This mountain semen demon almost made me question myself.
Characters that ALMOST made you cheat on your waifu
It took a lot of effort.
She's almost as cute as mai waifu.
It actually happened twice to me.
Who could resist an ecchi cup?
Remember when that guy asked you to do that thing?
Almost considered switching.
I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't met my waifu first...
ITT: Facebook normalfags who recently discover the epic waifu meme and want to be part of Sup Forums.
It might interest you to know I've never been on facebook. Don't even have an account. I'm not interested in the slightest.
Her. She made me have lewd thoughts about her, and then lewd thoughts about her and my waifu holding hands and cuddling. I feel disgusting.
She's 16
Wow big deal. Fuck off dumbass.
How this post make any sense? Also, ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
I too have seasonal mistresses.
How does one cheat on their waifu?
I don't have this kind of problem. I have multiple waifus.
T. Normalfags cancer.
Hi rettid
It's really just that I've "met" my waifu before her.
Same with Holo.
>implying normalfags have waifus
>implying normfags accept poligamy or poliandry
This cutie right here is exploiting my weakness for yandere girls.
>implying waifu is not a normalfags meme
This, waifus are normalfag as shit
Reminder that a harem is the only way to make everyone happy.