Girls und Panzer

Why do the Finns need a bard in a tank?

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Nigga, it's sonar

What is the machine translation about, even? What makes it different from the translation we've already got?

amusement value

I want to beat up arisu!

Supposedly it will be really funny.

Bean chariots

So basically, it's going to be translated into Engrish?

Because they do not have best grils. Like cat and snail or snake. No crab

Yeah, in all its 70 tons of what glory.


Realistically, who would crew this "tank" in the future, if Oarai ever fields it?

With 1935 Year Old Bean Chariots

Carbon coated active sonar

>dat scene
>Rosehip keeps moving back and forth even when surrounded

What a funny girl

BTW do any of you Sup Forumsnons recall a scene where Rosehip isn't moving at all?

Casting buffs, obviously.

You guys should put /gup/ or something on the OP so it's easier to find the threads.

No, even when lying in ambush her tank's fidgeting back and forth. She only stops when she crashes into something

>roller coaster
>Catwalk after the lift hill

No, but she is going the slowest in this scene. I imagine Darjeeling had the steering apparatus locked in place with titanium.

Realistically no one would field an open top recon vehicle

Bard is mandatory to cast speed, endurance and accuracy buffs.

Realistically, girls wouldn't be able to properly operate any tanks depicted in this show.

>open top

We Saki now.

They understand the importance of Inspire Bravery.

Hoe do finn panties smells like ?

? Wouldn't that be her driver?

>operated by anything other than girls

It's not open too though, they're all just sticking out of their hatches.
Why not, the inside of tanks are much more cramped than what the show depicts and lolis have low profiles. Literally made to crew armored vehicles

Various vaginal discharges and piss accumulated after weeks of wandering around like a vagabond without washing.

Put an already rotting fish into a mixer, take a dump inside and then pee on it. Turn it on and smell the end product.

To cast Army's Paeon and Battle Voice obviously.

What was her purpose even? She did jack shit except playing that damn harp.


I'd pledge allegiance to that flag

I like her hat.

Now this I want to see a Doujin on

You're sent to the Stone Age with the Rabbits

What do?

Tanks are shown to be operated by men in the show, in that military history movie the bunnies were watching in episode 10 for instance. It's just a thing of the past but not that much of a stretch.

Pray and offer sacrifices to the Old God to please her.


>we're watching shows about girls crewing tanks
>the girls watch shows about men crewing tanks

why do they all have male names

Y'know there are other ways that you can please her.....

Is speed really that important in senshado?

It's Japanese > English translated using Google translate instead of actual experienced translators, which makes really amusing and out-of-context literal dialogue.

I served the military for 6 years, 4 of those were as a tank driver.

I got to say, GuP really does make tank driving seem like a fun thing, even though it's one of the shittiest things someone can do.

Let's deepen Anglo-American relationships.

Observing, commanding and entertaining.

Anything is fun if you add girls kicking girls to it.

It looks better than infantry at least.

Do you think Nonna would ACTUALLY believe that the snow is black as Katyusha says so, or is she just pretending to save Katyusha's face in front of Maho?

Reality sucks, watch anime instead.

Also what tank?

Express my love for Aya and try to woo her so that we may raise a family in that trying age.


>if Oarai ever fields it?
They'd need to give it a turret for that.

Historical turrets actualy mounted here were Panzer I Ausf C, T-38 and (twin-turreted) T-26, (read: whatever old turret they could find "laying around" whose turret diameter fitted the vehicle's roof hatch), so basically MG-only weaponry (OK, OK, some Pz I turrets mounted semi-auto anti-tank rifles or even single 20mm guns, but still...)

Does anyone know the turret ring size of said tanks? And of the Pz 38(t) (the turret Oarai DOES have lying around)?

Some team with "loves to scout" as gimmick.

Become Yuuki's lover.
I know quite a few survival tricks and I know how to build mud huts (without using shit like the africans), animal traps, edible plants, starting and preserving fires and a ton about subsistence farming so it should go pretty well.

This needs to be saved and archived for posterity. Then whipped out and rubbed all over the face of faggots when they bitch about the /ak/ subs being "machine tranlated from chinese"

kurds und panzer

>not knowing about crabsticks
Be ashamed.
Feel guilty.

>the girls are watching unrealistic girly movies

Well, doing a thing as a hobby is different than doing it as a job.

It's on the same level of importance as TOTSUGEKI, so YES.

Maho no!

>Das Boot is a chickflick in GuP-verse

M1 Abrams. Kind of cool, your crew eventually becomes more than family after some time, but it is still really shitty to be in a tank for long periods of time.

Nope, submarines are for boys - they're stinky and disgusting. The subs, I mean. The guys just have cooties.

Okay, I laughed, good job.

>Some team with "loves to scout" as gimmick
So people from the ninja class?
This fits because they introduced the vehicle and the people who would crew it in the same OVA
>cue montage of ninjas whipping through forests in their invisible not-tank at breakneck speed, flying a scout out of the tank on a kite, setting up decoys and disrupting formations, hetzer style

Don't forget about the planes aswell Sup Forumsnon.

Boys are piloting planes.

Ships and boats are for both genders.

>Kelly's Heroes, Battle of the Bulge, etc... are chickflicks in the GuPverse


Haifuri pls go and stay go

No user, subs + planes = manly, surface ships + tanks = girly.
So das boot still gets a pass as a manly film for manly men.

The worst part is that it would make perfect sense

They are the equivalent of GuP in the GuPverse.

Cant believe finns are so unhigienic.

Gladly the team are just pretending to be.

>flying a scout out of the tank on a kite
Fuck you, now I need this in my life.

>this is one of the best movies ever in the GuP-verse


>Battle of the Bulge
But that's gay.

Like a Russian

Which Usagi is your favorite?

>manly film for manly men
i think it would count as fujoshit in the show's universe
The kind of film you take out of the rental's in a paper bag and look over your shoulder constantly when watching

What is this loader-chan's face trying to convey?

TIts or GTFO-chan.

>i think it would count as fujoshit in the show's universe

That's like saying Band of Brothers is fujoshi.

"Why can't she just find a boyfriend already?"

>My commander is shitty
>My back hurts
>I wish I was in Kei's tank being treated nicely and having fun


The pigtails, the glasses, the ZR, her love for movies. Pure perfection

>Don't talk to me about my job



Can't wait to go home and sleep with Takeshi.

The mistress speaks to me...

Do you recognise it, user?

Why did the usagis take up senshado again? I know the volleyballers did it for their club and the automotive club was also promised stuff, but what about our beloved nomads?