> The only Britbong with enough balls to do anything about the mohammadean invasion is funded by a Zionist Jew
Really makes you think
> The only Britbong with enough balls to do anything about the mohammadean invasion is funded by a Zionist Jew
Really makes you think
Tommy "professional football holigan" Robinson's not very bright
It's a racial problem not a religious problem. His kike handlers rub their hands when they see this shit.
He exists to turn all our attention against Islam while these Christian niggers cause even more problems. The ratfaces and their press could end the migrant crisis tomorrow.
is he talking about ezra levant (rebel media shekelmeister)
>telling everyone the jews control you
>not even asked
>it's another muzzies did nothing wrong leaf
Fuck off Achmed.
He's been on the kike payroll long before ezra.
are we forgetting that the entire "new era" BS came together with a package-trip to israel, hang out with some tanks, hating on some muzzies and shit? He is one of the best of best goyims out there, leading the low-iq brits to hate only the invaders and not the people who let them invade us
Typical JIDF rat wanting to force people to choose between two piles of desert trash. We know who blasts mulitcult at our kids. We know who destabilized the middle east and north africa. We know who tells them to come here. We know who funds the boats. We know who owns the press.
You inbreds will be packed on the same container ship as your muslim brothers sooner than later. That's if we don't make a deal with the muds. They've made it clear they'll vacate the west and solve the JQ for us if we simply let them reform politically without interference and if we let them get revenge on the Israelis.
I'd happily live amongst right-wing jews and let them have their ethnostate in Israel if commie subverting kikes weren't such a problem.
.. the white man has spent trillions for the inbred and sacrificed the health of our societies to keep them from going extinct. We've received less than nothing in return. If the muslims will leave for minor concessions I say we sign a deal. Anything is better than what we have right now.
> 5 posts by this ID
whoah settle down there ahmed
Jews hate Evangelical Christians more than they hate the Muslims that they are colonizing and fight day in and out. Look at what they do the Muslims. Look at this picture. Wake up you suicidal fool.
I've seen all your bait threads the last few days. You'll last a week tops. Your garbage only redpills more normies and makes the old timers hate you all even more than we already did. Deportations clearly won't solve the JQ because you will still infect and pollute even the most obscure mongolian basketweaving boards. A more intensive solution is required. Clearly?
Really made me think.
>implying I don't loathe kikes as much as muzzies
Mate, the biggest concern is the muzzies right now.
If your sink is overflowing then you turn off the tap before you get to work unblocking the pipes.
You can cry about the kikes until the cows come home and under normal circumstances you'd be quite right to do so but the kikes aren't the ones raping our children in the thousands and bombing them at concerts.
Not the same thing clearly.
>If the muslims will leave for minor concessions
But they fucking won't mate, they're here because our nations are better than the fucking shitholes they come from and they aren't likely to leave without force.
Honestly you make it clear the more you post that you're a fucking muzzie scared of what's coming to your filth.
The kikes and the Christcucks will follow right enough but you go first you subhuman filth.
>Mate, the biggest concern is the muzzies right now.
Again. We know who funds the NGO's. We know who blasts multicult at our kids. We know who runs Hope not Hate and every single other group that attacks pro-white websites. We know who spends their days infesting and polluting and shutting down goyim conversations whereever they can be found.
We have a Muslim problem because we have a Jewish problem. The Muslims will leave if we make minor concessions. Jews are terrified of nothing more than losing hosts to parasite off of.
Tommy is a controlled manlet who is only slightly more outspoken than a Midwest normie american and is completely toothless without the the threat of an Anglo head butting. Fuck him.
>you subhuman filth.
>you subhuman filth
good post leaf. may i suggest a fine way to introduce said deportation schedule? Overly focus on the disgusting practice of circumcision. Interview any doctor (except jewish or mudslime) and ask them about circumcision.
Focus on the pain it cause the child and compare it to removing your eyelid (the factually closest comparable body-part to the foreskin).
Eventually make all penis mutilation illegal, prosecute parents that practice such barbaric acts of mutilation.
Point out all the wrong things done by people that are mutilated and hammer in that the mutilation is partially to blame for their behavior (it actually is so your not even lying).
Demand no religion should be allowed to physically violate a human body, especially not someone under-aged (compare it to chopping of someones hand)
Eventually demand deportation of all males with mutilated dicks. Dont even worry about their offspring or wives; its kikes and muzzies after all, its not like their religions allow women any form of freedom.
but you sound like a real fag though, like an actual homosexual, so I think the opposite effect will happen. Because you sound like such a total faggot
No shit we know who fucking funds them but as I said, you turn off the taps before you clear the blockage.
Get the saracen scum out of our lands, send the kikes packing after them, the christcucks just as well then glass the filth-ridden desert they come from.
The fact that I'm saying exactly this but you're still panicking because I as well as everyone else knows well enough that the tens of millions of muslim scum pouring into our lands are our greatest concerns truly does indicate that you're a sandnigger scared to death of what's coming to your kind.
Fuck off out of European land, it'll buy you some time to live your life shagging goats before we bomb your mud-huts to rubble.
lmao last a week tops? I've been shilling for Israel here since 2015 ya fag
Interesting approach. I'd rather a more extensive solution. An entire mobilized division going neighbourhood by neighbourhood and filling up the container ships. Hitler was far too lax with the 80,000+ rats he deported, our situation is much more dire. We need to finish what Hitler started. We need another Haavara on a massive scale and on 100% our terms. We need it yesterday.
No shit kikes are subhuman you fucking sand nigger degenerate, again, the fact that you feel the intense need to defend muslims by deflecting to kikes says all that need be said of the genetic refuse that makes up your being you dirty darkie scum.
>he doesn't realize that all wages are paid by zionists
Typical Jewish garbage.
"The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day."
All done peacefully of course, just as Hitler managed. Jews already have their ethnostate after all, the chosen land for the chosen race I say.
see, that's the kind of homosexual shit I'm talking about. You'd side with meth heads and head choppers, just because you're jelly of Jewish success. You a poor fag? Can't into Capitalism?
>the only one that is allowed to say this is a mossad agent israel firster
Jewish influence is overwhelmingly negative. Jewish communists savagely exterminated tens of millions of European Christians in the 20th century. Kike NKVD head Yagoda famined 6,000,000+ in the 1930's right as Hitler was coming to power.
let me ask you something; if your country is a boat, all is going fine and well. the boat keeps filling up with your own people.
suddenly a dark-curly haired big-nosed vagrant jumps in the boat. he is rude and smells like rotten fish.
He keeps talking about how bad everyone else is around him as they take up so much space.
Suddenly the boat starts slowly leaking in water (read; mudslimes). What do you do? You try to find the hole and plug it? But when you do that, you see the hole has been made on purpose by someone with a drill, drilling holes into the boat to make it take in water.
Do you keep trying to plug the holes and remove the water first, or do you go over to the guy with the drill, his name is shlomo shekelstein btw, and keelhaul the kike and drown him in the sea while repairing what he already destroyed?
see Tommy, Tommy is based. He's doing something about it. He puts his balls on the line. You, you're cowering in your mother's basement. Like a faggot. You ever even kissed a girl?
Typical Jewish garbage.
Whoa, the leafs know, rake them up.
Fuck you kikes
> poison the society you live in and then sell a cure for it, then run for office. medieval tactics.