Why are the far right/fascists terrible at business?

You haven't provided any of the critical infrastructure, or modern business services and products people need and want. Why is this? Is it because your ideologies are weak and pathetic? Things the far right/alt right/nu-Sup Forums can't seem to do:

>textbook companies
>mainstream news
>mass media
>domain registrators (lol dailystormer.is) hahahahahah
>video streaming
>social media
>banking, finance, VC
>tech entrepreneurship
>tech incubators
>tech anything (inb4 muh shitty conspiracy-laden Wordpress blogs/flat earth pseudo-science!)
>law, courts, judiciary, attorneys
>STEM (at least one is publicly far right)

I could go on but I won't. It just seems like your ideologies are totally worthless, backed by even more worthless/shortsighted people. Pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:


>when the far left admits they are the system

lol, what are you fighting against then?

I'm right wing but this is also my critique of fash/white nationalism. You provide nothing useful and your primary contribution to society seems to be making life miserable for productive citizens that happen to not be white

To be fair, this is precisely why the alt-right is so terrifying to the establishment. For decades now the far right has been the exclusive domain of losers and degenerates. Suddenly there are genuinely intelligent people like Curtis Yarvin and others in their 40s and under that are attracted to and eloquently defending incredibly reactionary positions.

There has always been an undercurrent of intellectualism within reactionary thought, it just hasn't had the opportunity to show itself for years due to a variety of social and global circumstances. Believe me though OP, times are changing.

Evola would be proud.

You can't get a job if you are openly white nationalist and fashy, its bad for business.

Who said I'm fighting anything? I'm just wondering why your political ideology is so ineffective in practice when looked at from outside your echo chamber / safe space?

The left does seem to be a lot more effective when it comes to actually getting shit done if that's what you're asking.

>You provide nothing useful and your primary contribution to society seems to be making life miserable for productive citizens that happen to not be white

Well said. I also want to know this. All you guys do is whine. You don't actually produce anything outside of your drone-like existences. And even then its really the management who is getting shit done while you're just taking orders like the lowly dogs you seemingly are.

The extremely high iq capitalists push leftism because it makes them more money, that simple.

Im one of the top cloud architects in north america and was a pioneer on driving the evolution from disaster recovery to disaster avoidance.

What the fuck can you do other than project?

>Curtis Yarvin and others in their 40s and under that are attracted to and eloquently defending incredibly reactionary positions.

What has Curtis built? You're talking about more far right roleplaying/speeches etc. I'm not interested in that. I want to know what you have accomplished. What exactly have you built that is useful and generates revenue. The entirety of your "movement" seems to be a whole lot of tough talk with zero backing.

Oh and one more thing...I am the establishment and so are my friends. We couldn't be LESS terrified of you guys. You can't get anything done. That's the point of the thread. Outside of tiki-torch marches, your dress-up games, and a few ugly internet sites you guys are pretty much useless.

I'm not interested in what they are doing. I'm interested in why the far right can't get anything done.

Don't care. What is the leading cloud infrastructure for hosting far right content? Does one even exist?

I thought not.

The far right can't get anything done because the capitalists have made it taboo to maximise profits.

>What has Curtis built?

>I'm just wondering why your political ideology is so ineffective in practice when looked at from outside your echo chamber / safe space?
It's the most taboo and verboten position, so it's probably going to attract a lot of losers, that doesn't make the arguments or positions invalid.

The reason there aren't far right businesses is because it would be extremely bad for business and they would be cucked by businesses who were't far right.

>I am the establishment.

I am very much enmeshed in the establishment of American society, and contrary to your assertions, the people around me seem to be very uneasy. The long march through the institutions is easily reproducible and you would be surprised at the number of "undesirables" in your midst.

How does that actually impact you? So you build a domain registrar with minimal profits to help host your content so your websites don't get shut down. See? You're just making stupid excuses.

>the bold pitch

You see that? You haven't actually done anything. Just more TALK.

If a movement is full of losers who can't get anything done, then shouldn't it be disregarded as an epic failure, sort of like hardcore Communism?

>The reason there aren't far right businesses is because it would be extremely bad for business and they would be cucked by businesses who were't far right.

So what your saying is profits are more important than progressing their movement? That doesn't really imbue much faith in your ideology does it? It also says your followers aren't loyal. They won't pay a premium to support each other's businesses I take it? Maybe far right ideology belongs in the trash with Communism since it is so unworkable.

He's trying to build something, but that doesn't mean he's going to do it

except a classless society has never happened, but a whiter america has happened.

you are honestly asking "why is this verboten ideology not publicly supported by more people" do you not see how asking that question answers itself?

You're ignoring the original question because it leads you down a road you don't want to go. You haven't accomplished anything tangible. Why?

Trump is not your ally. You haven't succeeded anywhere in business on any level. I'm really not interested in your pathetic threats, because I know, and everyone else knows, you can't get anything done. I'm just wondering if you have an answer as to why your movement has virtually zero business successes. You seem like a bunch of welfare queens to be honest.

That wouldn't be a very successful business. Your whole argument is 'why isn't the far right running shit if their ideology is so strong and they are so clever'.

No i'm saying that having a far right ideology would make profits much lower and therefore it's not done. It doesn't matter if the followers are loyal because another business can market to EVERYONE. Maybe it does belong in the trash heap with communism. Maybe you're right. But I think the far right is truthful even if it is unworkable. I think religion is the solution to this problem.

I'm not interested in being pulled into another pointless discussion over some fragment of your political ideology.

I want to know why you haven't built anything. Not a single major success at any level in business. No infrastructure. NOTHING you can show for all of your time, energy, and what is probably a considerable number of people.

Even the Communists had some successes. You guys have literally zero. They are even pulling down your participation trophies from the Civil War just to spite you losers. Why I don't like seeing history destroyed it's hilarious to see how ineffective you all are.

Wow another retarded leftwing thread where you project your marxist failures onto us. There are plenty of far-rightwing people all over the place, they just have the good sense to keep quite when they know the anti-truth bigots control the (((media))). You've even admitted what an absolute faggot you are by laughing at the daily stormer - they set up something all of their own and because talentless losers like you can't handle the truth you tried to shut them down

He is right though. It's very difficult in a capitalist society for the far right to gain traction.

>I want to know why you haven't built anything
Personally, I'm pretty happy, I have my own home and have a decent job, and a good gf

>Even the Communists had some successes
America till 1965 was a White nationalist country

No. I'm not asking that. I'm asking why millions of far right white men have nothing to show for 150 years of work. In America, the far right started in the 1860s. In that time you have NO schools, NO educational institutions, NO big business, NO infrastructure. There isn't a single fucking thing you can attach your name to and tell people, "look what we built! Isn't it glorious!"

You all seem like massive failures. Why is this? Your entire movement seems to be some internet roleplaying game, with a side of IRL marches attended by old, fat, white men with bad tattoos.

I explained this to you already

What constitutes the "far right" has been protean over the years, define what you mean by it. America, for most of it's history, was "far-right"

>No i'm saying that having a far right ideology would make profits much lower and therefore it's not done

So money is more important? That really speaks volumes about the far right to be honest. You can derive a lot of knowledge from that, that the far right doesn't really believe in what they're selling, and would rather have more money than make any real sacrifices in the name of success or progress.

You comment above is one of the best comments in the thread, thank you. You have told me a lot.

The path of least resistance will make the dominant business, school and infrastructure in any sector, anywhere under a capitalist society. Liberal leftism is the path of least resistance which maximises profits.

At a certain level it's not about ideology is becomes pure survival of the fittest (i.e who can market to the most consumers). A far right business or a communist business would be very restricted and easily outcompeted and thats why they don't really exist.

You have a lot of people who are employees everywhere, but not owners, not men of power. You control nothing. The hard fact is this: from 1860 until now you have ZERO control, and own literally NOTHING when it comes to business. I'm just wondering why you've been so unsuccessful in that HUGE amount of time. I could care less that some Fortune 100 company has a few far right employees who have the good sense to keep their mouths shut.

Lol the Daily Stormer? That's your big "win" huh? An incredibly poorly modified WordPress blog run by a sexual deviant out of Thailand? That's all you have to show for 150 years of work in America? I'm not impressed. You shouldn't be impressed either.

...and I haven't shut anything down. I'm not a leftist. I'm just curious about why your movement continues to fail in frankly the most critical area of the world: business. I would hate to see you people in charge to be honest. I think we'd all starve to death while we sit around hungry reading from the Bible.

I already addressed the original question. The intellectual ripples of far-right thought that you see today are simply the surface level manifestations of a far deeper movement. There are many things to which you are blind and because a business leader or a tech entrepreneur does not explicitly identify with or sympathize with far-right thought does not imply that they are hostile to it. This is a fairly basic thing to understand. Regardless, as history has shown us, it is not always within the purview of "successful" people to dictate the course and fate of nations. The masses can be volatile and years of neo-liberal policy has left with them with little reason to be happy with the status quo.

Moving on, I'm not issuing "threats" you misguided and delusional twat, I'm simply stating that there are far more people sympathetic to far right thought than you are aware of. Ultimately, our screeching one way or another is irrelevant. One of us will be proven right in the coming decades and frankly as someone who is actually successful and not a LARPing faggot on Sup Forums it is more or less irrelevant to me who succeeds. Just think on this: as many of the Jewish race have done, those of us on the fringes of acceptability have become exceptionally adept at hiding who we are and what we think. That isn't a threat but an observation.

>Lol the Daily Stormer
amren? npi? steve king? usa?

I'm not interested in your happiness. I don't care. I want to know why the world of business and the upper level of society doesn't contain any of you, and more importantly why after 150 years you have nothign to show for all of your loud roleplaying.

lol, i can guarantee you that many of the upper echelons of society contain white nationalists and hard right conservatives. you're delusional if you think that's not the case. that being a fact and them being public about it are two different things sweetie.


That doesn't stop you in any way from building business and infrastructure. You might not be as successful or quite as wealthy but at least you'd have something that couldn't be shut down by the left.

That's a poor excuse. It just makes you seem lazy and shortsighted. In fact, I bet if you actually did invest the money to build something you could charge a premium to your fellow white nationalists. Is it because your movement is filled with simple men of no value?

Not really. If they built it and served a select market niche it would work just fine. Many businesses operate on this premise. You might not become Bill Gates, but you'd still operate at a decent profit.

Has the far right built anything, launched it publicly, and then had it fail? Can you name anything? It seems as if your movement is full of lazy people, who are more interested in conspiracy theories, speeches, and roleplaying in costumes, rather than work.

Maybe the far right should be abandoned for that reason alone: it breeds laziness and sloth. What do you think?

You misunderstand. Any business would be outcompeted and destroyed by a more liberal business. The only businesses that the far right can muster are businesses that market solely to the far right audience. I think what your saying is actually very true though and a valid criticism. We need to stop moaning and start increasing the western birth rate that way the economic arrow will be pointed towards the maintenance of western civilisation rather than it's destruction. This is why I'm not far right but a devout catholic. The far right won't achieve anything but misery because of human nature.

>There are many things to which you are blind and because a business leader or a tech entrepreneur does not explicitly identify with or sympathize with far-right thought does not imply that they are hostile to it.

I don't agree. Your movement is utterly and completely devoid of measurable success. You have NOTHING to show me for 150 years of work. That is a testament to your failure. And really your group seems to always be hiding. If your ideology is so strong you should be able to find enough people like you to band together and accomplish something.

...I guess there is that one autist in South Dakota building a white nationalist "town" of 34 people. lol. I'm sorry but you people should be embarrassed by this whole thread. The level of ineptitude of your whole movement is both astounding as it is cringe-worthy.

The type of person who is starting a high value business would understand the risk of fore-fronting their ideology before they even began. They wouldn't bother because they understand the survival of the fittest aspect. It's not about loyalty it's about the path of least resistance.

Why would you operate a business and explicitly run it in such a way that it scared off most customers? You're asking for an asinine and absurd definition of success. There are certainly hardcore Zionist among the successful Jewish businessman in the USA but they don't run their businesses on Zionist principles because that would be stupid. They keep those opinions mostly to themselves.

So again we have a bunch of men who are more concerned with profits than actually moving their ideology forward? That doesn't say much for the far right. This is especially embarrassing if those wealthy people on the far right are rich and retired. They are almost dead, what do they have to lose?

You want to know the truth? There is no wealthy far right. They are libertarians who would gladly flood white countries with 3rd world people to increase their profits and destroy the environment in the process. For example the Koch Brothers.

I think you are missing the point my friend. It's 'If I don't do it then someone else will so I will' rather than fuck this ideology make cash lol'

>I don't agree.
That is an opinion and you provide no basis for it in your follow-up.

>150 years
You have yet to address the previous poster who pointed out that 150 years ago the common ideology of the day would be considered "far right" today. Ergo almost all success in the USA prior to the 60s could be considered to be the product of "far right" ideology.

>your whole movement
I never even claimed to be part of it. I'm simply pointing out how stupid you sound.

Do try to keep up OP.

Being truly redpilled takes time and effort, it requires doing your own research on race and IQ, jewish problem, etc. Successful people are usually too busy to do this, so they just go along with whatever the mainstream media tells them.

This isn't a good answer. I think that you'd be surprised by what people ACTUALLY think.

Because leftist socialists cant into proper capitalistic business they are too much collectivistic.

Because once you make something socially unacceptable it's never going to flourish in the bright corners of society.

Are you asking dumb questions on purpose?

first of all, your "argument" is not even an argument.

second of all, america was a white nationalist country all throughout its history up until the 1950's. cultural and political shifts obviously take their tole on the population as a whole, their business, politics, etc.

Apple, Whole Foods, McIntosh and thousands of others focus on narrow market niches and have done very well for themselves. That's a poor excuse for having nothing to show for 150 years of work, and I don't believe it.

I don't believe for a second that large companies are led and staffed by members of the far right who are just being strategic and coy about their political leanings. You can't point to ANYTHING at all that proves your team has accomplished anything. Your group is utterly devoid of success. So please save me your weak conspiracy theories and extremely poor economic theories.

Here's what is probably the truth: the far right is built on the backs of weak, uneducated, risk-averse, and mentally incapable men, whose mental illness and conspiracy theories, combined with laziness, ineptitude, and stupidity have resulted in a movement devoid of success and progress. The far right should be utterly annihilated before it can cause any further problems. A centrist movement is what obviously works, where in comparison: the far right is a complete and total catastrophic failure in every MEASURABLE WAY.

What do you think?

I answer this here:

>You haven't provided any of the critical infrastructure
haha do you seriously think that some libshits built the building you're in? built the roads you're driving on? connected the sewer you're shitting through? the list of infrastructure items built by conservatives is endless

>the beliefs of the "far right" have remained the same for 150 years
How mentally retarded do you have to believe this? What is considered "far right" today was centrist decades ago, yet you want to take the accomplishments of those centrists decades ago and give them to the centrists of today?

>Why is an ideology that in the mainstream is presented as bad and ''evil'' not popular in the mainstream

Are you being retarded on purpose?

Come now....Re-read the original list. You control nothing. In under three weeks a HUGE number of your platforms were completely and totally destroyed. StormFront/DailyStormer being the most prominent.

You keep alluding to the fact that there are all these super-secret mega corporations controlled by the far right, when in reality you literally can't even host a fucking website.

It's pathetic. I mean well and truly pathetic. Please skip the conspiracies. You should me the great business success of the far right and I'll change my tone.

no nerdling put a tunnel through a firewall for political reasons you dotard

Ok, so you're confirmed to be a troll or a retard because you ignored this point and keep ignoring it.
>You have yet to address the previous poster who pointed out that 150 years ago the common ideology of the day would be considered "far right" today. Ergo almost all success in the USA prior to the 60s could be considered to be the product of "far right" ideology.

You don't own those companies. You are just cogs in their machines. There are a never ending string of very public articles where members of the far right have been fired for making their views public.

Try again. Name a far right company that is publicly far right, caters to the far right, and is even modestly successful.

JUST NAME ONE SINGLE COMPANY THAT YOU STILL OWN THAT HAS BEEN BUILT AFTER 1860. Show me you guys are all failures. It's a simple request. kys

Honest question, what is your utopia?
What have you to offer to those who you despise on the basis of holding values which you oppose?

Is it a coincidence that all the businesses you posted all push and hold the same political
ideology? Liberal-leftist capitalism.

I'm not here to argue politics. I just want to know of one single far right company or one major piece of critical infrastructure, or a single school, built, owned, and operated by the far right.

Why should I support a group of people devoid of every measure of success when you can't point to a single fucking thing you have accomplished that isn't some bullshit speech, or some fucking roleplaying march where you guys plays dress up?

I don't get the point of your thread
No one is doing what they do for political reasons
Can you name one thing built by a communist?

>We couldn't be LESS terrified of you guys

Fuck off

How about the US space program founded by the Nazi Von Braun

Unbridled human nature and greed let loose by an atheistic, materialistic and self interested culture leads to an INABILITY for the far right to run HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL businesses.

actually, it's not only far-right, but far-left individuals as well

most people involved in these groups harbor ideologies that benefit no one, but rather, wish to see the collapse of society because their lives themselves are absolute shit - either from poverty or social inadequacies.

they hope a complete revamp of society would give them another chance at life, but in general most of the people in these groups are genuine idiots

he is, he still hasn't defined what he means, by "far right"

I believe in a series of city-states where there is a strict series of requirements that successful people must have to live there. Things like protesting and LARPing are banned and ruthlessly punished. Bullshit nonsense like Christianity is also banned. No churches, no religion. An honest to god true meritocracy. From those city states we rule, brutally and harshly over everyone else. BUT, we test and monitor the populace to see if any are worthy of joining our ranks.

While I'm not a leftist, I'm utterly disgusted by the far right. I've never seen such a tight gathering of incompetent, shortsighted, and failed men, completely devoid of accomplishments. I would sterilize every last one of you dotards if I could and put you in work camps until you died, just so I could watch you toil endlessly 16 hours a day while basking in your misery.

The company with the largest market cap in the entire fucking world serves a narrow market niche? You can't honestly be serious. At this point you're approaching troll territory.

I think the position I have laid out is simple enough. A businessman who senses that the Overton Window has begun to shift has no reason to reveal his feelings now when they could be damaging if he believes that in 10 years they will not be. It's a simple calculation of risk and reward. Your assertion is never something that I denied. The majority of far right people have, for decades now, been losers and degenerates. I literally said those exact things in my first post. My opinion and experience has been that those things are changing, you don't have to believe me, but insofar as I can tell it is true.

Your last few posts though, and particularly you bumping your own thread by giving my same post two (you)s in a row, is making me think that you must be a troll. Nothing people have said here is difficult to understand, nothing you've said is substantive in any way shape or form, and really we're all just engaged in a big pissing match because nothing we're arguing about can really be proven one way or another. It's a match for the history books I suppose. Good luck.

Because when practiced outside of the echo chamber, you get banned/irlb&. I'm not here because I want to be but because it one of the only places left.

>While I'm not a leftist

> Bullshit nonsense like Christianity is also banned. No churches, no religion.
>From those city states we rule, brutally and harshly over everyone else

t. communist in the closet

You've got what you want you fucking idiot. You just described the world you're living in.

your utopia literally sounds like a fascist dictatorship. quite ironic tbqh

Where did that goal post go?

That is NOTHING like fascism. Fascism is bullying large companies with force when they hurt the populace and try to sell shitty products. Fascism is encouraging businesses which work in the national interest with tax money. He wants unbridled ruthless capitalism.

They hold the same political ideology, because those of your ideology are so incompetent and unsuccessful that the left has been virtually unchallenged for 50 years.

Bullshit. Prior to the 60's white men's success was based upon the fact that they had little to no competition. And as the competition reared its head, specifically far right white men have done nothing but lose control and fail. That's the point of the whole thread.

Again, I'm not interested in arguing about the past. I want to know why the far right can't seem to build anything modern and important. Why you can't so much as built a fucking country house school for 10 children that teaches your ideology. You are all such massive failures. You don't even realize it. It's mind-boggling how pathetic you all are. Even when I look at the far left which is full of mentally ill retards, you people are worse. Even the far left has had some recent successes. They have plenty to show for their efforts and they keep winning modern battles.

Your best and only answer so far is pretty much:

>muh ancestors!!!1

What have you built recently that is publicly far right in the world of business? Anyone?

I think that you are deliberately misunderstanding now. They have the maximum market and they win. Survival of the fittest. Sick of repeating this.

Not in his control and not founded by him. It was a gov't lead endeavor where many of it's leaders were moderates and leftists.

Try again. Anything recent? Anything even small?

Who do you think set up the electricity in your house

Wrong. I debunked that pathetic excuse here: it would be one thing if you had a series of modestly successful businesses. You have nothing. Not. One. Thing. My theory is that far right white men and the ideology are completely 100% toxic trash. That it should be utterly destroyed and those that promote it destroyed in one way or another too, because it won't work in the modern world, as evidenced by your complete and total lack of success.

I'm not arguing semantics. You know exactly what I mean and who I mean.

>I'm not here because I want to be but because it one of the only places left.

So, the far right has done a very poor job of catering to the business needs of it's people? IS that what you're saying?

Why is that?

define what you mean by far-right. If your entire premise is that far-right ideals have always been universally, bad, then I want to know what are those ideals

OP is truly a genius guise. You see, if your definition of success is narrow and pedantic to the point that it excludes the people you dislike, you win the argument! Obviously the people at the upper echelon of corporate success are "centrists", they've succeeded in pissing no one off for their entire careers. And CLEARLY economic success is the only true measure of success.

Wait, new game everyone! The NEW definition of success is being in charge of religious organizations. Looks like the Muslims and Orthodox Christians and other hardliners win. Oh boy this is fun! NEW definitions of success: participating in NGOs, being a UN representative, and spending government dollars. Wow, looks like hard left types are winning now!

Honestly consider suicide OP, you're no different than the retarded brainlets I dealt with back in undergrad who all came from middle-upper class families and hadn't critically considered a single issue in their lives. I have almost no doubt that you're an undergrad at a top 30 or so uni who thinks that your "accomplishment" of getting in there makes you successful. Beyond pathetic. You even argue like an obnoxious child, selecting the things you want to respond to, and ignoring the ones that make you queasy.

No, the far right has plenty of places like Sup Forums. The thing is that they all act as eco chambers.

Again wrong. There are TONS of competitors in every market. Tons of companies that are massively successful by catering to a very narrow niche market. Yet the far right has had ZERO identifiable success in business. There IS a market there. There IS a market for far right education, for far right hosting companies, for far right technology. YET, the far right hasn't bothered to tap into it. You don't think the DailyStormer and Stormfront and tons of other sites would pay a huge premium for domain name and hosting services right now? I guarantee you they would, but the far right has not provided for them in any way. Why should I support a movement that can't provide for its people?

Why have you all failed so obviously in business? That's the question. It still hasn't really been answered.

Someone who claims to want an intellectual discussion but refuses to clarify points of contention is not truly interested in discourse. Don't pretend to be engaged in dialectics when your actions are to the contrary faggot.

Listen mate I'm not sure you're intelligent enough for political opinions if you can't grasp the concept of survival of the fittest in business. I agree with your point that the far right is mostly useless but I disagree that it's because they lack intelligence or the ability to work hard. I don't want to talk to you anymore because you don't seem to undestand that: No objective truth = subjectivity = power is the highest good = unbridled greed = the destruction of a civilisation

Your argument has retreated into 'why hasn't the far right produced a hosting service' the reason is that it is very very expensive to start and no one wants to be associated with them because they would make minor profits and could make more with other businesses.

Minor profits in comparison due to the size of the market

>I agree with your point that the far right is mostly useless

I'm willing to accept this answer. It seems to be the honest truth, I just wondered if anyone on the far right was willing to admit it.

I'm designing a new system of gov't that will be a true meritocracy without bullshit desert religions. Part of this new system will be to crush the far left for their disruptive and degenerate activities, and to savagely crush the right for their total ineptitude and endless stupidity. It will not be a pleasant future for either extreme, but the human race will continue on to the stars without you sub humans.

You are living in this dream world you want m8 look around you

>corporations are run by left-wingers
You are fucking retard. You conflating corporate public relations and marketing with actual business practices. These companies only spew leftists nonsense because it sells.