Keep posting the thread edition
What are you working on today? Also, it's the weekend, give yourself some well deserved R&R, keep your hard working machine well oiled.
Keep posting the thread edition
What are you working on today? Also, it's the weekend, give yourself some well deserved R&R, keep your hard working machine well oiled.
Other urls found in this thread:
working on a lot of music today despite working for the most of it. any anons interested in a hip-hop, r&b or electronic collab hit me up.
>>Thread Theme
post your emotional journeys somewhere else faggots
user, I am extremely interested, but I am just starting to study music theory, planning on buying DAW next (not this) Christmas. Any tips so I can learn as fast as possible? I'd love your contact. I also like to sing.
Ok, I will need your phone number and email address
bump, this is being slid already
It’s time to clean your house. What have you done today to improve your mental/physical/spiritual wellbeing user?
Modern society is to blame for there being so many people who don't deserve to live. Most people in the West used to harden as they grow on their own, like anywhere else. Now without effort you can remain indefinitely infantile due to our decadence. There were always outliers that became like this throughout history, but now the general masses have succumbed to this condition. There is no longer a rite of passage into adulthood, you can be sheltered and live comfortably. This is de-evolution. Everyone has a dandy-ol time being a degenerate well into their 50s. Constant entertainment, pre-cooked meals and pornography has robbed us of our man-hood.
Realize that to live is to struggle. Really internalize this truth in your being and actions and when possible spread it to others that you care about. In the end the Natural Order will always prevail. Nature is inherently fascist. The modern world is a world that goes completely against nature and the results are telling. It's tearing itself apart. Nevertheless you as an individual can always choose to go against the flow and struggle and persevere while the rest of society rots and withers away. It's not an easy path, but you go on because you know that you are in the right and that in the end you will be vindicated.
The modern world is so self-destructive half the battle is just weathering the storm until the whole edifice has degenerated so much that we can rise and deal the final blow. Live to live your life correctly and that will bring happiness to yourself and those around you.
Stop drinking ALL soda/artificial juices and stop eating junkfood. Stop buying super-market meals and try to grow your own vegetables that aren't infected with pesticides and plastics. Healthy and economic, aswell as peaceful. Till the soil like your great grandfather did. Try to drink mostly water or coffee/tea with little to no sugar added. Purchase meat and produce from local producers that you know personally. A big reason why western men’s sperm count has gotten lower is because we do less outdoor jobs like we used to 50 years ago, which means less sun exposure and less Vitamin D production.
Thus we should grow our own food, get outside more, and not rely on commercial food producers. Over specialization creates a society without purpose for many and too much interdependence. Cities are inherently self-destructive because they are unnatural. Multiple cities reaching more than hundreds of thousands in population did not exist prior to the mid-19th century. The countryside would remain unaffected in the long run if a future collapse occurs. 99% of our history has not been like this with populations concentrated like ants and living like parasites. It’s a very volatile mix and you do not want to be a part of it. There’s a reason liberals are concentrated in these shitholes.
While you don't have to go 110% /innawoods/ right now, it's always good to be in a state of relative independence, and in a small closely knit community. It is such values and societal composition that will survive a collapse and reclaim what is left once the dust has settled. Hopefully the kikes will be gone with it, their degenerate little empire burned to ashes.
(Just gonna dump from the OP for a bit)
Remember, you don't need all the latest work-out equipment, supplements or drugs to get a naturally fit look. All you need is natural movement and you'll achieve the body you're MEANT to have as the Homo-Sapien male. You have a tiled floor? Jump from one end to the other. A fence outside? Climb over. You have a lot of work on your computer? Put it on a shelf so you have to stand and thus better your posture.
Also, set goals for yourself. See if you can lift sandbags that weigh up to 80kgs eventually. Carry it on your shoulders, throw it as far as you can, attempt to eventually lift it with nothing but a single grip. Get used to being able to punch something aswell. Do NOT be a limp wristed fageutte who would cry if he gets hit. Be able to defend yourself.
Also anons, move out of the cities and learn a trade. Find a nice girl in church, start a family.
While I do use my computer like now, I try not to make it part of who I am am. We are constantly stimulated by technology. This is unnatural since we used to be able to just sit for hours and reflect, now we get anxious if there is no internet connection. To be able to relax and just think is a form of "meditation" I suppose, but it’s nice to do it. I have a garden I go sit in during the late afternoon and just gaze out on the nearby mountains. I don't think about anything in particular, I let my mind wander. Really healthy and fulfilling.
The vast majority of things that modern society has brought us have severe consequences. The only "good" things it has brought are directly or indirectly related with making life painstakingly easy and almost meaningless or just increasing world population to insane levels. The kikes would have us be dependent on them soon; once post-industrial society hits and we become unproductive slaves to the state for our monthly food ration.
I respect what your doing
My acre will have fully automated marijuana and magic mushroom towers
doing this by candle light with barely any brightness gonna do flux soon but my mother is crazy about how my life is changing
she doesnt want me doing candle light at night (is there any light bulb that doesnt do blue light?) and she has threatened to take away my car if i dont use toothpaste instead of baking soda
Try these.
As for dealing with the rest of her shit, just sit down with her and tell her that you're exerting agency to try to make your life better. You want to become the best version of yourself possible (gotta use some 80s self-help language to get it across). Show her studies where possible, if there's scientific rigor backing up what you're doing, she might be more open to it.
It almost seems like the mods killed these threads by just moving 1 to /bant/
That's a real shame too because I felt like there was finally a comfy thread here I could relate to on this board that wasn't just black dickposting, or Reddit tier bullshit meme factories that where likely started by leftists.
Lifting 4x a week
Don't watch TV
Just got out of a week long voluntary alcohol detox
AA every day for 90 days
Never plan on drinking again
Saffer bro here.
Please read this :
To avoid getting deleted just move sig discussion here.
Have been eating pretty much 100% healthy and have managed to control my craving for ice cream, haven't fapped for two whole days besides stroking my cock for a few seconds every now and then but it's a big improvement. Also been exercising more and brushing my teeth twice a day, was thinking of learning how to make my own tomato paste.
I've still got lots of orange juice that might have extra sugar in it but after I've finished it I'll either replace juice with oranges or just find a healthier juice.
I feel like I'm actually gonna make it lads, for the first time in 5 years I feel somewhat happy.
what consists of your alcohol detox? and how much and often were you drinking?
So my friend (who was a tenant) last month got a DUI
The thing is, he stayed in florida in rehab.
Hes perfectly fine now, but he decided to stay in florida.
He got that DUI before I found out about this general, and I could have helped him.
Sup Forums, the job market is bad as my girlfriend tells me. I think I along with everyone need to learn the art of persuasion to work with employers. I also need to learn how to flirt. She deeply loves me but she wants me to be playful and I can't.
Molymeme has advised me that I have to be so great, they can't say no. I guess I need persuasion for everyday use and learn how to flirt but I don't know where to begin.
I use Reason. I would like to collab
Look up how to be clever, playful is good but you don't need to persude your girl, you just need to be smart and funny to her, intersting and with a spark in your eye and your heart. To do this, live your most authentic life, do what truly makes you happy, something you can talk about all day, do this in her presence and you will sweep her away. ALso, of course, try and make her as happy as possible, relieve her suffering whenever you can, that is a Buddhist concept.
Okay user. Thanks for the response. I'll try to do that.
>have a "video interview" i have to do before monday
I think i'm gonna sperg out and fuck it up but i'm gonna try.
Danish/Swiss baker/farmer reporting in...
Got up and just got my first loafs of potato bread out of the oven.
>as always I don't know how much I can respond to you lads as I'm baking about 300 breads in the next 3h
Feel free to ask me about farming, Hydro/Aquaponics, farm animals or, baking....
looks tasty
>Also anons, move out of the cities and learn a trade. Find a nice girl in church, start a family.
are these threads basically for NEETs?
I think you may be on the wrong track. Once upon a time I was a NEET who just lifted and counted his macros consistently. I grew my own vegetables and did everything 'right' in the book to be a man.
eventually the time came, I went to University and ended up with a career that I absolutely love. I see my friends almost every second night of the week and have more social contact than I've ever had before. I spend almost 0% of the day thinking about anything to do with politics and self improvement honestly feels like masturbation. I drink, smoke, lift 3 times a week max and do everything else pretty much 'wrong'
but I am so happy and fulfilled.
the only thing that really matters is friendship and a feeling of belonging, that is what I have discovered.
anyway, continue doing what you're doing, because if I hadn't spent all those years lifting and reading there's no way i would be where i am now.
Is this your life? I feel like proper homesteading life with afarm and being completely sustainable takes up all your time. I want to be a professional artist, a character/creature designer and/or animator, is homesteading not for me? I need to pledge a lot of my time to my craft.
Trying whey for the first time today, any tips beyond the normal stuff?
Posting in support of /sig/
True politics always starts with the self.
I've made a habit of reading and writing every day, usually before bed. I reflect on what I accomplished, thoughts and feelings I had, and visualize what my day will look like tomorrow.
Before reading, I summarize what I read the night before and what I can derive from it: connections to other ideas, how much I agree with it, etc.
Drinking plenty of water and eating a breakfast high in protein and fat every day before doing anything else.
I haven't done this in a while, but I used to almost every day: I meditate with my hands on my heart center (almost like a prayer) and focus on gratitude, love, empathy, and caring. It's super new-age-y, but the act of finding things to be grateful has been proven to be physiologically beneficial.
I'm a college senior in a degree need to get for a career I love for certain and is useful to me. I feel this thread is far more useful than Sup Forums.
To do something professionally means you'll be earning a living from it, so I doubt you'll have enough time to be a "proper" homesteader. Farming takes up more time than a full-time job, you become a part of the land. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy growing food. Start small, with home hydroponics/aeroponics, or join a community garden.
Someone posted pic related a couple of days ago in a sig thread. I started reading it and most of it is a meme but the meditations and exercises are legit. I tried the first one and felt pretty good after it.
"Marlborough and Chatham I would put with the two Great Latins, Julius Caeser and Napoleon; and with the two great Teutons, the Hohenstaufen and Hohenzollem Fredericks. I should give those six men of examples of supreme Men of Action. If you're going in for action, study the great models."
There should be a Man of Action reading list, maybe these men, maybe others.
If it was a "historic" and "modern" split, I'd say Iam Smith (Rhodesian Prime Minister) should be on the "modern" side of a Man of Action.
Yeah it is my life. I'm a farmer and we have a small bakery shop. We make everything on our own and what we sell in out small shop is 100% home grown and home made bread.
Animals take a lot of time and the reward is kinda meh tier beside the little two, chicken and rabbits....
To make it short, if you can't do it full-day and live with fucked up hours you won't get much out of a little farm. This stuff is a fulltime job.
Can you post some of the meditations/exercises?
Look up permaculture, it requires significantly less work. Basically you create an ecosystem of edible plants instead of farming them outright
I'll make a pastebin right now and add all the relevant stuff.
Daily reminder to:
Jews and their system use sex as a way to control us.
It's in this interview:
Here is Fr Chad Ripperger explaining chastity
Also related
Ven. Fulton Sheen on character building
How to improve your mind
More Father Chad Ripperger
How to Raise a Man
Pleasure versus Happiness
The usual redpill. Self improvement isn't a guarantee of anything. You could get /fit/, earn a STEM degree, quit smoking, quit alcohol, and quit tobacco, but your life could very well not change. Go into self improvement that nothing you're doing is guaranteed to make your life better, as it isn't and never will be. You're doing it for yourself.
Of course it might not change unless you get a new mindset about everything.
Also if you aren't getting right with God then you'll have a much harder time.
Honestly /sig/ is the only thing keeping Sup Forums from being completely destroyed by shills and civic nationalist Redditfags. Here's a bump.
Lifted for 2 hours and researched for one of my classes. 12 days NoFap and having bad urges. No porn is hard if I am on Sup Forums.
Don't worry senpai, I know well how grievous a sin premarital sex is.
honestly tilling the soil like our great grandparents did isn't the best idea. remember the dust bowl? my grandparents and their family members had to divvy up a dried up little lake because that was the only area they were guaranteed to have good yield
there's a lot of pseudoscience bullshit tied up with permaculture, but there are also lots of legitimate techniques to be learned. when you're tilling the soil for the first time, or if you're building raised beds for a small backyard garden, bury logs and branches under the dirt. they'll help retain water and eventually compost into good dirt
another way to help retain water is to put some mulch over top of the soil after your plants have sprouted enough. grass clippings are the easiest to obtain, but leaves or wood chippings will also work. this stops weeds from having any room to grow so you almost never need to waste time pulling weeds, but it also helps protect the soil from being overheated by the sun which would dry out the soil.
after your initial till, to get rid of grass or whatever, you shouldn't till every year. that needlessly disturbs the soil which isn't good for the beneficial insects and microbes living in it. on a small scale it's super easy to incorporate no till techniques (and I imagine most people here are operating on a small scale) but a large farm can still get specialty equipment to make it possible, and it's also becoming more and more popular among farmers as it really helps prevent soil erosion which is a huge problem for the great plains
Thanks for the devil's advocate, user.
Does someone have previous threads of /SIG/?
I just worked out. You can, too. Nobody in the gym cares how unfit you are as long as you make an honest effort at having good form.
Just a reminder guys that we don't all need to start these huge farms unless you truly want to. Do it so you can say you have the knowledge and skill to be able to do it, but afterwards continue only if you truly think it is doing you good. As someone else said it can turn into a full time job and burn you out. So start off with a tiny bit at a time.
I stayed in a psych ward for a week. They gave me lots of vitamins and Vitamin B shots every day. It sucked cause i was dealing with the worst hangover of my life while surrounded by schizos and physically abused women with PTSD. I was drinking 2-3 pints of whiskey for about 6 months