Daily reminder that capitalism is an exploitative system that only cares about profits instead of people.
Daily reminder that capitalism is an exploitative system that only cares about profits instead of people
Thats why fascism is the answer.
As opposed to communism that only cares about party member instead of people
20 doesn't seem like that many
>yuropoor education
That's corrupt Marxism. Marxism in theory is the least corrupt system ever devised, while capitalism is inherently corrupt.
>niggers can just barely feed themselves
>shit out 8 niglets
>be surprised when food for 2 cannot sustain 10
Need more capitalism
Capitalism and fascism go hand in hand.
Marxism inherently disrespects the notion of an individual
This is the communists answer to the FACT that 100,000,000 people were MURDERED by communist regimes during the last century.
>B-b-but niggers die of malaria in Africa so c-capitalism is a failed system
It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
Only 20 people are killed? Seems like a pretty good trade off.
I bet almost all of these are stats belonging to Africa, and all African governments are lefty, suck a dick faggor.
Hey that might be true but at least our countries don't collapse into flaming garbage heaps after a decade of stealing from everybody worth stealing from and then running out of money because communists are spectacularly incompetent and have never once kept a country running once they ran out of resources to """"liberate"""".
economic systems aren't supposed to "care" about people you stupid fucking communist retard
>That's corrupt Marxism
Thats the only form there is mate
I dunno if youve noticed but all the far left leaders of the world right now are advocating for policy thats destroying peoples living
Communism preaches equality but what we are getting isnt equality between the top 1% and the rest but the bottom 99% of the WEST with the rest of the worlds poor people
but user, those deaths are in countries of anarchy and have no structure of capitalism.
>easily preventable deaths
So if the secret police doesn't shoot you in the head, was that a death that communism prevented?
>but that wasn't real communism
>Hey that might be true but at least our countries don't collapse into flaming garbage heaps
Have you taken a good look at the state of (i'm assuming you are american) USA?
>after a decade of stealing from everybody worth stealing from and then running out of money
Perfect description for 2008 lmao
Wrong. Haven't you heard of a Utopian society?
Nothing he said remotely even comes to that. You faggots always claim capitalism is horrible but then go on about a failed idea that always fails. Come up with real solutions.
>20 mil die from diseases and hunger every year
>affected countries still experiencing unsustainable population growth regardless
Let me genophage their birthrates down closer to replacement rate, then we can discuss socializing their care, over there, instead of economic migrancy.
reminder that capitalism is a caste-system where the value of a person does not equate what he produce or what work he does; but the amount of accumulated worthless paper he controls.
Capitalism has been the most effective system to distance humankind from nature and we are in the later stages of this. post-capitalism has already emerged among the newer generations; thank fucking god.
luckily it never got a strong hold outside of the 2 oldest post-ww2 generations (boomer, x) here in europe. its easier to get rid of this imported jewish idea for us than for you americans where you have been completely indoctrinated in it for generations.
Yuropoors invented capitalism
Stop strawmanning and provide arguments
You're making us look bad
>Food and lack of medicine
The western Capitalist world spends over 207 Billion dollars helping out those people who die from starvation and lack of clean water
Those evil capitalistic mosquitos!!!!
So you can't come up with any real solutions besides spew meme arrows. Cool. Typical leftists.
This. If capitalism really worked niggers would be culled already.
>niggers infected with religious propaganda from 100 years of missionaries think that using protection during sex will cause them to go to hell
>t. the system that makes you work 8 hours a day when it's only required that we work 4 but the slick capitalists need to make a profit
You cant have socialism in an undeveloped country, it can only come about in a capitalist country.
Anarchists get the bullet too
Africa has had capitalism since atleast 1870
>is a capitalist
>calls marxism utopian
granted marxist-leninsim failed, but that doesn't mean that other versions of socialism will also fail.
>but the amount of accumulated worthless paper he controls
... So it's not worthless.
>Presses the button that makes coffee on the coffee making machine and the coffee shaped button on the cash register for a living.
Why aren't I a billionaire!?!
This again, eh bored enough.
Easily Preventable
>Lack of Clean Water
Europeans tried that, called "Colonialism". Turns out you hate that too but i guess throwing non-existant Currency at a Continent of bad to non-existant Infrastructure is going to work better.
Wait, thats almost what we are doing now.
>implying i have to respond with well thought out arguments to shitposts
>implying i post here to to push a political narrative
>implying i have solutions to extremely complex problems
I'm not a snake oil salesman
>Why aren't I a billionaire!?!
Because your parents are poor.
You guys do realize that capitalism has existed since the dawn of time right? Barter system and the strongest/smartest/most hardworkingn being the richest in resourceshas been a thing since cavemen, and that has persisted to this day in a new form where the same shit is measured now in green papers symbolizing how hardworking/smart/strong you are and using that for goods and services
Communism is saying "hey, you can't give that guy who agreed to fix your roof for a cow the cow, come here so we can shoot both of you for violating the principles of capitalism which go against how natural selection even works"
Violating the principles of communism*
Yikes, we don't need so many people in the world, we already have a fuckton, besides I would not give away commodities like beef and air conditioning to help some random poor people who will probably become criminals.
Im not selfish, I just prioritize people who matter to me.
Capitalism != barter lmao.
>the strongest/smartest/most hardworkingn being the richest in resourceshas been a thing since cavemen, and that has persisted to this day in a new form where the same shit is measured now in green papers symbolizing how hardworking/smart/strong
Not even americans lick boots with as much dedication as you, my man.
And since when does barter violate the "principles of communism"?
Daily reminder that Marxists are complete morons who make excuses for their failures. People have always died of lack of clean water, the fact that capitalism has made it so that many don't die of lack of clean water is a good thing. The same is literally true of all the other bullshit in your retarded image. If anyone reaches the age of 30 and they're still a Marxist they should be shot in the back of the head, it's the only humane thing to do. Also can you retards stop saying people over profit when you put your failed ideology over people
Wrong capitalism has only existed since the 19th century
I kill a communist for fun, but to save capitalism I'm going to carve him up real nice.
Lol, I though bill gates provided goods and services that people wanted, so much so that he became a billionaire, obviously his parents were just billionaires to begin with
>the fact that capitalism has made it so
that our countries are filled with niggers and muslims.
daily reminder that socialism is system that only cares about the state.
if people weren't retarded capitalism would work just fine. it's because of stupid people and crony capitalism that the system is so fucked.
money is used as an IOU which can be a placeholder for items of barter, it's just infinitely more conventient than exchanging a chicken nugget for a cigarette, now you can sell a cigarette and buy a chicken nugget whenever the fuck you want instead of needing to trade a cig for a nug in the exact time frame of desiring a nug
Of course, a communist wouldn't know what a chicken, or even food tastes like
Bill gates grandparents were millionaires. Either way he is literally one of a handfull "self-made billionaires".
>Reply 1
Nothing to do with 'religious propaganda, most Africans are not even religious and even if so its commonly Islam. It is to do with evolutionary instincts of the survival of the genes - the more kids you have the less chance of your blood line dying out because if you have 9 kids and 3 die then you have 6 left, whereas if you had have 3 kids then your line would die out
>Reply 2
That moment where you mention the unfair work hours of Capitalism but you're a communist.
In communism you are not a person but a cog, your only purpose in communism is to work, reproduce to create more workers and then die
>Reply 3
See Africa is basically living in the copper age - its governments do nothing to create a valuable society, whether socialist or capitalist
>Reply 4
I agree with you there, Anarchists are a few levels higher on the autism spectrum than regular commies
They live off a fantasy that once government is overthrown then everyone will join hands and sing a song together and there will not be anyone that uses the opportunity to seize power
>Reply 5
Like I said before, African countries have pseudo-capitalistic societies where the only companies there are state owned and workers don't get paid but work to survive. Think bronze ages
>Reply 6
Marxism is a Utopian Idea. It is an idea for a perfect world that Marx envisioned, but it completely ignores the flaws and loopholes that greedy people can abuse
>Reply 7
Like which ones? Stalinism that killed up to 20 million of his own people? Leninism that destroyed a large part of Russian culture and created ugly concrete blocks that are hard to maintain so they just fall into disrepair? Maoism that killed an unknown amount of people in order to """Move forward"""
Yeah, they only problem is that it takes capital to provide clean water, feed people, and find cures for health problems.
We already know the enemy; stupid people who think these things magically appear from Government.
>8,000,000 die from lack of clean water
give them clean water
jump to 10 years later
>20,000,000 die from lack of clean water
etc etc etc
Daily reminder that Communism is a Jewish system that only cares about Jews instead of White people.
Marx was a Jew, therefore Marxism is Jewish.
>niggers infected with religious propaganda from 100 years of missionaries think that using protection during sex will cause them to go to hell
more like
>niggers believe than raping babies cures aids dont use condoms because it's considered witchcraft and against allah's will.
If 20,000,000 worthless faggot Marxists die, just think how much capital that would free up to solve these problems.
Prove to me the deaths that capitalism causes and why they are the effect of capitalism.
About $20,000,000?
They happened in capitalist countries.
They defined anything not explicitly communist as capitalist. So any deaths that happen, even in countries with no government at all, are the fault of capitalism. I imagine most of the deaths they referenced are from Africa judging by the inclusion of "malaria".
>Prove to me the deaths that capitalism causes and why they are the effect of capitalism.
>DERRRR They happened in capitalist countries.
He said PROVE it, not reiterate your baseless claim.
Profits put food on the table. Platitudes cause famines.
Yeah but that is 20mil (mostly) niggers right? That's great! Hopefully we can increase those numbers. Too many nigger babies in the world.
If that's literally the only metric that's retarded.
>American bread
We use commas for separating the 0s u cheeky coon
Not capitalist here. Communism sucks, property rights and competition are needed.
It's good enough for the 100 gorillion death toll spammed here on Sup Forums.
>exploitative system that only cares about profits instead of people.
Even Hitler knew that.
These things always cheat by adding Africa, as if that's capitalist somehow (no one starves or dies from malaria western capitalist countries, unless they're anorexic or wildlife movie producers). Honestly, they'd be on more solid ground saying homelessness is caused by capitalism ,and count the deaths of hobos from heroin and alcohol.
>caring about the rest
capitacucks never fail to amuse me
I think slaughtering anyone in your country who knows anything about farming and starvation are at least related.
no man, its genius.
if you starve millions of the working class to death then you wont have to feed them later.
its a win win really.
epic dude
Strange this mostly happens in countries that are socialist.
oy vey what a coincydink
I used to fall for the Hitler and Italian fascists we're also Marxists memes, but it occurred to me that they weren't pure materialists, so at worst they are Marxist influenced, which is fine as Marx made a few good points.
And who are the 20 million that are dying from lack of clean water, hunger, malaria, ect?
Capitalism works for the western white man. It's not my fault savages aren't able to understand and implement it
Hitler was very critical about capitalism, blamed the Jew.
>other people (niggers and gooks) cant look after themselves and die
>its everyone elses fault but theirs
>Thesis: Capitalism
>Antithesis: Communism
>Synthesis: Fascism
says the commie.
>some niggers die of hunger