It's a snail episode

>it's a snail episode

i always skipped her scenes
out of all the shitty japanese "comedy" dialogues her voice was he most obnoxious.

Idiot, she had the best scenes.

hachikuji is a miracle of the universe

>nips trying to write witty banter

save me from this hell

honestly in comparison with most of the stuff Sup Forums watches monogatari isn't really pedo at all

Who are you quoting?

>it's a spooky episode

Snail is a 20+ year old ghost, not pedo

>It's a worst girl episode

Those are some fighting words

Cat is worst

Shit, now i'm spooped


>spooky's ass

You have unbelievable shit taste.


Come on shaft, I need my fix.

I have no knowledge of Japanese but I find all the wordplay scenes funny

Both of you should finish/rewatch the show, and watch hachikuji's scenes this time.


That is you samefag

You need to fuck off you tripshit

Hopefully they animate mayoi hell, she and araragi meet again from what i've read

Trully god´s blessing


I started playing as Tracer on Overwatch because Emiri Kato voices her in the Japanese dub. Snail a best.

Me too. But also because her regular voice is annoying.

Why would they not animate the finale of the series?

Outside the initial barrier Araragi had to overcome with Senjougahara due to her past, are the interactions he has with Snail and her similar?

No. Of course not. Senjougahara goes boringdere limp noodle, and Hachikuji steps her banter up.

their interaction in a nutshell is that he molests her ironically and she pretends to be retarded

I guess he finds "guidance" in both of them of sorts?

For what it's worth, Araragi considers Hachikuji to be his 'best friend'. Interpret that however you want.

>she pretends to be retarded
No, she is just being really cute like always and pretending to stutter

I thought she tried to bring the bantz when they interacted, particularly during ep 3.

I want that little lolis butt!

I want to impregnate this snail.

It was how almost everyone in Bake specifically talked in general to be honest. It's more prominent in the LNs though, I guess.

then i get big little loli's

Episode 3 of Bake? Yeah, she's still talking shit then. She stops around halfway through Nise. Then there's the other three quarters of the series.

>it's a Gaen episode

>it's an Episode episode


Where do I start with this fucking series?

Airing order. Look it up.

The time of their release obviously

Bake some Nise Nekos until the Second Season and then it'll be Owari

Follow the airing order, but heres a chart of when the events actually took place

Mayoi Hell when?

there's also tsuki and hana

Koyomimonogatari should be releasing BD's this month

That's the ugliest piece of snail art I ever saw holy shit

Get your eyes checked.

She stopped trying because she already bagged him. It's her version of getting fat.

Not even remotely. Hachikuji is consistently a guide and support for Araragi through the series, Hitagi is irrelevant after Nise.

What about koi

Why does this happen? I'm only halfway through Nise but Crab's bantz were a big part of what kept me watching up until now. Seriously that's a major demotivater. Good thing the other Crab, Monkey, and Cakie are making up for it, but damn.

Not anymore its not

There are exceptions of course, but Hitagi's overall presence is far outweighed by Hachikuji's. She's actively tried to distance herself from the supernatural faggotry (which the series happens to revolve around) and only becomes involved when absolutely necessary.

When Shinobu comes in you'll be even more interested. Your mind and your dick.

Monogatari has a plot to follow. If all you care about is idle dialogue then you may as well watch an SoL.

It's fine. Nisio just makes the other characters better than Crab ever was.

Araragi doesn't really need a girlfriend.

I think Hitagi is just kinda there as a passive cockblock

she is pretty okay in hitagi end and tsubasa tiger but she is basically non-existent for the most part

Maybe. Thankfully Cakie, Monkey and Snail are motivating me to keep watching. Oshino was cool too.

Great to know all of that back-and-forth dialogue and personal moments they focused on, built up to, and shared will all become basically irrelevant.

Yes, that's an intentional part of the plot you clearly don't pay any attention to.

Did you skip Koyomi?

As if it's hard to pick up on. I could see it coming from a mile away myself while watching the show, especially knowing what genre Monogatari is. I just find it a bit sad is all.

I'm of course going to keep watching for Cakie, the supernatural lore elements, and the other girls, it's just a bit demotivating to know one of the parts of the show I enjoyed so much initially is going to be thrown out shortly like week old pizza.

I'm sure, or at least I hope, these other elements make up for it. Snail herself already almost does, her bantz are practically on par with Hitagi anyway.

Fug. Wasnt tracking.

I really want to watch it, but I'm holding off until the BD's come at the end of this month

It wouldn't feel out of place if he never went after any of the girls. Senjougahara is the weird exception to me.

Bakemonogatari then Kizumonogatari then drop

What fresh beats are those?

If you haven't finished the series then you have no say.

Go finish it now, or atleast the series that have been released.

>It's a Karen episode

Literally the worst girl in the series. His sisters would have been better if they were combined into a single character rather than split up. But thats what happens when an author forgoes quality for some fucked up sex fantasy with twin sisters and then ends up having to go with it.

>Season 1 "People who think sister stuff is hot have never had sisters"
>Season 2 "Ur ma gerd lets fuck sis"

Yeah, no thanks. Actually thinking about it the sisters ate up a lot into Nadeko's territory as well. She was obviously originally supposed to be the younger girl (but not pedo loli level like snail girl).

At least on the other hand we got the best character of the series from that same arc as well (obviously why he decided to leave it in as canon).


Karen is top tier, both of the imoutos are

As expected of Kaikifags.

I like all the characters. At the same time I kind of hate half.

I like all the characters, but some I like more then others

>Top tier
>Only one good scene (teeth brush) in the whole show. Try again user.

FInish the show user

Worst taste desu


>not wanting to sniff you sisters sweaty stained undergarments

I did. What scene are you trying to reference here? That super gay """action"""" sequence where she fights Araragi? Yeah, hated it.

>Alternate universe Hachikuji
>Ononoki's partner
>math girl
>Black Hanekawa
>Araragi's MOM

Best to worst. Prove me wrong. Pro-tip: you cant.

The cutest

Literally worst girl. We already had the sporty action girl in Kanbaru. We already had a cute younger girl character in Nadeko. Tsuhiki already fills the role of younger sister wayyyy better than Karen ever did. We already had Senjoghara to beeat up Araragi (not to mention Shinobu). Remind me again what purpose Karen served again? There was not a single moment in the series that she was necessary and I'm sorry if you get booty bothered by it but it's the truth.

Don't project your bad taste onto others

Checked, but dubs doesn't stop your post from being retarded.You could refute one thing i said because it was face. Karen serves no purpose in the anime.

kill yourself

Without Karen there is no fire sisters, you can't have one and not the other. It wouldn't be the same

So then... nothing. You got nothing. "It wouldn't be the same" well of course it wouldn't, were talking about deleting a character here. But that doesn't stop the fact that the series overall would not change one lick if you removed Karen (and Tsuhiki) and replaced them with a hybrid between the two (leaning much more toward Tsuhiki though).

I can't think how it'll be if it was only one imouto, it would be weird.

They just compliment eachother and have there own sense of justice

Oh, what I would do for Karen to be my imouto.

>Nadeko being that high
Holy shit nigga what are you doing

Nadeko is cute even though shes a yandere


It's a girl-next door type thing. She reminds me of a girl who was mad about me and I completely ignored back when I was a kid. But then you were probably a fat kid that no one liked and wouldn't understand her appeal :^)

She's funny and interesting. I wonder about that Gaen though.