Why does pol shill for the degenerate muslims of Iran? Is it just because pol is basically a bunch of #NeverIsrael snowflakes?
Why does pol shill for the degenerate muslims of Iran...
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They hate Wahhabist and Jews.
So #NeverIsrael then is it? Even if it means white women in Hijabs?
there's nothing wrong with white women in hijabs
the less rights for women the Better
but yes Sup Forums would defend a one world government ran exclusively by niggers if it meant harming their "ebil joos"
well mostly it's just the stormkikes that fill this board with unprecedented stupidity
not much can be done except requiring an IQ test to post
or the mods deleting all jew conspiracy theory threads
that could probably work but I'm not a fan of censoring free speech
>this is supposed to be a political cartoon
when did political cartoons stop trying to be subtle and have multiple messages to decipher?
it's not just this garrison retard it's all modern political cartoons
Who the fuck cares?
Maybe if they used hijabs they would cease to be such whores.
BTW Iranians are literal aryans and a deadly enemy of the filthy saudits and Jews
that is not his blood.
They want to destroy Israel, they are good fellas
Low brow has always been around. Half of the people you meet are below average intelligence, after all... That said, shock tactics like this are usually the left's way-out controlled opposition maybe.
Are you sure? 'cause he is holding a knife and ashura festival is pretty mental.
Never get in the way of your enemies killing eachother.
Geopolitical Proxy warfare 101.
The most savage barbaric Persian is better than a kike
well stupid people being the majority has always been the case
why did it change?
capitalism? the internet?
of course its their blood monkey boy
Of course monkey boy is lying, these are the people that use children as human mine sweepers and cannon fodder during wars
that does not exclude helping one side to destroy the other
which is why I always have and always will support Israel
they BTFO muslims the most by far
I disagree. You should be helping the weaker side and arming both at a profit to maintain a perpetual state of war.
Typical burger idiot
Keep believing that Muslims are the enemy like your kike owned media wants
Deus vult for israel!
>Nazbol flag
>in the trash it goes
its good to pit ones enemies against eachother
I'd post a photo of a rabbi sucking a jewish babies bleeding circumcised cock but it gives me nightmares.
>Israel= Parasite
>Iran= Mudslime
Atleast with a parasite you know what it's intentions are and wants the host to be alive as long as possible.Islam is a barbaric religion that requires constant strife and war for it's survival. Muslims acquiring nukes is the worst case scenario.
typical stormnigger
keep chasing the imaginary bogeyman so you never have to confront reality or stop wasting thousands of hours "exposing" them to people who already agree with you
I guess if I had to hazard a guess I would go with moral decay. The internet may have accelerated it, but it has been going downhill fast since cable TV really.
Yeah, I wasn't really doubting... Will be more clear in the future.
while muslims rape murder and defile his potential wife, right now, somwhere, he prefers to sit in his moms basement ideating about killing all daaa joooooos
they're absolute degenerates who used children to clear mine fields. They promised them all heaven. Had them roll in rugs first, so that when they detonated, it was easier to pick up all the pieces for burial
#NeverIsrael I guess.....
Iranian regime is cancer. Iranian people and culture is a historical admiration.
does that just mean imagining/thinking about?
Most humans re assholes... I really hope A.I. will save us.
Just shias who desperately looking for allies and getting passed around like a splif who no one really likes to smoke
well he's not actually going to leave his moms basement. Besides, synagogues are well protected places, and he will get his ass kicked by some Israeli, and he knows it
I'm just questioning the usefulness of that word
Iran did nothing wrong but deny the jews
Its because (at least for me) Iran is one of the few nations not owned by Jews. Iran, NK, and Cuba I believe are the last of the remaining hold outs. Israels lap dog, the United States, already toppled Iraq, Syria, and Libya recently opening them up to Jewish financial servitude. The sooner all the rouge regimes are toppled the sooner das juden can implement the NWO.
Besides, as a people Persians are pretty based and Iran used to be a great country pre-ayatollah and pre-Islamic fundamentalism. Someday 4channers will probably say the same about Europe.
White Sharia now
Also, self-flagellation during the Ashura only happens in India, and is probably leftover from mystic Indian tradition as is in common with Hinduism.
Iran jwants to be left alone to compete in sports,be champion olympic weight lifters/wrestlers and destroy israel and saudi. thats it.
How many jewish threads are you gonna make kiwi?
sharia > feminism
We don't, we hatemusls as much as the kikes
I hope we create an AI capable of interstellar travel and able to build its own AI machine society on typically hostile planets (for humans). It would be our greatest achievement if we aren't able to create viable space travel to sustain our species.
Who am kidding though? AI will be created solely to sustain (((them))) and probably install some faulty human emotion coding in it that will later make it turn resentful against humans for even willing it into existence, eventually imprisoning us just to torture for its own amusement like AM.
>kikes coming here with the same tactics for years
and you say your better than the other dunecoons
Don't shill for Jews, don't shill for Muslims.