The Ashkenazi IQ gap is a MYTH

Despite "common wisdom," all scientific studies showing that Ashkenazi Jews have a higher average IQ than whites are debunked when you look at the selection bias in the sampling. There is not a single IQ study of Jews that takes a double blind random sampling of the Jewish population in any country. Every study that exists draws from favorable urban populations with high SES and educational backgrounds. Meanwhile, European IQ sampling is so prolific that there is an accurate sampling over the entire spectrum of SES and educational backgrounds, and includes urban, suburban, and rural populations of many varying geographical areas over an extended period of time.

The Jewish IQ gap is a myth perpetuated by the same Jewish establishmentarians that have pushed the meme that Einstein is synonymous with genius, even though he was a prolific and unrepentant plagiarist. These are the same Jewish academicians that have disenfranchised Whites in the Ivy League that Whites built. They are only concerned with the promotion and advancement of their own achievement mythos, and go to great lengths to convince everyone of their capabilities.

However if you do your due diligence in seeking out the truth, it's plain to see how transparent their lies are and that they really do lie at every available opportunity to caricature themselves as what they are not. Take my advice, if anyone ever mentions that Jews have a higher average IQ than whites, demand that they show even a shred of proof from a double blind randomly selected group of the Jewish population. They won't, because no such thing exists.

The Ashkenazi IQ gap is a myth. Stop repeating it. Start talking about the real reason they're vastly overrepresented in the upper echelons of society.

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>These are the same Jewish academicians that have disenfranchised Whites in the Ivy League that Whites built. They are only concerned with the promotion and advancement of their own achievement mythos, and go to great lengths to convince everyone of their capabilities.

this is strong evidence of higher intelligence. the jewish IQ numbers are believable.

and aside from on Sup Forums, i've never seen the 115 average iq figure contested.

Daily reminder that the Ashkenazi are the most inbred ethnicity in the world. They are so prolifically inbred that their exceptional rate of consanguinity can only be explained by a prolonged period of regular sibling and/or parent/child incest pairings during the middle ages.

They are so outstandingly inbred that their genome is literally a medical phenomenon due to the fact they have more genetic diseases per-capita than any other ethnicity in the world by orders of magnitude. This fantastically incestuous race wants everyone to believe that the reason they are so vastly over-represented is because they're so smart!

>Not because the Vatican handed them the entire financial sector of Europe on a silver platter through favorable laws

>Not because of the Soviet Holohoax making them immune to criticism

>Not because of good goy Christcuck retards who push the "chosen ones" meme

No goy, it's because they're so smart!

>this is strong evidence of higher intelligence.

No, it's evidence of ethnocentric cooperation and being immune to criticism thanks to the Holohoax lie.

>ethnocentric cooperation and being immune to criticism

hallmarks of intelligence desu

Then why can't they show that with valid science?

that figure gets higher every year

just like the 20 million.

Excellent poast.

Check out A People That Shall Dwell Alone if you haven't. KMac talks about the rabbinic texts that rhapsodize about uncle-niece marriage. Pretty sure father/daughter and sibling marriage is forbidden but they practically consider cousin marriage coalburning

>Pretty sure father/daughter and sibling marriage is forbidden but they practically consider cousin marriage coalburning

It doesn't matter if it was "forbidden," it fucking happened, a lot.


Ashkenazi's aren't real jews. They come from the magog/gomer lineage that moses warned about. 95% of jews today aren't real jews. They come from the khazarian lineage. Babylonian talmudism is a plague

now tell me about the Ethiopian jews that got radiated to death

No one cares about that stupid biblical bullshit.

No cares about you. deal with it you daft cunt

>Claim IQ corresponds with success and wealth
>Jews have wealth and success that corresponds with their 'alleged' IQ
How does this garbage get so many responses every fucking day you no life loser?


I bet you think it's pronounced like the bush, don't you you fucking idiot?

>Jews have wealth and success that corresponds with their 'alleged' IQ

No, they have wealth and success that is vastly, incomprehensibly more than their 'alleged' IQ.

Look, I know you're a completely fucking moronic imbecile with no actual grasp on reality, but there are more whites with IQ's over 140+ than exist Jews on Earth. Do you understand this, dumbfuck? Press 1 for Yes or 2 for No so I that know that your brain functions on at least a rudimentary level.

So why did Kevin MacDonald fail to notice that Jewish IQ meme is just a myth?

Because he's a psychologist, not a statistician. He just accepts stats at face value because he doesn't know any better. Then he just puts his own spin on it. Or he's granting the premise just to push his own narrative.

>granting the premise just to push his own narrative
It seemed like he's ingratiating himself to the Jews while writing what they would regard as an anti-Semitic book, just like hid best friend Jared Taylor tries to do. There are lots of Jews involved in American Renaissance, and they must be kind of bizarre -- like the ones we get here wanted to be part of Natsoc as "honorary". Who knows, I just know that network of "kosher racists" prootes his book, that's why it caught on in the alt-right, same as Spencer trying to promote Dugin. Its a network for their members to make money and subtly self-promote.

No, this is a weeb board, I know what sage is. Keep feeling bitter desu, Jews have just outsmarted whites. You have nothing to blame but your inferior genes and society.

Despite "common wisdom," all scientific studies showing that Blacks have a longer penis length on average than whites are debunked when you look at the selection bias in the sampling. There is not a single penis length study of Blacks that takes a double blind random sampling of the Black population in any country. Every study that exists draws from favorable urban populations with high testosterone and weightlifting background. Meanwhile, European penis length sampling is so prolific that there is an accurate sampling over the entire spectrum of testosterone and physical backgrounds, and includes urban, suburban, and rural populations of many varying geographical areas over an extended period of time.

The penis length gap is a myth perpetuated by the same Black establishmentarians that have pushed the meme that Ronnie Coleman is synonymous with BBC, even though he was a notorious roider. These are the same Black porn actors that have disenfranchised Whites in the porn industry that Whites built. They are only concerned with the promotion and advancement of their own achievement mythos, and go to enormous lengths to convince everyone of their capabilities.

However if you do your due diligence in seeking out the truth, it's plain to see how transparent their lies are and that they really do lie at every available opportunity to caricature themselves as what they are not. Take my advice, if anyone ever mentions that Blacks have a longer penis than whites, demand that they show even a shred of proof from a double blind randomly selected group of the Black population. They won't, because no such thing exists.

The BBC is a myth. Stop repeating it. Start talking about the real reason they're vastly overrepresented in the upper echelons of society.


>remaining population of Israel is just over 85

Meaning the majority of Israel are literally nigger-tier retards.

But not really, the reality is of course that Ashkenazim don't have an IQ higher than whites, and they're probably right around 95-105 IQ in Israel, just like their demographics suggest.

this whole discussion is a crock of shit, who made the first IQ test? There was no way of knowing how smart that guy was, right? His IQ results wouldn't be valid, since he came up with the whole thing?

My point exactly. Either the majority of Jews are nigger-tier, or they're unremarkably average.

That's retarded. It's standardised, and measures people relative to other people. So an individual score is difficult to manipulate, but demographics are very easy to manipulate if you cherry-pick your candidates taking the IQ tests.

I know jews here in america and they are just as mindwashed as anybody, and they clearly don't have ill intentions. I could believe that Ashkenazi are significantly more devious and cunning than their counterparts, I guess that would require a higher IQ

And this is the fouth time someone posts this slide thread.

If you believe that the ashkenazi counterparets have an IQ of 115, then by the laws of mathematics you must also believe that 2/3 of the Jewish poulation are literal nigger-tier IQ. Which to me doesn't seem right. I don't like them but I doubt the majority of them are that stupid.

Literally not a word, and doesn't even belong in the sentence. My mistake.

If the JIDF shills that have returned(they never left goyim) are any indication? They really ain't shit when it comes down to it. Their doublespeak and doublethink game all relies on emotional manipulation that predicates on the listener or viewers, that are typically already front loaded with information that is often confusing for an average normalfag dumbass to understand and compels reliance on the talking heads. Whatever they can't understand on a logical basis, they refer to their emotional "understanding" (I really wish I was just making this all up) of what is said based on feeling. But if your emotions can't be manipulated their entire game falls flat like fat broad bellyflopping in the water. There may be a big splash from it, but everyone who watched is either cringing or laughing at what happened. I repeat, they ain't shit, anons.

So? It's information every user should know.

>if i keep brainlessly remaking this thread, it will become true

>it will become true

>can't provide a single shred of data that it's not true

Jewish activism is almost always garbage, it's really only because of gullible Christcuck whites that they get anywhere with any of it.

There was a reason he was chosen as the first "limited state" video on (((YouTube))) and all the press coverage that would generate.


High Jewish IQ is a myth!

Jews are super intelligent and control everything!

Pick one.

I've never read about this before, thanks for the great post.

>False dichotomy
>False Equivalence

Try again, niggerbrain.

What is nepotism?

>muh high Jewish IQ
>can't even secure a country the size of Vermont
really activates my almonds