20 out of 1,700. .01 percent of players. Yet this will be only thing anyone talks about for the next two weeks. And nothing will change in the world
>tfw Trump found the literal perfect powderkeg to start the race war
It's only happenings from here on in
Haha Talcum X has a bunch of connections in the negro ball scene I bet
>use #takeaknee on twitter
>@ every black nfl player playing tomorrow
>tell them to protest the cop violence and the president even if their coaches tell them not to
>they do it
>worst ratings in 10+ years
>superbowl, worst ratings in 30+ years
>espn goes out of business
its all within your reach Sup Forums
>espn goes out of business
This alone will make me happy.
This. Meme it as black empowerment and how everyone wanting you to stand is a cracker
>talcum x starting a race war
i love this timeline
>tfw always really enthused about nigger ball every season for the last few decades
>tfw Trump won and gave me almost daily entertainment
>tfw football season starts and I don't even give a fuck.
Is Trump the greatest entertainer in modern history?
>And nothing will change in the world
Except that the NFL will lose millions of dollars.
I always play Johnny Rebel now after a night of drinking. Not even Southern
How is taking a knee a sign of disrespect? In many cultures it's a sign of devotion and respect.
Everyone should boycott the NFL and start watching rugby or something.
You are supposed to stand and place your hand on your heart when the US anthem plays
great idea, me. look at my idea.
what if they just stop playing the national anthem?
That’s what I thought, but here we are.
wowowowowow you know what that means right? When the bread and circus isnt enough for the subdued masses? Please for the love of god, dont get docile and start watching tv again. we need you damn burgers to start the race war.
Yes, rugby is much more interesting.
Then the freedom hating terrorists win
Did Trump play the long con at getting back at the NFL for XFL?
Why is the NFL so cancerous?
Fuck that gay shit I switched to watching Hockey both college and professional
t. minnesotan
Trump just made the Dems the Anti-American Party, 5D chess niggas he just got Reelected
And it's also internationally competed.
Wow so brave
Sitting down
You niggas are real heroes
yeah probably not
>Why are nigger players and jew owners in the decade of SJW degeneracy so cancerous
The only reason to watch the NFL is to watch Trumps team win the super bowl again.
Lol Holy Shit. This morning I was thinking that Trump made a mistake by publicizing this so much, but if 20 NFL players *actually* raise a fucking fist, you will see an entire percentage point of viewers sway Right, at the VERY least.
That's incredible. Pls happen.
Why is ESPN getting fucked good? Gimme the quick gestalt.
no, you're just a cuck who substitutes nigger ball players with muh god empruh trump because you lack a real positive role model in your life.
yes yes and thumbs up is an insult in some places. stop pulling relativist bullshit
how do people not see what Trump is doing? The more people fight against anti-PC culture and virtue signaling the more fucking power Trump gain, and the more people go against Trump the more followers he gains. He makes the left and these anti-nationalist groups look like fucking idiots. He mentions monuments, they start wanting to take them down. He mentions NFL kneelers, and the more people kneel for the anthem. It only makes him appear more rational and the left look like fucking idiotic crybabies with no real thoughts or opinions,
The left will never beat Trump the more they fight him. He is killing the entire NFL with fucking Tweeter, while they have the entire MSM and everything else.
>I switched to watching Hockey both college and professional
Stay away from the cancer that is the NHL, stick with college hockey only.
have you seen a San Diego or SanFran game no one is there they cant give away tickets. They are all ready Losing Millions
This. Why would multi-millionaire athletes be announcing anything to this wigger in person.
If america got into rugby, the competition would get so much better. but id be scared all the niggers would start playing it.
america's for whites, africa's for blacks
send those apes back to the trees, ship those niggers back
we can see niggerball (Football, Basketball) vanish before our eyes!
This is awesome!
They already are, dumbass. Trump making it explicit will only hurt them more.
great theory. Did you learn that in your shit college class, kiddo?
The Rams left STL and the Chargers left SD, for LA...and they aren't drawing for SHIT....they are going to be fucked if they don't start winning big time and drawing fans. Even then, they will be fucked probably.
They already were
>How is taking a knee a sign of disrespect? In many cultures it's a sign of devotion and respect.
Is it a sign of respect to disrespect your country and its values while being a member? I respect the concept of "Free Speech". Everyone has the right to be disrespectful. I have the right to call them by their title of "Pussies". Freedom of speech goes many ways. What these house niggers are doing is no different than some bigot standing on a corner complaining about the Jews and niggers. Its the same shit, just from a different mouthpiece.
Ahem. its (((NFL)))
Just trying to understand. In Europe, a player kneeling during national anthem would be considered a crazy patriot.
Don't forget he's got them supporting North Korea at the same time
what the fuck
>20 out of 1,700. .01 percent of players.
still trying to pass that GED huh?
>a player kneeling during national anthem would be considered a crazy patriot.
During their Home country's national anthem?
We stand and remove our hats for the Anthem in the US
Euros don't have patriotism, for the most part.
>And nothing will change in the world
every action has a reaction user. less and less people watch nigger ball. watching nigger ball is a gateway drug to cuckolding. if you sprinkle in propaganda no one notices it but when everything is propaganda patterns are easier to see. the veil is falling. the first step is always the hardest and we are far past that now. we jut need to help others take their first step.
Everything Trump does makes sense 2 days later.
(((NFL))) and (((ESPN))) will pay.
The ONLY reason the Chargers moved was because it boosted their value from $1.3b, or so, to $3b.
Fuck Spanos.
It's not the action of taking a knee that's inherently toxic it's the notion that it's in protest of our anthem which is what makes people mad
Cause in American we are tough through out school that u must stand for the flag. We did it every morning and recited the Pledge of allegiance, So not standing is seen as a sign of Disrespect
And receive league. It's fun and free. And the beer is cheap.
Dear diary,
Today I decided to go back to serving chicken through a bulletproof countertop.
Din du Nuffin
Same thing with the Rams. It's not about tickets, attendance, or anything. It is about (((TV MONEY)))...FUCK KRONKE
>tfw democrats have been doing this all along and we have only been hindering the race war kick off trying to stop them
~65% of NFL players are roided-up nogs.
~40% of NFL owners are hook-nosed "fellow whites".
If the NFL crashes, it'll be a bigger victory for us than Trump's election.
ESPN is owned by Disney, they use it to spread liberal bullshit to men who just want to watch some sports
>It's 2017 and he STILL cares about ape-egg
The only ones who will be affected by NFL turmoil are all the mongoloid country ass-inbred Trump voters across the country. This is going to be great
>muhhhhhh footballl
>muhhhh fantasy league
>muhhh casseroles
>muhh walking tacos
>You can do this fellas
Do what, what's their endgame?
>people are going to stop watching one of the most popular sports in america becuase a few players want to crouch for a minute
Mathematics is a White Supremacist field of study.
>Is Trump the greatest entertainer in modern history?
>really enthused about nigger ball every season
you're just a dullard.
honestly it doesnt matter whatever anything means, this is just the latest way for the jews to cause more riots and noise to distract from real events.
Everything that has to do with our history, culture and what we have respected over generations, jews will piss upon and indoctrinate our youth to hate.
We know how important sports is to control the masses. Now the sports is starting to lose control because they promote hatred of their own country. I hope this goes out of hand and race riots begin. that will lead us to where we need to get.
Especially when the jewish owners of the NFL will not fire the people who openly disrespect your nation.
pic is related
What is tomorrow?
In France we have the same exact debate, but with soccer players refusing to sing the anthem. If one of them was kneeling, it would be seen as a patriotic gesture I guess, as long as he sings.
It's entirely different context
It's not kneeling in reverence, as Americans traditionally stand for the anthem, but disdain
YA man and gravity is Racist because it keeps me down
That's what's happened, yes.
Espn is practically CNN for sports. It's death would be glorious and very telling of the current political scene among normie 18-62 age males.
Don't do this or my dad will beat me
>80% of NFL viewers are Trump voters
>triggered NFL+sports broadcasters turn every NFL game into a 4 hour anti-Trump propaganda film
This is sure to end well for them.
They already have. People have essentially started boycotting them. Think of the target demographic for who watches the NFL. Do you think that group of people will tolerate some uppity nigger not standing during the anthem?
Not really, they're just leaning on their leg, it's basically sitting.
I would bet Talcum X has never willingly watched an NFL game, and that goes for most of the whine and cheese crowd that follows him. Eventually the NFL is going to have to come to the same conclusion Chik Fil A did, namely that it's okay to piss off people who don't buy your products anyways, especially when it preserves your existing customer base.
>Trump calls them out for what they are
>They double down
Johnny Rebel is so comfy. Nice 88.
Understood. I guess american sports are much more codified, and maybe a bit military-inspired.
Also this
Because the implication is that they're taking a knee in rememberance of whatever flavor of the month guy shot by the cops is, makimg a political statement at a completely innapropriate time
>20 out of 1700 is 0,01%
>american education
Ah, I imagined it'd be something like that. ESPN is pretty good in Brazil, as they stick solely to sports without involving politics.
more football games
have you ever watched rugby, 20 stone monstrosities bashing the shit out of each other for 80 minutes sans protective clothing.
oh god yes
it is because NFL is not a sport; it is a business. Like that stupid wrestling shit they do. its not a competition, its a controlled game.
They tried to do this to our football too but it has much deeper roots and anchored in local communities, not like americans who just move to another city if the rent cost of the arena is too high.
In all honesty this couldnt be better for europeans; yanks will either get a true blow in the face when the nfl-scam is exposed, the race war will intensify a lot when niggers start throwing fists and the kike owners, who hate usa even more than the niggers, wont fire them and there we go.
Why is the french flag on this website sullied with red and blue? I find this offensive.
their not even from you country it's fucking disgusting.
>NFL loses shekels because of nignog muh rights.
>forced to cut niggers pay
Moar oppreshun frum whitey
Uh oh, Cletus isn't going to like it when the Negro Felon League colored folk get all uppity against Murica on the teevee
>Why is the french flag on this website sullied with red and blue? I find this offensive.
I think it's more tradition based. We used to use the Bellamy salute until the Nazis appropriated it and we started doing that "hand over your heart" thing
And yeah our sport are very military based