Trump says that Iran works with NK

Literally, what did he mean by this?

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Happening goys

He means that he is a very good goy.

That Iran works with North Korea this isn't a new revelation.

Iran is based. NK is based. Good goy drumpf will incite another useless war.

Any source about that? Never heard such thing.

Means his decision on the Iran Nuclear deal is to terminate it.

He wants to cancel the Iran nuclear deal. This is not a new position.

Iran has long been accused of doing research exchanges with North Korea, but hard to tell if it's just Zionist propaganda.

Iran and Nork do not like Trump
Therefore we do not like them.
Therefore they are working together.

because it's bullshit

Get ready lads.

drumpf is such a jew lover lmao

makes pol look really dumb

The nork guy at the UN said today that best korea will protect iran with nukes. He even named the jew

Well then Norks are breddy gud in my book


just planting some seeds

Do you guys remember when the lefties wanted more transparency?

The efficient market hypothesis is false.

He's a Jew

That little bastard kushner is poisoning his mind.

oh no Iran please don't destroy Israel

oh no please what will we do

Are you being sarcastic? Israel's our greatest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East. To even suggest Israel's destruction is comical is disgusting. I'm so sick of this site's rampant anti-Semitism. I've reported this thread

>could signal