>mfw my country is loved worldwide and there is nothing you can do about it
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>mfw my country is loved worldwide
huehuehuehue some more
sheeeit if natives were really like these i swear i would buy a whole tribe
I want to bleach that lewd native
list me any county worldwide that hate my country pls
what's it called, that body paint or getup, so I can search for more?
>Loved worldwide.
reminder to run over brazilniggers
they glow in the dark
Sorry, what was the question?
>ywn be a conquistador who walks into a tribe, kills their faggot men with superior firepower then takes their qt daughters as slaves to work in his glorious villa
Why even bother
what country hates brazil? plz tell me
which obviously means none of them, thanks best ally
You're loved because you're no threat to anyone.
My question is if there's a name for indian girls with that getup & bodypaint. Like what query to search for to get more like her.
Is that what Cabral saw when he came here?
you're not really relevant enough to be hated by an entire country
plenty of people think your country is a shithole with way too many murder videos on liveleak though
See Would colonize your pic related again though,
No one is interested in moving to Brazil Monkey man
>not relevant
>top 10 world economy
>leader of South America
>hosted both Olympics and World Cup
oh yeah sure
only perverts like your country because all your women are filthy roastie whores.
my STATE has almost twice the GDP of your entire country
you are not relevant
The rest of South America hates brazil
Brazil is only known for deforestation
How do you react with two guys on a bike pull up to you?
ah yes,
>GDP folstered by petrodollar
>Economy = relevance
keep going my friend
and big asses
People have an image of Brazil as being a party country with beaches and nightclubs and ways to have fun.
It's my understanding that Brazil in reality is nothing like this.
Pedo tourists rape street spicniggletts
Then cops murder them when their number get too high or when the Olympics is in town.
Based Brazil
yes yes, keep telling yourself that, you will sure make it become true!
I love you, Brazil. Please be my wife.
mfw to the contrary everybody hates my country
Majority of the States in USA has a bigger GDP than UK.
So UK is not relevant.
Oh, Russia is not relevant too.
I must know this information as well. I also need to know if theres a blowjob repository of whatever these girls are called
lol what....... brazil is shit
at least we still have natural florets, different some countrys that already deforestation all.
I don't hate India
Literally every gringo that comes here say that it is exactly as the stereotype 2bh. And I kinda agree. We know how to party
lol no
Your not loved world wide, your laughed at world wide.go impeech another president for corruption you fucking subhuman trash. poo in the loos are better then monkey eating backwater savages.
>leader of South America
Literally who?
what's the Brazilian award show thing with the barely clothed dancing eye candy?
don't worry, your time is coming...
> The moment when you lost your entire family to violence but it's okay, because people of other countries like you.
checked and keked
Miss Bumbum
Even the Brazilian native girls are hot
all of them?
You are #2 after thailand for ladyboys.
try searching for something like Kuruminha cosplay
Would Alberto Barbosa them
Why would people hate you. As long as you leave my country alone I'll leave yours alone. Good thing you are able to preserve your culture.
Never gets old
Looks enrichable if you put a mcdonalds bag on her head.
I want to nuke your favelas and your jungle savages. I don't hate it as a whole, just the majority of your monkey people
wtf is going on that pic? miss brazil competition?
there are some qt ones
i feel bad for him...
People who are proud of the country because of natural resources are retarded
Why is your country a crime ridden shit hole? Have you no honor?
What's wrong with their genitals?
Cause it's shit
There's a string going in the middle and pushing it in, zoom in.
you're being gay
for a brazilian apelet
nah, natural resources are underrated. Fuck I'd love to have my own goldmine
Kek subhuman venez*elanos btfo
natives have no body hair.
you learn something everyday, dont ya?
wtf i love bunda now
The most relevant in corruption.
I am not proud.
too old for me
>This is what you actually believe
they are naturally without pubeless, natives naturally don't have pubic hair. To the point that Pero Vaz de Caminha said it in the letter to the portuguese king in 1500
at least we are relevant in something. you are not even the only guay in the world, neither the best guay, so shut up.
Well, since Temer is on power, Like all of the officials in Latin-America, Probably Cuba and Bolivia because they are brainwashed.
I actually have an indian bro. He's a pretty cool guy.