UC Berkeley bans (((Milo))), (((Cernovich))) and (((Geller))) from holding Free Speech Week. First Amendment be damned! What say you, Sup Forums?

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It's to be expected. Leftists love endless streams of Muslim cum pouring down their throats above all else.

If we can get leftists to join with us to expel the Jews, they will unwittingly destroy the source of their own leftism and everything will be /comfy/


>66 checked

are they allowed to #takeaknee ?

i don't know who's jewing who any more

between a rock and a hard place

it's fine. these e-celeb retards need to stop terrorizing Berkley and find a new staging area for their massive attention whoring events.


no one takes a knee




bring it

i think canada would be a good next target for these events actually, you're right.



sort yourself out, we're ready for you.




Proof that Cernovich is a Jew? And no, "(((Cernovich)))" is not good enough. I hate Jews *more* than the next guy but blindly calling out everyone as a Jew de-legitimizes us


i'm not coming, i think these events are fucking gay and cringey. you have fun though, bud.


Milo? Gay? How DARE you?

Shitlibs love to compare everything to the holocaust and call everyone that disagrees with them anti-semitic nazis, but their only connection to actual jews is when they're being funded by them (soros, etc.) and a lot hate them too. Leftists all hate israel (commies are always crying over dead "palestinian" religion-of-peacers), and "muh 1% gimme free shit" is referring to almost exclusively jews - jews know that so the ones that haven't decided to use them as political pawns for ulterior motives don't get along with them.

Right on time, like clockwork

They make no sense of anything at all, ever.

Nah, that's just Rothschild/British sponsored Wahhabism which was used as a tool to destroy Islam and fight against the Ottoman EMpire back in the 1700s.

Try harder mudslime

Shit is STILL on, fucking liar.

As long as they cost Berkely taxpayers millions of dollars in police presence, I fully support their faggotry.

>Wahhabism which was used as a tool to destroy Islam
>Islamists destroyed islam...

WTF are you on about, mohamad?

>Shit is STILL on,
> links to an article entitled: uc-berkeley-free-speech-week-officially-canceled/
>anyone i don't like is a mudslime

go back to your dorm, lefty

the happening is a subtle yet powerful one. The campus and other schools of all grades are silencing all who do not conform. Banning free speech and assembly IS THE HAPPENING what else to spark a true revolution then banning free speech on top of a 30 year middle east insurgency??? Our government is out of control and more powerful then ever so long as the troops pull the trigger aimed at who they are told to fire upon... Do not be afraid! We have true Americans on the gunships and at the levers of the tanks.... If the government orders the mass incarcerations of citizens the cops and troops would divide and we will have friends that have already infiltrated our collective enemy group of unconstitutional order followers.

BOYCOTT BOYCOTT BOYCOTT. It is the only way to halt the machine of military industry. We must boycott every single dollar we choose to otherwise earn. Spend all your money take leans on your homes and buy off grid supplies and lets leave our shitty cultisacs after we gut their valuables and build a life among nature away from the bullshit that doesnt matter. Theres plenty of land we can make habitable together so we dont need to keep paying taxes to live comfortable lives. Because life is about work not money. I do not want my work to further the death and waste machine we called Big buisness.

>My dorm
XD XD XD In in my 30's...hoe. And the article links to the fact that Milo said the student association stepped down...not the speakers.
>You tend to make yourself look as stupid as your bloodline when you speak blindly without reading more than a title...cunt

What the fuck happened to these clowns? They were the last bastion of free speech in the sixties!

The Rothschilds and Britain found a bunch of backwards bedouin rebels in some remote region of Arabia in the 1700s who created their own violent ideology and called it Islam while labelling all other Muslims fakes Muslims. Britain supported them and fought with them against the Ottoman Empire on behalf of the Rothschilds. This is how they eventually created Israel. The Wahhabis (Now Saudi Arabia) was the tool used to create Israel and destroy progressive Islamic civilization in the region.

>My dorm
>XD XD XD In in my 30's
You better leave the dorm then. you are creeping out the qt3.14's.

It's Commiefornia , so its not surprising. 9/24 Monday Noon Sproul Plaza in Berkeley still taking place.

And yet I didn't deny either of the others are. I must be a really bad shill. Also "kike, nigger, spic, faggot, chink, gook"

This is what you get for being sub-human, and a female. You took a statement ment to inform well out of the college boy days...annnnndddd then interpreted it as me saying I was i college and in a dorm.
>This is the miracle of advanced education ey?

From what I see, anyone in uniform is on the right side of history. It is the (((leadership))) of the men in uniform who have bee co-opted.
It may be time for a Few Good Men to step up. Particularly now that Morgan Freedman has declared WAR!

Yep, all part of the plan.

you are unhinged.

nice. these dumb kikes do more harm than good.

>sub-human, and a female
Thanks user, that made me actually laugh out loud a little. Just having a bit of fun, thanks for playing. I'm neither of those things. Okay, maybe just a little sub-human.


We should be allowed to own our labor and property yet we pay tax on both. We then contribute to a select few private interests who use our collective power to gain more power for themselves. To continue the cycle of waste and destruction has never been the moral option. If we stop earning money in places with a large police presence then there would be a lot of chaos from them being used to take our property. If we just totally cut ties with their power source (our labor) we beat them

They're gonna throw it anyways

These commiefornians better watch which way they are stepping. The people they are pissing off aren't the type you want to keep pushing.

>gonna throw it
What are they going to throw?

lets not forget acid attacks

Acid attacks are just simply cultural differences. You don't want to be intolerant of cultural differences, do you, user?

Forgot t ad the pic

Ok leafy

>progressive Islamic civilization
I am rubbing both my brain cells together, and I still don't seem to get it. You are saying that all the shit that we see going on in the world is a Whabi thing, and not a Muslim thing? That the terrorists in the world a Wahabis and not """real""" muslims?

You better crawl back into your safe space, Snowflake.


:^) Me too, more degenerate though. Sup Forums hate the fact that I smoke weed and support 100% legalization.
>Funny irrelevant statement
2012-13 I believe...Comey went on TV saying they couldn't get any uber compooter kids to work for the FBI....b/c they ALL smoke weed and told them to fuck off.

this is a massive fucking lie, one that is overwritten by later chapters in the koran and supercede it in the same way the new testament overrides the bible.

You only have to look at the behavior of the sand niggers to realize all this is utter bullshit catagorically.


oh now it makes sense.

this fucking guy

It's more like a British pysop intended to destroy the Ottoman Empire may inadvertently end up destroying the entire west as well.

The Saudis have been spreading Wahhabi ideology for the past 250 years on behalf of the Rothschilds. This is just part of their game. There is a reason that Saudi Arabia is untouchable and it isn't just because of oil, they are the source of the manufactured enemy.

The Rothschilds use Wahhabism to spread fear throughout the world while the use Israeli "counter-terrorism" and technology to solve the problem and grant them control over the world population.

Saudi Arabia and Israel are not-so-secretly allies because they were created by the same masters. They are two sides of the chess board, Wahhabism is the controlled opposition.

What I cant argue for free speech on both sides? Fuck me right? So un-American of me leaf fag.

So, No, not just the Wahabis? So, how does ISIS factor into this?

>Fuck me right?

He's such a fudge packing fag. And FBI needs to change their standards on bud. I smoke weed so I DON'T become a pill fiend or do REAL drugs. Unlike many many o' cops and gov bro's/fags that I know. It's sad, I don't really even drink. Just bud.

This is not a lie burger. If you look at actual history, Islamic society was civilized and progressive until the Rothschilds/Britain destroyed the region with Wahhabism. Sorry if these facts rustle your Jimmies.

All these chimping out sandnigger memes describes the Wahhabis, not the rest of Islamic society.

>fudge packing fag.
Could be. Wouldn't be the first degenerate crossdressing FBI director.

ISIS is a mercenary army of the Rothschilds at the top, through the CIA and Saudi Arabia.

There's a reason why ISIS suddenly appeared in the Philippines a month after Duterte kicked out the Rothschilds bankers. Now (((ISIS))) is recruiting for the Philippines. ISIS order and funding ultimately comes from the Rothschilds.

Fuck Jews. They all have ulterior motives. They don't have the gis best interest at heart.

>free speech

Merciful Kim, please cleanse us with fire.

Come here legally, then we'll talk.

>All these chimping out sandnigger memes describes the Wahhabis, not the rest of Islamic society.
Really. All These?


meant for:

Could be. But that may not discount other bad islamic actors, does it?

Notice how the darkest countries are the ones who are either under Saudi influence (Pakistan) or where Saudi Arabia have sent their mercenary Islamist fighters to destabilize the region on behalf of the Rothschilds Zionist agenda.

EVERY director since it's inception was. It's all "Masonic Rite" and a part of the "good ol' boy program" of blackmail.
>I know your gay
>Well I know you fuck kids
>Well I know you kill kids
>Well I know you are in on the Cocaine trade
>Well I know you are in on the Heroin trade
>He he he...lets just keep this between us Jim

Im so glad that the godking is in and the "new FBI/director" isn't involved in this kind of shit. I hope the clean out the rest of the garbage to make it reputable again. I really want to believe in them. Also, Fedfags if your watching...Job when?

ISIS are Wahabis

Sup Forums btfo!

turn this into a Berkeley is anti jew narrative fork the keks

they started having kids and filling their heads full of revolutionary communist horse shit. those kids are now in their late forties or early fifties and are teaching at schools like Berkeley all over the country.