Fuck those dirty, fithy Tajikistani sand niggers. What have they ever done for the world? I bet they're all in poverty because they went "Communism was a good idea"
Fuck those dirty, fithy Tajikistani sand niggers. What have they ever done for the world...
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The N word......
Like, get your fucking point across without using racist shit not everyone wants to hear it.
Why do you even care? Leave them alone.
nigger nigger nigger
nice pasta
That's a really specific and irrelevant ethnicity to hate on. What are you, Pashtun, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, or some other Central Asian shitskin?
Negro de mierda
Shut the fuck up double nigger faggot
I'm all of the above.
>All these idiots falling for obvious bait.
Goddamn, I hate nu-Sup Forums.
Not likely. Seriously though, what are you? Who goes out of their way to shit on Tajiks of all people? That's like me shitting on Laotians.
I am in fact, Kyrgyz.
There are some prominent geopolitical strategists expecting Uzbekistan to pretty much take over Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in the coming decades. Central Asia is a much more interesting place than is commonly understood. It's a vast expanse of nothing where very little goes on.
Ah, makes sense. One irrelevant ethnicity shitting on another just like it. It's quite rare that I can observe this in the wild.
Ooga booga. Fuck you sayin' Amerifag.
Communism made good days for Tajikistan.
Tajikistan had trouble with your Mujahadeen "freedom fighters" beck in the 1980s and 1990s but have since shrugged that off.
Tajiks are true Aryans.
why are you so bitter against the Tajiks? did one of them hurt you?
Stop talking you communist pig.
Ooga Booga
Mountain niggers, Snow Niggers, Tree Niggers, Clay Niggers, Jungle Niggers, Sand Niggers, Water Nig- oh wait, Nigs can't swim.
Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgistan... these are all the same shit, what did the town Tajik do to you?
We didn't accept Communism, it was forced on us.
Fuck you, you worthless animal. Fucking Communist rat. Communists are the only people on Earth who should be killed on sight. You ruined more fucking countries than anyone else. Fuck Communism.
Fairly sure he killed one of my goats
Rape his mother like a proper Englishman
Shall do just that. Sorry about the potatoes though
Your wife? How horrible.
well fuck you too. at least my country held the emipre together forever, unlike you putrid-mouth Muslim-loving incompetent excuse of a people.
Communists tested nuclear bombs on Kazakh villagers. Such """equality""" comrade. I love those worker rights.
yeh but brexit gon' fix the country Ooga Booga
01101110 01101001 01100111 01100111 01100101 01110010
>brexit will somehow free you from your german economic overlords
>meanwhile you are still getting enrichment from African and Muslim lands, and you can't even complain else you'd end up in jail
sure thing bub, brexit will save your ass
i'd wager you people would love some sopa de macaco back in the 1800s, potato nigger. You can't even fish.
There is no ideology in the world that I hate more than Communism. Thankfully Russia and Central Asia, and most of the rest of the world is free from this plague, but it was a terrible nightmare while it lasted. So many millions of people died for your childish fantasies and you would want to repeat that. Go fuck yourself again. I can't express my hatred for you.
And if you are a Western Communist you are one of the most pathetic forms of Communists to exist. Even other Communists laugh at you. Sad!
niggers tongue my anus
Better than those Kyrgyzstan asshole though