead of bitching.

>If you think that America will follow the president of the United States instead of some nigger with athletic skills who does nothing but throw a ball around and show off, you're clearly not from this country.

Olbermann manages to make even Cernovich like a genius in comparison to his raving lunacy

I watch sports year round, it's a wonderful pastime.

I don't look up to any of them because I'm a grown man and I know they're at least just as fucked up or likely more fucked up than I am. Olbermann hasn't been taken seriously by most in a decade.

>thinking Americans will side with millionaire niggers acting like entitled faggots and support anti-American activities

I think Keef may have missed something here... can't put my finger on what, yet, tho...


the government created sports for power over the population. And Now, Sports Is More Powerful Than Even The Government.... Really Makes You Think

Hahaha what a faggot, I wish Trump went full Mussolini so dumb fucks like this would actually appreciate their freedom, he's so fucking privileged he thinks he's living in a dictatorship when the president says mean things.

>NFL ratings drop again
>ESPN ratings drop again
>Olbermann gets fired again
opinion discarded, hail Trump

There's a kernel of truth to what he's saying. Trump shouldn't give this right any more attention, he only stands to lose.

Democracy was a mistake.


>that pic
My sides are uncatchable, too.

I love sports too and I don't give a flying fuck about the personal or political beliefs of any of the athletes.

t. sub 110 IQ

Hockey is the official sport of the white man

This will be the first red pill america has to swallow before we return from our degenerate ways.

The NFL put Donald Trump's USFL out of business

Donald Trump is back for revenge



Can these people not be condescending assholes for two seconds?

The NFL was a non-profit from 1942 to 2015. Seems like the IRS should look into that.

Just wait until he declares reverent kneeling an alternative way of respecting the flag

You're a fucking idiot, OP. Liberals don't love anything but themselves and pretend to be someone's friends in exchange for political favor. If you honestly believe that sparkly fairy watches football, then maybe you shouldn't speak before you think.

>Choose to follow
What broke him, Sup Forums?

Is this nigger fucking retarded?
The NBA and NFL dont run the fucking country.

It also has a federally protected monopoly, something else that needs to be changed.


>kernel of truth
you have to go back

>worshiping white-hating and entitled nigger athletes
>not being a cuck

Pick one, and only one.

Trump is forcing the NFL to pick a definite side, and the wallet is steering them towards his.

the NFL and NBA are hemorrhaging viewers for years, no ones gonna give a fuck about those sports in 15 years

Drumpf is finished, says increasingly deranged man for 5,000th time this year

>liberals watch sports


how the fuck did he end up at gq anyway?
isnt that some fashion magazine

I fucking hate this country

People look up to reality tv stars as role models

actually foot ball is loosing and trump just tried to pull a fast one and take credit. its a pathetic move on his part

yesterday some one post a article on nigger hand egg dying. today trump acts like people should stop going to sporting events if they see people not kneeling. while i credit 1 of his sons with understanding trumps base its kinda obvious to us the no lifers with all the time in the world to shit post

seriously though, why do most Americans literally worship strong negroes playing with balls? even back in college?

this is no surprise cuck porn is so popular in the US

>surely this will be the end

But seriously guys, the nuclear codes

I watch baseball. They're too busy with 162 game seasons to pretend to care about politics. There aren't very many American blacks playing it anymore, and the Hispanic blacks rarely open their mouths about American politics.

If you believe that, then tell me what you think would happen in this country if sports wasn't on tv anymore. What would happen to this country if everybody turned off their tv for good?

>no, stupid cuck, alt-right Sup Forums is not just a bunch of butthurt loser dweebs who can't get women
>and goddamn do I fucking hate sports

>people will look to their favorite black action figure men for their views about their country and society

more sensationalist lies for money and clicks
that's about all the left have going for them at this point

Don't forget that this is what our ancestor fought for in WW2. Our ancestors are to blame for the most part.

Shut the fuck up France you bow to sand niggers

we might actually get something done

the Jews use niggerball to promote black and white intermarriage and black """Culture""""

its a multi-pronged attack along with the music industry and film. Nigger worship is the Jewish past time

Fashion/hard hitting political commentary

ESPN gets all of its ad revenue from cable subscriptions.

ESPN massively overpaid for NBA rights. When you cut the cord, you are directly impacting ESPN's bottom line.

No one gives a fuck about NBA games.

ESPN is the first domino to fall. This will cause the NBA to bargain for a smaller TV contract, which will hurt players/owners pay and cause ticket prices to skyrocket.

Agents and owners will balk the idea of getting less money and the players union will likely strike.

This will result in an NBA lockout.

With the ESPN and the NBA down, the NFL will also have to be competitive on TV rights since overall interest in sports is spiralling.

One network, probably Fox Sports, will be able low ball the NFL on the next TV contract.

If revenues do not increase, which they won't because people are turning off the NFL, the NFL may also go on strike and lock out the players.

At this point, we simply need to find new sports and/or ditch sports altogether.

MLS/USL is starting to get big in the USA.

NHL probably has the most underrated in-arena experiences in all of sports.

Both sports are family friendly, cheap to attend, athletes aren't grossly overpaid and the experience is largely apolitical.

Also, you should stop playing fantasy sports immediately and shame anyone who buys tickets to NFL/NBA games.

GQ's youtube feed is fucking bizarre. It's literally

>Harrison Ford on Returning to ‘Blade Runner’
>Go Inside Frank Lloyd Wright’s Mysterious LA Mansion
>Aziz Ansari Shows Us What’s in His Bag

dont you know? everything is politics now. even fucking sports

>One of the biggest distractions of the masses.
>"Fck politics, let me watch sports"
>Sports get political.
>Masses forced to face the problems.
>"Fck sports, we want our normal lives back!"

Trump is on some 5d monopoly here.

We like sports but hate the niggerism, you fucking retarded faggot.

They fought to live, they fought for their comrades in the foxholes, nothing more and nothing less.

LOL NFL viewership is down like 20% since the kill whitey shit started during the national anthem.

The NFLs viewership is overwhelmingly Joe 6packs, the exact people who don't go for this bix nood shit.

This dumb coons are slowly lowering their own market viewership, and the kike owners are freaking out.

God damn I live it when (((their))) own pets eat them.

>Chads think watching niggers grab each other's asses for 6 hours is "cool" and "entertaining".

Correct. There was a book written in 1915 by Israel Cohen about using sports to promote blacks as heroes and a way to replace traditional tribalism with belonging to a team, wearing their colors, etc. "We won last night", "We got screwed on that call", "We scored more than you did", sound familiar? These faggots think that because they wear their favorite nigger's jersey, they are on the team. Oh, I like the nigger on "my" team, so, niggers are ok, I guess.
Or ""That nigger family tv show, is funny, they do stuff just like my family does, even the inside of their house on tv looks like mine. We're all the same, I guess."

god damnit why can't i just enjoy my fantasy football season. guess i'll be cutting the cord because i just can't take it anymore

College sports is all about tribalism, even more than pro sports. People feel connected to a team associated with the college they went to (read: that they drove by on the way to their fast food job), even if 95% of the players on the team are from out of state, attend no classes, have "tutors" do all their work for them, and would never set foot in your shithole state if they weren't convinced it was their stepping stone to NFL millions.

>We like sports but hate the niggerism

In other words, you hate sports. Trust me, we get it.

Same. Nothing better than stupid niggers.

if the players are smart - they aren't - tomorrow they'd do something different like link arms and bow their heads. This way both sides could claim victory: Trump could say he made them stand, but the players could claim linking arms is totes more hardcore. Hopefully that doesn't happen and we get a shitshow meltdown instead.

Pro sports (and TV in general) is at its root an advertising platform and a way for people to kill time. We have other ways to meet both those needs today. If the NFL vanished tomorrow people would forget about it completely by halloween.

...and red-pilled by christmas.

Oy vey, the shvartza golem is out of control!

as a white man there is no sport I hate more than Niggerball even Esports are more of a sport than Niggerball

the absolute madman just shitposted at Goodell
>Roger Goodell of NFL just put out a statement trying to justify the total disrespect certain players show to our country.Tell them to stand!

its a pretty easy trend to spot

white people are sick of the degeneracy that has been generally accepted over the past few years.

10-15 years ago, there was the phenomenon of country boys listening to rap. They'd have a jacked up 4x4 and it would be blasting gangsta rap.

That's still goes on, but its definitely on the down tick and the overall endorsement of nog culture seems to be on the decline.. this includes NBA, NFL, ESPN, etc.

I watch Football for local pride. I don't really care about the game itself, but I'm very happy when our boys win.





>our boys

Go look up your team's roster and count how many of "your boys" had ever set foot in the state before they showed up to play football and fuck sorority skanks.


Maybe NFL should give back some of the tax money and tax incentives if they want to continue to disrespect our flag, veterans and first responders.

>Roger Goodell of NFL just put out a statement trying to justify the total disrespect certain players show to our country.Tell them to stand!
Does Goodell live solely to get btfo'd? It's like he tries

>MLS/USL is starting to get big in the USA.


>spic sport

Allah, for a former sports reporter you'd think he'd still follow and know about the state of sports today. CBS had lowest ratings since 1998.

Lol, he's prodding them into doubling down. Tomorrow's games will be so political and anti-Trump that people will fucking hate it. Same thing he's always done with the media, which is why the MSM has a single-digit approval rating among conservatives.

The NFL is much less capable of absorbing a massive backlash from conservatives, though. It's not like lib hipsters are suddenly going to wake up Packers fans.

been out of the loop, wtf happened with the NFL or whatever it is

>Trump says owners should fire players who disrespect country at rally yesterday
>massive butthurt ensues

well he's right, they should fire them if they're not gonna do their anthem thing

>still watching niggerchaseball

Whos your favorite nigger baller?

The left cannot stop shooting themselves in the foot.
>sports ball are a beacon americans should be following

>You libcucks are clueless! We're not losers with a moment of fame! This is a movement, we are the silent majority!
>...and we wouldn't be caught dead watching niggerchaseball.

lol butthurt losers

> he forgot we won

wew lad contain the ass blast

I forgot about that. Donald killed his own football league by trying to sue the NFL.

>our boys
uh no
and you're the problem

You won the land vote.
You lost the people vote.

...that's why Trump hasn't gotten shit done and why most people are against you losers.

youre the loser faggot


Keith Overbite, aka "bathtub boy"

"We won last night". You're that dick at work.

>alt-right represents the silent majority in this country that's been afraid to speak up for so long!
>...and we fucking hate sports!

yeah, right, keep believing that larp'er.

I played sports in high school, which ended a year ago, doesnt mean i give a shit about pro sports and the jerks that play them

It's time for you Yanks to play a good game of Rugby.

plz go cuckboi

Ever heard of baseball?

>I played sports in high school

sorry, male gymnastics doesn't count

>play a game that children play
>get millions.

Its amazing how openly butthurt they are though. They are almost in rage mode online, and they're so called professional news hosts.

>If you support Trump you're clearly not from this country

Its so clear that if you support the president of the united states that half of the voters in USA voted for, then you're CLEARLY not from the country.

Who is this moron? He sounds like a feeble minded little wank stain