Is it possible for one studio to completely fuck up a sequel to their own series worse than this?

Is it possible for one studio to completely fuck up a sequel to their own series worse than this?

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You ever heard of Psycho-Pass 2?

>S2 was actually better than S1

It wasn't though.

it's just girls talking about anal sex and masturbation for twenty minutes a week
what's there to mess up

>fuck up

Did my screen go to shit or is that the worst filter I've seen in digital anime since that shit about school factions fighting each other over dominant colours?


If only they followed the source material then it wouldn't have been such a horrible mess. And I thought we were talking about originals?

>Did my screen go to shit or is that the worst filter I've seen in digital anime since that shit about school factions fighting each other over dominant colours?

Yeah, it's GoHands applying their filters from K to freakin' Seitokai Yakuindomo

Hasn't anyone told them that it looks like undeniable shit and diminishes every single effort their poor korean animators make?

I mean, NOBODY will justify that shit, right?

>one of your favorite shows will never have a sequel so bad it retcons itself out of the canon and existence
at least it had a great OST and looked pretty

>last BD volume fucking never ever

Thanks torn

Have you watched the new season of Terra Formars?

These OP

Haven't read the manga, S1 was painful to watch
This one is kids friendly but also a lot easier and fun to watch

I came into this thread to post this reply. You, sir, have made a waste of my time. Sarabada!

>one studio
PP S1 was IG, S2 was Tatsunoko. Should have gone for or Last Exile or something.

Endless 8

S2 OP was amazing though

Is this serious? Why cant japs into english

S2 was better
K was the S2 Go Hands completely fucked up

It looks pretty good in K.

>NOBODY will justify that shit, right?
I like it

I only watched K because it was a seiyuu galore.

Season 2 of DTB was pretty bad

What it: Terraformars?

I just feel like the new animation and the new way they're handling the fights defeats the purpose of the first season. It used to be at least semi unique but now its generic as fuck

There is no DTB season 2.

Darker than Black, if it ever had a sequel.

Season 2 was great, the fuck are you talking about?

What were they thinking with AO? The entire plot goes against everything the original series spent 50 episodes to build. Not to mention the whole time travel/alternate universe shenanigans which made no fucking sense. And to top it all off after all the shit that Eureka and Renton had been through, they end up losing both of their children anyway.

AO can be summed up with Dewey did nothing wrong. The only good things were the OST and seeing Eureka again.

If they ever made another season of Gunslinger Girl I bet it would be terrible.

You can't fuck up something that is already shit.

Gemini of the meteor

Damn, so I can't fuck you up.

It's actually pretty good as long as you watch Gaiden first, though. The only really grating part is that guy with the dreadlocks. The ending wasn't very satisfying, but the show was mostly fine just the same.

Fuck you, i liked it

Its the same but only looked prettier

But when you compare it to the original It is just so much worse.

Americans can barely into English, let alone other languages. They're the last who have any right to judge others on their linguistic skills.

What's with these adhd kids and their love of episodic shows?

if you weren't such a fucking newfag you would have realized that the issues with the first episode was 100% due to the filler material they added to help people new to the series to catch on

That's intentional though.

I wouldn't say that. The first season has some kinda boring arcs as well. I do think it's definitely better overall and it has some much stronger individual episodes than the second season has, but I don't think Gemini compares so unfavorably that it should be completely dismissed or disowned.

i dont man I haven't watched it but judging by that pic it would take actual talent to be worse than that

It was actually meh to okay until the last episode where the ending just shits the bed.

That ending is the real reason why S2 sucked so much balls. If they changed that shit it would just be a kind of meh sequel to an amazing anime.

And S2 had its moments here and there, drunk hei teaching loli how to shoot was pretty okay. And the fight scene with the kiss girl was nice.

Copellion was full of this shit

You need to get your eyes checked. The first season was beautiful.

2nd season was terrible.

hahaha what the actual shit is this

I'm pretty sure you're being sarcastic but that picture is just beyond funny

At least the soundtrack was good. Like with Eureka seven AO.

You know, I'm kind of seeing a pattern here with Studio Bones.

>make a good series
>make a sequel
>it only has good production values but story is thrown out in order to garner sales through name recognition
>cancel series after sequel bombs
>repeat ad infinitum

Has there been any anime sequels or second season successful than the first series?

We know LoveLive s2 was great

>hahaha what the actual shit is this
>I'm pretty sure you're being sarcastic but that picture is just beyond funny
Season 2 is what it is.

Here is a side by side. Guess which one everyone likes.

No, there was no second season.

I'm not saying the one on the right looks good but that style of shading on the left really does not hold up at all.

K-On!! maybe?

A ton.

The one that pops up immediately is milky holmes S2.


As it has already been stated in the thread, Astral Ocean is easily the worst sequel series ever made.

We don't have mandatory years and years of schooling in other languages. The Japanese do, and it's all English.

Filters was their thing since at least as far back as Princess Lover.

That doesn't mean it wasn't terrible shit.

-if they ever made a darker than black sequel, it probably would be far worse then this.
-psycho pass 2 was terrible
-Chuu2 was terrible
-seitokai no ichizon was far worse in season 2

listen, seitokai yakuindomo was boring by ep 10 of season 1 (there is only so long you can laugh at the same jokes). Season 2 was just more of the same. don't know how it would even make a list of shit season 2.

I really wish people would use greentext to tell meme-stories, imply things, and quote people.

You're literally just making a statement. There's not even a fucking implication, unless this is some assbackwards way of showing that you're being sarcastic, which defeats the entire point of being sarcastic.

They made a second season?!?!?


>A ton.


>Filters was their thing since at least as far back as Princess Lover.

Oh yeah, that show

Funny they started doing ecchi shit before abandoning the male otaku

Yes, in 2009.
S2 ignore all lore of S1; MC is a russian girl that speak perfect japanese with generic sniper power and Yin barely present in some flashbacks

I thought season 2 of K project (K) was better than the first. It showed a lot more


shit wrong gif

K was gorgeous though

Somebody explain this meme to me

It's simple
lurk moar

>OP's plane doesn't fly cheerfully

I always thought the consensus on Space Dandy was s2 > s1

Geass maybe, depends on your definition of good.

Tamako Love Story was significantly better than market.

Diebuster > Gunbuster

I only just now see that you said "successful" not "better", I'm still gonna post.

But Seitokai Yakuindomo S2 was fine, it was just more of S1 and introduced the true best girl. Seitokai no Ichizon is the one that went to utter shit in S2.



>Geass maybe, depends on your definition of good.

Code Geass S2 was definitely a fuck up, but in that enjoyable kind of trainwreck way because they completely ditched any semblance of story progression and just relied on "character pulls some bullshit and dramatically changes the situation".

Minami-ke second season just for all the art style change. I can't not think of Bible Black.

Rozen Maiden

That's not exactly true in my experience. The story progression of the S2 does have crazy over-the-top events and pacing issues, but many of them are no different from similar stuff the show had already done before.

In fact, the larger structure of the Geass plot makes a lot more sense in retrospect. Honestly, a lot of the specific details seem like they change the entire situation but, in the long run, they are just obstacles in the path to the resolution. What really matters to the story, not necessarily to the unprepared viewer, is rather simple at heart and the ending ties everything relevant back to the first season. I think that is pretty good in the traditional sense, unlike many other shows, both newer and older, that just go crazy without any rhyme or reason.

>Those filters
Did K get a 3rd season?

>about school factions fighting each other over dominant colours
I'm sorry it isn't cute girls doing cute things, cuck

Same reason you can't int Japanese

It kinda did.

There is one sequel so bad we don't talk about it.