Quick, how do I go back and take the blue pill and leave this site forever?
Quick, how do I go back and take the blue pill and leave this site forever?
tons of it
until your brain is fried
brings other side effects (negative)
Suck a couple of feminine dicks and let your wife get fucked by multiple black men while you sit in the closet masturbating
Cut your ball off and take estrogen.
Switch to an all-soy diet and start microwaving all your food in plastic containers. Then shove a crayon up your nose until it punctures your medulla oblongata.
Drugs or a bullet I guess
drink unfiltered tap water every day for a few months. do lots of drugs and alcohol if you can afford it. consume lots of popular media movies, TV, video games, and porn (start with stuff you actually like and can tolerate, don't try to force yourself to watch absolute cancer like talk shows or cuck porn until you are completely bluepilled). if you're attractive and/or wealthy enough to score some pussy, get a non-white gf and after you're fully bluepilled be sure to talk to her about "opening up your relationship". if you're already gay or a closet faggot that faps to futa you can skip straight to getting a bf or cute gf (male) instead.
marry a woman
Wait, that's like 10 different things. How can I possibly do all that at once?
I just want my old life and friends back guys.
Lose your virginity to a Jewish girl
it's too late
frontal lobotomy
Don't, it's not worthy
Stay redpilled
>Mfw attracted to Shawnee King
This app has been the source of one too many confused erections for me
You could
-read a book
-go to university
-make some friends
-get laid
-go outside
-move out of your parent's house
Cold turkey. You can help by doing your usual bluepill activities and pretending you enjoy them; fake it till you make it isn't a meme
Fair warning: this will only work till something activates your almonds and turns you full 1488 again
you can kys, its only way
there are no redpills here son
haven't been for a while
anything pizza, 911, or antarctica related gets 404ed the fuck out of
There's no going back. As much as you think you want it all to go back to normal, you don't. Try it, leave the site for a week. Go back to living a life of endless and useless partying, drinking, faggot art gallery openings, ladies night at hole in the wall bars. You'll try to conversate with those people, you'll come to the realization you have nothing in common with them. Tell us how it goes and why you're back.
>la basement meme XD
Trust a Canadian to be a cuck
>anything pizza
you fucking roleplaying dipshit lol
Alright, I'm going to try it. I can't promise I'll be back though. This place just doesn't make me happy. I'm miserable all the time.
I mean a lot of the ideas expressed here make sense and I agree with them, but it's treated like taboo to the majority of people out in the world. My friends and co-workers just don't think like I do and it's frustrating, I'm sick of feeling like the odd man out. I don't really care about what other people think, but I don't want to be the "crazy one" that's always on the losing side. It sucks.
you're going to hell pedo, where you'll be eating hawt shit eternally
Post pic with you face name ssn dob and address.
Hey mods, you guys wanna give OP some help exiting this place forever?
Will reading The Communist Manifesto while on LSD or shrooms make you embrace communism or hate it?
Realize that it's all conspiracy theory garbage and none if it is true.
You can't leave, haha. Did yuo forget?
Post naked images to get a 3 day ban, the more you do it after each 72hr period, u start to lose interest. Ill do it now im over pol
He ALMOST looks black, he's a fucking shapeshifter.
He might be multiracial to be honest
Look around you user, does it look like you're alone? Does it seem like you're the only one who thinks differently than the masses? We may be few and far between but numbers don't matter, not right now. You're afraid to lose but we are not losing, you're buying the media narrative, don't. They want you to feel alone in despair. Stop giving them what they want, another statistic. Rise up and rise above their control.
Say the word "epistemology" over and over again...
Nigger, you can't. like what are you doing
Asian insectoid fulfilling her true duties. Ban me fgts
lobotomy or suicide. since you cant handle the truth and are such a fucking pussy, you should just kill yourself anyways
Hate it.
t. someone who became a Nazi because of a DMT trip
Just go back to sleep, user.
That's how some people got here dummy.
learn to code
The ride never ends user
Seriously keep getting temp banned, i stop coming here as i cant interact as much when banned.