Why are whites hairier than Asians if both live in similar climates?
Why are whites hairier than Asians if both live in similar climates?
because we don't.
Uh, yes you do.
the proto-east asian women selectively bred out hair from their genes while they were still small tribes because it wasn't considered attractive in their culture.
are you calling me a nip chico man?
dumb burger
so they can become nice lady boy
Mongols are the most similar to whites in terms of climate and as far as Asians go they are hairy as fuck
Decent levels of testosterone, that its why their mens looks like traps.
Nah, no idea.
Asians lived in a colder climate. That's why their eyes evolved to be smaller too.
Plus, a lot of Europeans are hairy because they're mixed with Middle Easterners. Islam, when it was created, caused Middle Easterners to have a huge empire.
Europeans who are hairy are probably part Turkic or something.
Turks are white.
It is called neoteny. Hairiness isn't entirely dependent on testorone. It is dependent on retention of child like genes.
No they don't, Asia is typically rather dry and cold or humid and hot.
Europe tends to be hot and dry or wet and cold.
this. i have a neotenous face, yet i have 80% percentile hairyiness
northern japs as well
i read that womens attraction to/against hairy men specifically chest hair, had to do with whether or not parasites who could live in the hair were a problem
mongols are objectively the best asians
asians also have less sweat glands in their armpits
Eeeesh I really have to be more specific when looking for naked american indian women to check body hair types......soooo much roach an poo pussy get mixed into the search
Nordics don't have much body hair, but Slavs and especially Meds are more hairy.
Because we are descended more directly from the great neanderthal race.
Why does white people have hairy mono brow faces and hair all over their body?
because asians are pussies
Interesting fact: japs are the only east asains as hairy as whites.
We dont live in similar climates though. Asia is more humid generally than europe.
What's up with Japan? Why are the Ainu so much harier than all the other Siberian tribes?
I'm white with fair eyes and I wax most of my body hair, I hate it. It's disgusting. I'm seriously thinking about electrolysis. I love being smooth.
fucking sissy
so does my little sister.
No bully~ :3
Sisters know best.
>Finland, 1971
t. Paco
Asians have a much thicker layer of subcutaneous fat, hence "yellow' skin.
No, i think he's just a balkan turkic rape baby or med shit.
can confirm my arm looks almost identical to his
Something to so with Neanderthal DNA I'd bet
>true detective
what percentage of shows and music and shit that you like is American? Just curious
How is it that whites have bigger cocks? How is it that whites have eyes that can open more than 1mm? How is it that whites are taller?
my arms are like OP's
sucked growing up in the early 2000's when the queers in the media convinced men all over the country to wax their entire bodies. I went to see the movie freddy vs jason and saw the first hairy chest in a movie from that period in my life and some abercrombie dudebro yells out "yo dis guy hairy yo".
>globetard map
>tfw legs are hairy as fuck (not exaggerating, they are exceptionally hairy) but arms are nearly hairless
I feel like I was cheated
Do you have big feet? Maybe your mom fucked Big Foot.
Well, the japs are ethnically distinct from the rest of east asia and it doesnt surprise me that the aniu also are. Theyre island nations and for a long time boats werent very good. I would guess, and it is just guessing, that southern japan had more contact with korea/china etc than northern japan its also more humid so probably selected more for hairless bodies.
All that said, its just because the nips are more human than the yellow niggers in mainland china.
tfw half Greek
/med/ master race
>Fucking faggots
Hairiness is about testosterone, period. Look at Greeks, Romans, Britons, etc... all of them had empires and built civilization. They are all hairy. Now look at Swedecucks (ruled by women and muzzies), Native Americans (died by germs and traded their lands for blankets) and Asians (need I say more?).
Hair=testosterone=man. Simple as that. And flag related isn't my home, I'm just here to steale Nordcucks' women.
swedes are pretty hairy
Body hair is predominantly a Caucasian trait,
Same. My lower body is Turkish and my upper body is Chinese.
Because of muslims
That is because Nords are some of the less Caucasian Europeans, many have Sami proto Asian blood