Say Something Good About Another Race or Religion
Friendly Thread
East asians have high IQ
hard mode: no asians, no hindus, no buddhists
White people have literally given me everything.
Electricity to fuel my computer that connects to the internet so I can post on social media how much I hate them. They invented all this shit for me.
If it wasn't for white people I'd still be living in mud huts.
I love real Mexican food.
Muslims are no. 1 at being a bad example of how humans should behave.
also no food if you want real hard mode
Whites are hard working guys
Religion... any religion with a thunder god as main god is ok in my book
black people have good rhythm
>whiteboi detected
I'm jewish and it's so cute seeing whites think they're a super race
Just wait until the entire African continent relocates into Europe.
they are pretty good dancers huh. are blacks just jesters for white kings?
If Islam became a worldwide thing, at least SJW degenerates would be be violently killed.
do you own a mirror?
I'm so fucking handsome.
meds are white
Asians have nice food.
You're right my bad.
i'd fuck an amish girl real good
catholic pussy good
Some black people are fucking hilarious and fun to hang out with
Blacks are ok when raised properly.
blacks have natural camo when they are in the dark
Niggers can run real fast
I'd say almost all races and religions have at least one or more positive qualities about them.
East Asians are The Only race we can actually Coinhabit the planet with.
They are just as succesful as Whites without the cucked vulnerable unending kindness mindset.
korean bbq is the shiznit
I wish I would fucking die already
>be me
>think Sup Forums might be right about blacks
>new branch manager at my job is black
>he's fucking hilarious and most fun person i ever been around
>mfw i love black people now
Islam hates fags as much as I do
whiteys are nice
Every American muslim i've met has been hard working and genuine.