This is bullshit.
This is bullshit
Pic not related btw.
wow, just wow
i can't believe in 2017 we still having racist postings like this. maybe you should find another way to compensate for your small penis. blacks have longer penises
this isnt a smuggy thread but it could easily turn into one and i'm on a fresh harddrive so i wouldn't object to that
Smuggy thread boys let's go
i just sad that pic is not related faggot, learn to read Pussy
Get out, commie. We don't take kindly to your kind around here.
said the basement dweller whose mother has to deliver supplies
Fuck you, you disgusting Europhile! You are nothing but a fucking southern european trash nigger.
You have been raped so much by arabs through the century, that you must have a genetic preference for fucking goats, you inbred mongoloid.
Please, I have never in my life saw a muzzie or a nigger in my hometown.
And wroong, not from southern Europe faggie
go back to your basement
thanks bro,. you took some heat but you delivered
they transferred all my shit into one folder so i can only scroll through thumbnails and i have maybe a hundred thousand but in my scrolling i found one
ah, it's shit. sorry
I clearly hit a nerve with you about the race then. You wouldn't perhaps be part negroid? or even semitic? no?
Only people from southern europe use the Euro flag.
And I already am in my fucking basement you idiot. You think i would shitpost anywhere else than my 10.000$ setup, you subhuman.
I'm 100% of Germanic Descend.
Hell, i even did that Genetic bullshit for the lulz.
Nice try tho, it seems (((you))) are the one getting their nerves hit.
100% germanic descend? That is interesting! Because i have never seen a genetic test come back 100% anything? Actually, they don't even report the fucking genes using just a single country. It is always a mix.
You are 100% germanic because your nignog father and your hallal mother came to germany back in the 80's when your kind was welcome, and then they produced the genetic trash i waste my time talking to now.
Wew, you're clogging all over that tanned European
Nah, i would post the results here, but that would be the same as posting my fucking ID.
And wrong wrong wronggggg, keep posting tho, i love how hard you try to prove your point that i am a dark skinned dude.
It's kinda sad seeing a Denmark dude getting so butthurt, i always thought you guys are cool
Posting your fucking ID?
It is a sheet of paper with appearently the text:
Genetic makeup:
100% germanic.
Should be easy!
I'm not gonna go that far for a random dude on the interwebz, cba to go and search through tons of my documents, keep posting though, hope you atleast put "sage" in your posts tho, that way you are just making this more alive
Fuck dude, okay... That last line fucking hurt.
I can't be a disgrace to my homeland. I was just trolling. I'll shut my damn mouth up.
And to answer your OP, you are just the typical AfD voter. No shame in that. Good luck in the election.
Not in Germany either, gosh, idc about any party even in my motherland, i just don't give shit about anything.
It's actually amusing to see you guess every post where I am from, but okay, lemme give you a hint.
Slavic Country.
Hmm.. Lithuania is my best guess... Polish people don't call themselves slavic from what i know.
You failed miserably.
Here, gimmie all the hate for being Polish.
lol, fuck no, dude.
Poland is a shinning beacon of nationalism. I have nothing but respect for you.
Ay, thanks homie
I love how it went from pure hatred to a guessing game then to a friendly chillax posting
Thats the problem i have with this board. It is just about the last place in the world, where i don't go insane.. Shitposting here is like shitting where you eat. I should go to Sup Forums instead, when i feel like shitposting.
Nice strawman. Eastern Europe is not poorer than Africa, and if you have to take tiny areas as an example then you're btfo of your own argument
Meh, I used to check on Sup Forums everyday, now i do it rarely, just for the gore/rekt threads, some shill threads and for Sup Forums to see if the opinions changed on things. You stay frosty Denmark bro.
If you haven't noticed, this image is meant to mock hardcore Sup Forumstards that use the stupid D&Q thing everywhere they post.