Who has a dual citizenship and why ?
Who has a dual citizenship and why ?
I have both British and Irish citizenship
FFL service
Finland and America. Saving up to buy a reindeer farm.
dirty piefken-trash have dual citizenship because their country is a shithole, as far as I know
user i want to join. tell me what i must do to be accepted
Whats the point? It's literally the same country.
croatian and US citiznship
>Who has a dual citizenship and why ?
proof ?
USA and Canada because I was born in the US to two Canadians who were here on green cards.
I'll all not matter since we are gonna have one world government anyway. We'll all be one big family, and we'll call oursleves Earthians.
USA and Israel.
New citizens get to bring a car to Israel without paying VAT tax (60%), so it's basically a free $100,000
> Below 18
Have to decide as soon as you turn 18.
My passports are both in the bank. Bank is closed right now.
croatian and US citiznship proof
go during fall/winter as there are less candidates.
get used to a lot of running, especially up and down hills.
group up with guys from your region and practice French.
don't overthink it. they do all of that for you as soon as you arrive.
>German and Austrian passports
Austria doesn't allow dual citizenship .
it does, if your parents are from two countries and you have those citizenships from birth on
first one to proof. Thats my boy
>one (1) Republican kike in congress
>every other jew is a democrat
really makes me think
get the fuck out of my thread
Try it kraut
i like how euro passports have plastic id pages
Ozfag with a brit passport went to the uk in 07. What a fucking shithole. Niggas and paki gangs everywhere. Back to oz. Nice weather and great beaches.
I will come and take your country over, once again fuckin poland scum
>>dont take this too serious buddy
German passport has, but the austrian does not, like the US passport
Aren't those passes a bit redundant?
I have 3
My ancestors were from italy but they moved to Argentina, I'm the 5th generation since then and I live in Spain
Technically i can't have 3 but police didn't tell me anything yet xdd
thanks, i never knew that
These kikes have dual citizenship to make sure we fight Israel's wars
Because the country my parents came to turned into shit and i'll leave it.
i have serbian and croatian passport
GDR and FRG, because of WW2
Faggot sandnigger tier degenerate
The CIA thanks you for doing their job for them
Because my father came inside an American woman.
THATS the worst combination you could have, but also quiet good.
Kill yourself buddy
jealous cause you only have poo nation passport
oh you have no idea
so us and poland ?
I have Italian and USA
I wish I could have the same amount of money here as in Italy, Italy really is a beautiful country
I have two permanent resident cards, how about that? Going to convert it to tripple citizenship, gonna be tricky though.
Chilean and American. Could also get Israeli citizenship if I so desired, but fuck that.
canadian n british
>can get a Costa Rica citizenship since my mom is from there
>can avoid the draft with it since they’re a neutral country
Yeah, US and Poland. Lived most of my life in the states. Grew bored, moved to Poland. Can easily enter both the EU and America. It's actually pretty cool and useful.
As a man who speaks no Italian, if you had asked me how to say "passport" in Italian, that is exactly what I would have said.
Italians, we're on to you. We know that your language is fake, and you're just talking in a silly accent to fool us
Bong and Burger citizenship. My dad was born in England and lived there for about 30 years before moving to America.
Britain and NZ, because my parents moved me here as a kid. I wish we had gone to Aussie.
I have german and kazakh citizenship
American and Spanish.
US and Brazilian
US and German
I have one citizenship but i have also polish and israelic passports and i couldmake citizenship in these two countries if i want.
>autistic kraut makes a shitty thread
>gets mad when people post in it
why dont you just end it hans?
Swiss & Italian
I take my Italian passport to Italy to avoid paying more than i should.
i am the one with the us and croatian passports, i have a chance to get rid of those two in exchange for a German one since my croatian grandmother is a naturalized German citizen from Nazi Era of Croatia
Brazilian and Italian.
I remember you.
german and hungarian
Heres my british one. Irish one is at home
Deported volga german, yep
US and Somalia. Don't actually have the somali passport but i'm a citizen.
British and US.
Dad's from England.
How’d you end up in the US?
I have Australian, UK, and US citizenship/passports. What do I win
Grandmother was bong. Am I entitled to anything?
>was born there
>both parents are Dominican
>bank account
>gun permit
>driver licence
>also good for business
I have triple citizenship: American, Brazilian and German. It gives me opportunities to work and be successful in those countries if i want to one day, only problem being that I can't join any military or I might lose one citizenship, but it's a real privilege to have triple nationality
you have to go back
Brazilian and German
I'll do my PhD there, and also spend th erest of my life there too, I was born here in Brazil, portuguese/german/dutch ancestry
> I wish I could have the same amount of money here as in Italy
what do you mean?
I was born in the UK to Irish parents and think I have dual citizenship because of that.
>literal star of david on top of the eagle
Hehehehe *rubs hands*
>you have to go back
to america? maybe for business/shopping however I prefer IT here with money quality of life is better
I am born one.
>germany and austria
dual citizenship is only worth anything if your passports are from different countries.
these are just two provinces of the EU
that emblem(coat of arms)of italy is reminiscent of that of a socialist country
US and Taiwan
>tfw not dual citizen
österreich why can't your citizenship through descent laws be more lax like italy's. i want to leave here.
Hello Sup Forumstards
Dual citizenship because 70% of my family lives in Portugal and i don't need to get a visa everytime i go to visit them. Besides, my family is very proud to be portuguese, me, my brother and all my cousins are named after a portuguese king or queen
oh shit
would that even be possible for a single person?
Now this is getting......interesting.
are you white? if not you will never be native portuguese, sorry.
how? China will very rarely allow that.
chinese is your mom's passport don't lie
i do. i'm a spy
Russian and American.
The Italian star is a very ancient symbol, it derives from the "Caesaris Astrum", a comet star that Julius Caesar saw as a benevolent sign, it is supposed to represent our shiny future.
The gear was added when the symbol was adopted to replace the royal symbol (when we became a Republic after ww2) and represents labor and progress. In this sense, the gear can remind a socialist symbol, but the star is much older than that.
I can't find my German Passport right now, but here is my ID Card.
How can China control it? How do any of these countries control it? There is no institution that monitors whether you apply foreign citizenship, and there is no institution or well defined legal process to revoke your citizenship permanently.
Now then, all those are legal, but if you want to break the law you should pick somewhere easier. In Greece, for example, it would not be too difficult or expensive to have an official in a small town add your name to the list of births. Then, go to Athens with the appropriate documentation. Perhaps I need a fifth passport; I have family in Greece and with brexit coming up it would be helpful to keep EU citizenship.
This applies to me aswell but I am too lazy to dig out my roachpass
>I can't find my German Passport right now
At this point you might as well use that one in your picture.
>turkish-german dual citizenship
Such a cliche. Tell me you don't run/work at a kebab place